Results for: center left libertarian

Everything We've Discovered About the Would-Be Trump Assassin
– corresponding to the shooter's residential address, a teenage Crooks, then age 17, donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a left-wing … Crooks worked as a dietary aide at Bethel Park Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. … "[Crooks] tried out...and was such a comically bad shot he was unable to make the team and left after the first day," he said.Crooks…
Power to the People
– As the Republican primary field narrows — eventually to a single candidate, the question of leadership is front and center for anyone … The 2020 presidential election cycle left many Americans cynical about the electoral process. … He uses Libertarian party politics as an example, “If all of those Libertarians would actually get involved in their GOP…local and…
Argentina's New President Is Trump...on Steroids
– In Argentina, right-wing populism thrives after nearly two decades of left-wing Peronism, leading to two lost economic decades. … November 19, 2023The new President of Argentina 🤣 — Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) November 20, 2023 A radical libertarian … It was a stunning upset over Sergio Massa, the center-left economy minister who has struggled to resolve the country’s worst economic…
Think the GOP Has Problems? Meet the Democrats!
– Further, the libertarian leanings that the Tea Party and populist Republicans brought into the party made it more attractive to outsiders … Now, the woke left faction has decided that it is going to center its intersectionality around the elimination of the Jews. … Or will it be some traditional Democrat who the left finds squishy on the issue of killing all the Jews? …
New Mexico Governor Forced to Amend Unconstitutional Gun Ban…out-unconstitutional-gun-order-to-troll-republicans-n2628493
– every single GOP state House and Senate member, along with retired law enforcement, the Republican Party of New Mexico and the Libertarian … Block (@RepBlock) September 15, 2023 We sponsored the anti-crime bills to fix our state and voted for them in committee while your left-wing … Other providers also exist in the state, including the notorious Southwestern Women's Surgery Center out of Albuquerque. …
Con Inc. Responses on the ADL Shy Away from Its Bigotry
– “It is an ultra-left activist org that pushes radical transgenderism, border erasure, police dismantlement, and the demolition of free … the collective argument, Libs of Tiktok’s creator, Chaya Raichik, wrote in Human Events that the ADL targets Jews with its “far-left … She added, “They are only anti-defamation as long as you go along with their far-left viewpoints.”…
Caitlyn's Case for California?
– known as Bruce would be entering the fray was met with jokes, ridicule, and derision by members of the elitist, corporate media Left … For two hours, I fielded phone calls from all over the state, and every one of my right-of-center listeners said, "Yes, in a heartbeat … In this regard, Jenner has already come out (if you will) with a conservative message on trans legislation that has angered the Left
Crackdown on Social Media Censorship Exposes Conservative Fault Line…l-media-censorship-exposes-conservative-fault-lines-n2591192
– It has become dominated by a small handful of actors and, left unchecked, those actors will alter the fabric of our nation, from culture … For the more libertarian side, no more should the government tell Facebook what to allow on its site than tell Focus on the Family … The Supreme Court, in 1980, decided Pruneyard Shopping Center, where a shopping mall asserted a First Amendment right to exclude pro-Israel…
Trump vs. Clinton: What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make?
– She's the ultimate insider, the queen of what's left of the American political establishment. … That caving center is what made Trump the presumptive GOP nominee. … And it also drives the young on the political left to socialist Bernie Sanders.…
Poll: Hillary 37, Trump 35, Romney 22
– campaign -- is already well above the polling threshold required to secure a spot in the general election presidential debates (Libertarian … He could (probably convincingly) present himself as a center-right politician with whom many voters might have disagreements, but who … But it's simply a fact that for better or worse, the Republican Party is the only viable vehicle for defeating the Left in modern American…
BREAKING: The 'Never Trump' Third Party Candidate is...Conservative Writer David French?…party-candidate-isconservative-writer-david-french-n2171656
– This is especially true in light of the Libertarian Party's nomination of Gary Johnson and William Weld at their convention over the … The center-right would then be represented by three high-ish profile ballot options, leaving the center-left lane wide open for Clinton … last week: it's simply a fact that for better or worse, the Republican Party is the only viable vehicle for defeating the Left
Rumor: An 'Impressive' Third Party Candidate Coming Soon?
– Unless and until compelling evidence is presented that this scenario is plausible, let alone realistic, it seems as though any center-right … This is especially true in light of the Libertarian Party's nomination of Gary Johnson and William Weld at their convention over the … The center-right would then be represented by three high-ish profile ballot options, leaving the center-left lane wide open for Clinton…
For Never Trump, What Follows the French Mistake?
