Results for: is the us at war with iran

Watch: Perino Presses Psaki on Iran Deal, Russia's Involvement
is responsible:  PERINO: Speaking of Russia, they are at the table as part of the negotiations with the Iran -- Iranians, and working … Can Russia continued to be at the table for these Iran negotiations? … (4) In case you missed it, here is the Biden administration's chief negotiator with Iran – a Kremlin stooge last heard from boasting…
About Those 42 Terrorists Who Crossed the American Southern Border…terrorists-who-crossed-the-american-southern-border-n2606402
The 23–42 number for 2021 is in line with my investigative findings for America’s Covert Border War, where I reported that an average … The system works well when immigration flow over the border is manageable. But the border is overrun now. … But the nation scoffs at greater peril now, with a border this wildly out of control and the protective covert border war apparently…
Arrest of 'Mossad Agents' to Justify Tehran’s Anti-Semite, Anti-Western Strategies…o-justify-tehrans-antisemite-antiwestern-strategies-n2606282
– For example, In 1980, the mullahs provoked their western neighbor into war and used thethe divine blessing”— as former Supreme Leader … Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh tweeted a reminder that “normalization with the apartheid regime of Israel only encourages theThe threat of arrest frequently looms over such family visits when the visitor holds citizenship or permanent residency in the US,…
The West Must Abandon Appeasement Policy On Iran
–  At last week’s 6th July meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC), chaired by the UK, the growing threat posed by Iran and the absurdity … end to the nuclear threat, can only be achieved if the west backs the people or Iran, rather than attempting to negotiate with the … Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
Why the US Government Is the World's Worst
– What we have instead is a pathetic old man sitting at the controls. … The one thing I try not to forget is that the leftists who want to destroy the US are a minority. … Have we forgotten, or is there light at the end of the tunnel?  …
Stop the Marxist Makeover of the U.S. Military
The truth is we are in the midst of the third Obama-Biden administration. … What especially imperils our national security now is the fact that the subversive legacy of the previous Obama-Biden terms is becoming … As a shooting war with Communist China looms, this is no time to indulge in wishful thinking about bringing the full Obama-Biden “hope…
Iran's Morality Police in New Crackdown on Women
– Such was the fear of the theocratic regime at the magnitude of the uprising, the morality police were confined to barracks. … But it is only one of many violations and abuses that the people of Iran have had to suffer for the past four decades at the bloodstained … It is time the UN, US, EU and UK showed similar courage by abandoning their policy of appeasement to Iran and calling out the mullahs…
Insult Diplomacy
with the U.S.   … At separate events on June 27 and June 28, the president told reporters that Putin “is clearly losing the war in Iraq.”   … China has replaced us as a peace-maker in the Middle East, the Saudis have signed an agreement with Iran, the Abraham Accords are now…
A Diplomatic Row Between Italy and Iran in the Hot Summer - A Lesson for Policy on Iran…iran-in-the-hot-summer-a-lesson-for-policy-on-iran-n2626425
– It is clear to the regime as well as the activist community that further unrest could break out at any time. … gathered at the NCRI’s headquarters north of Paris to express solidarity with the Iranian people’s push for regime change and democracy … A new Iran is possible.…
Who Is Running the Country?
