Results for: Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

New DNC Chair: Hey, If Hillary Wants To Run In 2020, She Should
– Please nominate (again) one of the worst candidates ever who will probably give you the same result: a presidential defeat. … The rural areas are solidly Republican. … We’ve seen that before in 2016—the cities didn’t deliver for Democrats. Also, we need to talk candidates.…
The Republicans’ Last Gasp: A Contrarian View
– So, if you’re a Republican, these statistics should give you real cause for concern. … by younger Republican voters. … I just hope that this time around, they don’t sleep through it as they did when Trump hoodwinked the entire Republican Party and became…
Just Say No: Senate Democrats' Alleged "Deal" to Confirm Gorsuch is a Joke
– Voters saw fit to send a Republican majority to the upper chamber in 2014, then kept Republicans in control two years later -- despite … Republicans did not attempt to mount filibusters against any of those candidates, even though they knew full well that the judges the … Democrats are now trying to cope with the reality that they lost in 2016, and that the composition of the Court could be at stake.  …
206 Pivot Counties Voted Twice for Obama Then Switched to Trump…unties-voted-twice-for-obama-then-switched-to-trump-n2302567
– That reflects a net swing of 15 percentage points (from D+7 in 2012 to R+8 in 2016). … Only a few voted Republican during the Democratic victories in 1992 and 1996. … Party.…
Question for Nancy Pelosi: Who is the Leader of Your Party Right Now?
presidential candidate who managed to lose to an allegedly unelectable opponent. … Forty-five percent said they want to see someone not on the list of possible candidates in the survey. … Via Republican pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson: Hm.…
Resist: Post-Trump Victory, Dems Finally Flip a State Legislature Republicans…finally-flip-a-state-legislature-seatto-republicans-n2304918
– The popular backlash to Obamaism was swift, deep, and now complete: The Republican Party now rules DC, too -- even if they seem incapable … , despite major Democrat Party surrogates campaigning for their candidate … Overall, Republicans have won so much lately that it will be a target-rich environment for the 'out' party.  …
MSNBC's Scarborough: The Democrats Failed In Georgia Special Election (And Retaking The House Is Still A Tall Order)…crats-failed-in-georgia-special-election-and-democr-n2315335
– wasn’t a solid ground game, and that Democrats should be treating this race like the presidential election in terms of enthusiasm, … Well, in the end, more Republicans voted, though their share was split among 11 candidates and Ossoff only outperformed Clinton by … But to capture a House majority, they’ll need to pick off Republican-friendly seats with candidates who can reassure GOP-leaning voters…
Chris Matthews: Maybe IRS Employees Should Start Leaking About Trump's Taxes…be-irs-employees-should-illegally-leak-trumps-taxes-n2314821
Presidential tax returns have been subjected to that process for more than 40 years... … Setting a precedent under which voters cannot demand such disclosures from top presidential candidates is not a happy development.   … I'll leave you with a decent bit of trolling by a Republican operative in Chicago who submitted an infamous formulation when a local…
Be Careful What You Ask For…
– Especially the type of candidates that will run. … And just as Trump became the Republican nominee in 2016, there is little doubt that other outlier candidates will begin to appear on … There will be all manner of seething candidates in the mix.…
Election 2018: Who Will Win Control of Congress?
