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More Hit Pieces from the NYT on McCain

The NYT wants to remind you again that McCain is very, very old and cancerous. This is from their "Doctor's World" column by Lawrence K. Altman today:
If elected, Senator John McCain of Arizona, 72, the Republican nominee, would be the oldest man to be sworn in to a first term as president and the first cancer survivor to win the office. The scars on his puffy left cheek are cosmetic reminders of the extensive surgery he underwent in 2000 to remove a malignant melanoma. Last May, his campaign and his doctors released nearly 1,200 pages of medical information, far more than the three other nominees. But the documents were released in a restricted way that leaves questions, even confusion, about his cancer.
McCain is the focus of the story, but the author does note:
Senator of Delaware Joseph Biden Jr. 65, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, had emergency surgery in 1988 for an aneurysm in an artery in his brain and elective surgery for a second one. His campaign released 49 pages of medical records to The New York Times late last week showing that he was healthy, but the documents did not indicate whether he had had a test in recent years to detect any new aneurysm.
Dr. Altman assumes Barack Obama is in good health, despite being an occasional smoker and former cocaine user.

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