– Biden, who at 78 was the oldest ever to be inaugurated, was already at a distinct disadvantage even before having to deal with the … U.S. is currently engaged in sensitive and far-reaching nuclear talks with Iran.   … Who is controlling the levers of power in the White House? In Foggy Bottom and at the Pentagon? At the CIA and the FBI?…
Grim Pandemic Milestone Demands Biden Hold China Accountable…emic-milestone-demands-biden-hold-china-accountable-n2607308
– and the Vietnam War, combined.   … The answer is: not much. … He wrote, “Unless and until China comes forward with convincing evidence that the lab-leak theory is wrong, the position of the United…
Misguided Comments by UN Special Rapporteur on Iran Sanctions…comments-by-un-special-rapporteur-on-iran-sanctions-n2607783
– It is a false hypothesis to claim that US sanctions are the cause of the collapse in the Iranian economy and the dire situation experienced … It is apparent that the Biden administration is urgently seeking ways to resurrect the nuclear deal with Iran. … Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
Random Thoughts
– President Obama's "agreement" with Iran looks very much like "the emperor's new clothes." … With all its staggering horrors and insanities, World War II may yet turn out to have been just a dress rehearsal for the ultimate … today seems to think is the way to expand their constituency.…
Arm the Army, Part I
– It is not the right way to pass intelligent laws. The anti-gun-rights people keep teaching us this. … The bills, more than anything else, reflect that Congress is at odds with the commander in chief for failure to act. … The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria group is battling with the Islamic State of Iran group for Muslim domination of the region, and…
American Jewry's Fateful Hour
– American Jewry is being tested today as never before. The future of the community is tied up in the results of the test. … Given that all Obama needs to do to secure the implementation of his nuclear pact with the mullahs is secure the support of a one-third … He orchestrated a spectacle of “serious” negotiations with the P5+1 and Iran, where he pretended that the concessions he had made four…
Rubio: You Know, It's Quite Telling Cuba's Dissidents Weren't Invited to Our Embassy Ceremony
The grand re-opening of the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba on Friday is being met with effusive and predictable praise everywhere you … and the US government. … since the Cold War.”…
Donald Trump and American Exceptionalism
– If the British had never come to India, the nation would have been hundreds of smaller nation states at war with each other, led by … It cost them their empire but they at least survived when the New World finally entered the war. … it is with the power it holds.…
What If Iran Cheats?
– A report from the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard notes that under the terms of the deal, even if Iran … If the IAEA has a dispute with Iran, the issue will go to a commission, representing seven governments (including the U.S.) as well … If any of them is not satisfied with Iran's conduct, it can send the complaint to the UN Security Council.…
Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Chuck Schumer a Letter
– It “would allow Iran, after ten to fifteen years, to be a nuclear threshold state with the blessing of the world community.” … And after only ten years, “if Iran is the same nation as it is today, we will be worse off with this agreement than without it.” … Your conclusion minces no words: “I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option…
Don't Count Out Jindal Just Yet
With the boldness of The Donald (minus the Democratic undercurrent of support liberal candidates and policies), plus the sure record … Before US Senate candidates Cory Gardner and Thom Tillis took away the "War on Women"" meme regarding contraception, the social and … Then again, this article slighted the brave opposition of 47 Republican US Senators against Barack Obama’s flailing Iran deal.…
Deal With Iran is a National Security Tragedy
The mullahs in Iran call the United States the Great Satan, but we are the ones who just made a deal with the devil. … Iran is labeled annually by the State Department as the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism. … In the end, Iran secured a deal on its nuclear program that is almost too good to be true—for Iran.…
Poll: Iran Deal Opposed by Voters in Conservative Hotbed of...New York City
– He said these sanctions alert corporations, such as the French oil company Total, that if it deals with Iran, it cannot deal with the … Yet it is difficult to see a scenario in which the threat of war would be substantially higher than it is today. … Meanwhile, this is the latest narrative from the White House and its allies: Republicans Who Oppose the Iran Deal Are Making Promises…
The Immolation of Chuck Schumer And The Inevitable Veto Watch…tion-of-chuck-schumer-and-the-inevitable-veto-watch-n2037524
At the same time, that 150 block of votes is more than enough to sustain a veto. … With the Senate, it’s a waiting game, though the math to get to 67 is difficult, though not impossible. … the Iranian hardliners, and that the only alternative if we fail at this juncture is war.…
Back to Reality – as the Illusions Keep Fading
– According to Iran's smooth president, Hassan Rouhani, the nuclear pact this administration has just negotiated with Tehran is "a great … For the way is now open for them to get their own bomb, and dominate the Mideast -- not to mention influence conflicts elsewhere withAt least that's what the polls say, and there is no reason to doubt them.…
Responses to the President's Arguments for the Nuclear Deal…es-to-the-presidents-arguments-for-the-nuclear-deal-n2037108
– --President Obama: "With all of the threats that we face today, it is hard to appreciate how much more dangerous the world was at that … Moreover, whatever one thinks of the war in Iraq, the reason the Islamic State has taken over large parts of Iraq is not the war in … --Obama: "Contrary to the alarmists who claim Iran is on the brink of taking over the Middle East, or even the world, Iran will remain…
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