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Black Woman Destroys BLM Mural. Here's What Her Motivation Was.

Bevelyn Beatty, a black pro-life woman from At The Well Ministries, on Saturday defaced the Black Lives Matter mural in front of the Trump Tower in New York City. According to Beatty, the Black Lives Matter movement doesn't care about African Americans.


"They do it for black people, right? Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter but you want to defund the police for black people," she said as she dumped a bucket of black paint on the street. "No. They're lying. We're not standing with Black Lives Matter. We want our police. Refund our police! Refund our police!"

"Y'all don't care about black lives. Get the paint. Y'all don't care about black lives. Refund the police!" she screamed, walking up and down the mural," Beatty said. 

She got on her hands and knees to spread the paint around over the yellow letters. 

As Beatty chanted, "Refund the police! Refund the police!" members of the NYPD attempted to stop her. A bystander was arrested and removed from the situation.

"F**k you! F**k you!" he yelled at Beatty.

After the video made its way across Twitter, NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik slammed Mayor Bill de Blasio for ordering police to not stop BLM protesters that looted and caused destruction but wanted them to arrest anyone who destroys the mural.


Ms. Beatty deserves credit for standing up for the men and women in blue who are afraid of saying anything about the hypocrisy taking place. The NYPD are being told to stand down for actual destruction – when looting and chaos were taking place in the Big Apple – but they're supposed to arrest those who deface a "mural" that essentially says all cops are bad. 

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