– Why not a successful, libertarian entrepreneur, namely Cypress Semiconductor founder T.J. Rodgers? … What will they say if a President Hillary Rodham Clinton, a 5-4 Left-Right Supreme Court, and perhaps a Democratic Congress control … Many center-Right pundits held their anti-Trump fire until about the same time.…
Personal Liberty and Measles
– The scruples expressed by Paul, a senator with healthy libertarian tendencies, are almost wholly philosophical and have to do with … Amesh Adalja, an infectious-disease researcher at the Center for Health and Security at the University of Pittsburgh, "When you see … Right now on the left the opponents of genetically modified organisms and chemicals like DDT are against vaccination.…
From the OC to Oaktown, Drug War Opposition Builds
– Dana Rohrabacher and the left-leaning DeAngelo have found common cause in calling out one area in which the federal government can … Attorney Melinda Haag has refused to pull back a 2012 lawsuit designed to shutter DeAngelo's Harborside Health Center by seizing the … Rohrabacher also has a strong civil libertarian streak.…
Convention Of States Trying To Unleash The Power of Citizenry…of-states-trying-to-unleash-the-power-of-citizenry-n1971642
– And it doesn’t matter whether they’re on the left or the right or the center. … are taking it seriously, and I think importantly, the conservative community at large is taking it really seriously -- and the libertarian
The H-1B Visa
– The libertarian-leaning me believes an American employer should be able to hire pretty much anyone he or she wants to hire. … Last year the Center for Investigative Reporting reported on abuses of so-called "body shops" -- labor brokers who enlist foreign workers … This truly is an issue where left and right can meet.…
Islam, Not Trump, Is The Elephant In The Room, Threatening Jewish Survival…he-elephant-in-the-room-threatening-jewish-survival-n2289643
– As a Jew on the libertarian Right, I am sickened by the compulsion of some American Jews to force President Donald Trump to convulse … The chief hate group of America, the Southern Poverty Law Center, has been gunning for President Trump back when he was still candidate … Explained Stephen Steinlight of the Center for Immigration Studies, in “High Noon to Midnight: Does Current Immigration Policy Doom…
Trump Era's Vicious Partisanship Born of Small Differences…eras-vicious-partisanship-born-of-small-differences-n2296038
– But Democrats have moved way left too." … It is undoubtedly true that on some issues, Republicans have moved right and Democrats have moved left. … His position on trade, his signature issue, represents not a sharp break from the left, but a closing of the gap with it.…
The American Architects of The South-African Catastrophe
– wide-ranging analysis of that catastrophe, Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, a Beltway libertarian … ambassador Lyman was to discuss “America’s original hopes for a new South Africa and the extent to which America’s expectations have been left … Yeats wrote in January 1919: Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide…
Of Course, This Progressive Group That Shuns White Voter Outreach Misses A Key Point…oup-that-shuns-white-voter-outreach-misses-a-key-po-n2360553
– Can the Left make a comeback without white working class voters? … Well, Steve Phillips, a senior fellow at the left wing Center for American Progress and found of Democracy in Color thinks so. … This post and other that I’ve written are not to help the Left.…
While Progressives Protest, ALEC Is Working To Stop The Deadliest Drug Crisis in History…lec-is-working-to-stop-the-deadliest-drug-crisis-in-n2366253
– DENVER­–The Left views The American Legislative Exchange Council as a pawn of corporate influence. … Prior to these changes, an addict would be charged and then have to wait six-to-seven months waiting for a bed at a treatment center … The libertarian movement will certainly take the position that government needs to continue reforming drug laws and get out of the…
Liberty in Vegas
– Everybody left to hear him speak." … But the libertarian tent is large. … What's the difference between a libertarian magician and, er, a regular magician?…
Bounce: Trump Takes the Lead in National Polling Average
– , or will the prospect of a Trump presidency pull the center-Left together (differences aside, he must be stopped)?   … An additional data point to highlight is how in the CNN survey, Trump's margin of advantage grows when Libertarian Gary Johnson is…
Five Problems With 'Republicans for Johnson/Weld'
– official roll-out of "Republicans for Johnson/Weld," wherein disaffected righty activists are throwing their support behind the Libertarian … Their message to fellow center-right voters: Hate Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? … In practice, they seem to be far more focused on peeling off left-leaning voters than appealing to alienated Republicans.…