Results for: is the us at war with iran

Was This the Sign That President Dementia Was Leading Us Into Disaster?…sign-that-king-nothing-was-leading-us-into-decline-n2604571
Iran is firing missiles at the US consulate in Iraq. … What the Poles did was show the world and the US that everyone has contingency plans because they can’t rely on us, not with Biden … Guys, if this is the brain trust, we’re cooked. Forget decline—total collapse is possible with this clown car running the show. …
U.S. Inflation and Reliance on Russia Are Symbolic of Biden’s Domestic and International Failures…bolic-of-bidens-domestic-and-international-failures-n2604537
– of Russian oil, Biden entangles us more deeply with the Russian bear. … Ostensibly, Biden has shut the front door of U.S. funding of the Russian side of the war. … That would be funding Russia’s side of the war through the backdoor.…
Ukraine: What Is in America's Interest?
– Unlike the Left, people on the Right are preoccupied with the question, "What is in America's interest?" … That is why the Trump-era slogan "America First" so resonated with conservatives. … He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at…
Will Iran's Missile Attack Finally Kill the Nuclear Negotiations Charade?…s-us-consulate-end-the-nuclear-negotiations-charade-n2604494
– (@JasonMBrodsky) March 13, 2022 The Biden administration is echoing what the Iranians are saying, which is that the US consulate compound … time when both the United States and Iran were fully compliant with the deal, to eight months. … The breakout time is now estimated at less than three months, in part because Iran has resumed enhancing nuclear fissile material at
Ukraine: Weakness Reinforces the ‘Malice of the Wicked’
– There is time for us to take the necessary measures …” But the Parliament and the public, “stripped bare by the curse of plenty,” remained … Leading the free world is Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and a government stuffed with woke ideologues who are taking sledgehammers to the … But given the horrendous leadership we have at the highest levels of government and the military, it behooves us even more to think…
House Democrats Cancel Looming Embarrassment
– That’s how they can lower people’s heating bills and prices at the pump, the legislators suggested. Of course, Mr. … He’s still using Russia to broker a new nuclear deal with Iran, permitting the Islamist regime to sell more oil on the global market … The US Senate “Billionaires’ Club” report, Environmental Policy Alliance’s “From Russia with Love” analysis, articles by investigative…
Why Are Leftist Policies So Bad?
The lone exception, possibly, is Bill Clinton, who for all his peccadillos governed more as a conservative, or at least a moderate, … This was obvious to me even as a teenager, in the midst of the Cold War. … The flaw in this theory is that the Soviets made no secret of the fact that they did indeed mean us harm, and the only deterrent was…
Missiles Fired at U.S. Consulate in Iraq Reportedly Came from Iran
The Iran deal may have something to do with it: One of the officials said the ballistic missiles were fired from Iran, without elaborating … Erbil is warning shot, our embassy in Baghdad is the vulnerable target. … This is how the Iranians thank Biden for wanting to get back in the Iran deal.Pray for our troops & diplomats deployed.…
‘Optimizing the Financing and Regulation of the U. S. Economy’…ing-the-financing-and-regulation-of-the-u-s-economy-n2604471
The takeaway is clear: The United States remains the world’s largest and most competitive economy at roughly $24.13 trillion. … Nash is director of the McNair Center at Northwood University. The Honorable Lisa C. … Stehouwer is the provosr and a political scientist at Northwood University.…
A Nuclear Deal at Any Cost
– All of this is illegal because of U.S. sanctions on Iran, its oil, and the IRGC. … The lunacy of this foreign policy objective, particularly at a time when the Biden administration is sanctioning Russia for its invasion … And the Iranian people are actually very pro-American, so any new government in Iran is likely to be a friend of the United States.…
Ukraine Should Keep Fighting and So Should We
– who want to simply put this behind us to get on with what they think is more important business, like sucking up to Iran, and sacrificing … I think that’s silly for logistical and operational reasons, and because the idea is to refurbish these 40-year-old clunkers at a USThe same with making the agonizing call to submit instead of enduring the losses. They are in this war, not us.…
Killing President Sadat Again
– What is new, and one of the likely triggers for the surprise meeting in Sinai, is the US and other world powers seemingly running to … The idea is so absurd, and dangerous, that President Biden could truly look at himself in the mirror and say, “Come on, man.”    … Israel and the moderate Sunni Arab states know better and look at the world how it is, not how they want it to be.  …
