You never know when you might get the chance to fire off on it when it matters.
Okay, here goes:
The guy who is currently ten points ahead in the presidential polls worked as a community organizer for a fraudulent, corrupt GOTV operation called ACORN, pushed fringy educational reform issues and secured money for a known terrorist to create a UN-like "Peace School" in Chicago, lies outright about his record on infanticide, attended a radical church for 20 years that spews anti-American hatred and we're supposed to look the other way?
We're supposed believe he has the judgment and character needed to appoint a whole Executive Branch worth of quality, reasonable people if he becomes president?
Obama says it's a "distracting" tactic of "guilt by association." Yes, it is guilt by association. Totally. Obama hung out with these people and accepted them and never spoke a word against their terrible deeds. That makes Obama guilty.
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