– The Pennsylvania Republican Party is on a roll. Their registration has finally passed the Democratic Party. … Governor Scott Walker and Republican majorities in both state houses have turned the birthplace of the Progressive Party into a Republican … Trump is no longer the dubious quantity which Republicans—both candidates and voters—had feared and shunned in 2016.…
No Evidence of Impending 'Wave' Election
– in the 2016 presidential nomination process. … blessed candidate for the Senate, then-Republican Gov. … As for Comey, well, Nudo said there is no Comey constituency in either party.…
CNN’s John King Mocks Hillary: She Lost Because Russia Cloaked Wisconsin So She Couldn’t Find It…she-lost-because-russia-cloaked-wisconsin-so-she-c-n2334944
– So, we should all be resigned to the fact that this woman will never ever take full responsibility for losing the 2016 election. … sunk my presidential dreams. … It was easy for the Republican Party to make her into a villain and the more she sticks around, the more she impedes the Left’s mission…
Hillary is Throwing Everybody Under the Bus
– The Fox News Research Team compiled a list of everyone and everything the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee has cast as a reason … The Republican Party Of all the things Hillary blames for her election loss, this one makes the most sense. … The Democratic Party Remember when the Democratic Party chose one candidate over the other during the primaries?…
Body-Slammed: Another Democratic Knockdown in Big Sky Montana…med-another-democratic-knockdown-in-big-sky-montana-n2332322
– There are takeaways from this race, to ensure more opportunities for Trump and Republican candidates. 1. … The Democratic Party is a limping communist front group, and the populist-Tea Party-Middle America-Real World wing of the Republican … Newsflash to Republican candidates: Did you lose your temper and shout at somebody? No biggie. Wait it out a few days.…
Progressive Group: Screw White Working Class Voters
– "Democrats lost because of lower Black voter turnout and Obama voters defecting to Jill Stein and other third- and fourth-party candidates … by Republican Karen Handel despite spending nearly $30 million on the race. … Some Democrats have drafted 2016 autopsies that note the Democratic Party is dead without gains at the state level.…
Peach State Beatdown: Can Handel Survive Ossoff Insurgency in GA-06?…tdown-can-handel-survive-ossoff-insurgency-in-ga-06-n2344133
Republican Congressman Tom Price, who won this district by 23 points in 2016, left to become President Trump’s Health and Human Services … for the party. … To put it another way, it’s a result that neither party ought to be all that happy with.   …
The Savior: Obama Tells Democrats He’s Back To Rebuild the Party He Helped Destroy…rats-hes-back-to-rebuild-the-party-he-helped-destro-n2349822
– the party he helped destroy over the course of his presidency. … Obama needs to try and win over white working class voters, who overwhelmingly rejected the Democratic Party in 2016. … This area used to be the backbone of the party.…
Hey AP: Incumbency Also Explains Why The GOP Has Held Onto Power…bency-also-explains-why-the-gop-has-held-onto-power-n2346575
– So, the Republican Party is the most dominant political force in the country. … They have at least 4,100 state lawmakers in office, the most since the party was founded. … Democrats only picked up one seat, axing Republican Congressman Roscoe Bartlett.…
Democratic Congresswoman: Oh, We'll Easily Pick Up 25 Seats Next Year (But Omits Radioactive Pelosi Factor)…resswoman-oh-well-easily-pick-up-25-seats-next-year-n2347103
– have been outperforming their margins in the various special elections held this year, while noting that Georgia Sixth, where Republican … has no economic message, just as Hillary Clinton had nothing to say on this issue during the 2016 election. … Even with the increased consternation among some about her continuing being the face of the Democratic Party.…
Hollywood Goes Off the Depp End
– These leftists still can’t get over Hillary Clinton’s loss in the November 2016 presidential election. … candidates who are vowing to support President Donald Trump. … Since Election Day 2016, Republicans are 5-0 in special elections.…
Trigger Warning, Democrats: Your Path To Political Revival Is Through Trump Voters…ur-path-to-political-revival-is-through-trump-voter-n2344136
– There are no candidates; the GOP rules supreme. … The party has been crushed—not just in the recent presidential election, but in countless down-ballot elections—by its failure to develop … Democrats simply don’t have good candidates.…
For Democrats, There's No Fool Like an Old Fool
– House, Senate and White House, the Republican Party dominates the national political scene today. … Theoretically, the Democrats could face a 2020 presidential campaign with four major candidates above the age of 72: Waters, Hillary … Talk about a party devoid of new ideas and fresh leadership!…
Poll: Majority of Americans Say Democrats Have No Agenda Except Opposing Trump…say-democrats-have-no-agenda-except-opposing-trump-n2355958
– Washington Post/ABC News poll, which is historically terrible for President Trump; trying to argue how "wrong" the series was in 2016 … The admission from the No. 4 House Democrat - that his party lacks a clear, core message even amid Republican disarray - highlights … The Democratic Party is also basically leaderless and increasingly unhinged, which isn't helpful.  …
Berryville Bust: Democrats Not Really Liking The New Economic Message, But Does It Matter For 2018?…t-really-liking-the-new-economic-message-but-does-i-n2362921
– The national party remains far from consensus on a unified message — Democrats can’t even agree on whether the party needs one. … “History generally shows that the out party in a midterm doesn’t typically need much of a message if the presidential party is unpopular … I also don’t recall any former chairmen of the Republican National Committee withholding support of the party because there are gay…
Ditch Mitch
– Yesterday morning, the rationale for why conservatives across the country should support Republican Party candidates and enable the … Republicans need a leader who can deliver for not only the country, but also for the Republican Party. … Mitch McConnell has enjoyed over 10 years as Republican Party leader in the Senate.…
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