From Kyiv to Tehran, Resistance Has Won a Free Future
– That is the common bond that unites us all. … Indeed, the pursuit of liberty that bonds us requires endless sacrifices, the value of which is enshrined in our most cherished anthems … the price of surrender is abandoning our universal values of freedom, and with it, the future of democracy.…
The End of the Climate Change Legend
– Sorry, that's the extra cost we are already spending with two fill-ups at the gas station. … This strategy is especially pinheaded because the war on oil, gas and coal production is a big loser for the environment and increases … So now Biden is repeating it. The result is likely to be the same.…
Putin Spox Admits 'Significant Losses' in Ukraine as UN Boots Russia From Human Rights Council…council-as-putin-spox-admits-huge-losses-in-ukraine-n2605647
– As The AP noted, "Russia is only the second country to have its membership rights stripped at the rights council. … Peskov disagreed with the characterization that Putin's forces have been "humiliated," but that's likely because his neck is on the … Also alarming is the fact that Biden is still relying on Russia to negotiate his attempted return to a nuclear deal with Iran.…
Democrats in Congress Break Ranks with Biden to Oppose Iran Deal
– Russian government — the same one Biden has stated is committing war crimes in Ukraine — act as a negotiator and apparent enforcer … on the new Iran deal. … Along with these members of Biden's own party, 49 Republicans in the Senate previously warned Biden that any nuclear deal with Iran
Finally: Biden Administration Will Ask UN to Boot Russia from Disgraceful 'Human Rights' Council…ed-nations-to-boot-russia-from-human-rights-council-n2605463
The weeks stretched on, with no action on this front until last week -- when a bipartisan group of Senators at last started to prod … "In close coordination with Ukraine, European countries and other partners at the UN, we are going to seek Russia’s suspension from … The reality is that this organization is irreparably broken.  …
Is Global 'Democracy' America's Mission?
– When we declared war on the kaiser's Germany in April 1917, we allied ourselves with four of the greatest colonial empires on earth … In World War II, we allied with the world's largest colonial empire, Great Britain, and the USSR of Joseph Stalin. … If they stood with us against the Communists in the Cold War, we stood by them.…
The Russian Bear Is A Paper Tiger
The Russian war machine is floundering in Ukraine. … We teeter on the brink of war with a “President” barely in possession of his faculties and statists who beat the war drums in time … with the military-industrial complex.   …
It's Time to End Biden's War on Fossil Fuels
The U.S. is the top natural gas producer in the world with a 23.7 percent share of global production, and there is plenty more potential … permanently, a tax provision that begins to phrase out at the end of this year. … Vern Buchanan represents Florida’s 16th District and is the co-chairman of the bipartisan Florida delegation. …
House Democrats Block American Energy Again…op-attempt-to-restart-american-oil-and-gas-projects-n2605348
– Democrats in the House of Representatives blocked Republican efforts to move ahead with consideration of the American Energy Independence … "Biden continues to wage war on our domestic oil and gas industry that provides sustainable, reliable energy to the American people … asking countries like Iran and Venezuela to compensate for the ban on Russian imports and ignoring America's energy producers.…
IRGC Terrorists
– Talks in Vienna aimed at revising the tattered Iran nuclear deal have rambled on for more than a year. … fascist theocratic regime in Iran, who pled with him to list the main Iranian opposition movement, the People’s Mojahedin of Iran/ … The letter stated: “The IRGC is the tool of terrorism abroad and repression of people on the streets of Iran.…
Loose Nuke Talk
– So the planet is not naive about the dangers of its 13,000 to 15,000 nuclear weapons. … The current Ukraine war has restarted loose nuke talk. … If the war continues to go badly for Russia, at what point will a seemingly erratic Putin begin issuing nuclear redlines to Ukraine…
Biden's Deadly Energy Policy
– This week, our research shows how Biden's energy policies are financing the horrific genocide and war crimes Putin is perpetrating … Has anyone asked the "Green New Dealers" how burning foreign oil is better for the environment? … oil to relieve our "pain at the pump."…
Message From Ukraine – Nukes Do Deter
– Last week, Pyongyang warned that in the event of a clash with the South, its nuclear weapons would be used "at the outset of war." … A nuclear weapons test, if successful, would bring to Iran the possibility of war with a nuclear-armed Israel, as well as the potential … What the Ukraine war has demonstrated is the vulnerability of not having nukes.…
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