Results for: is the us at war with iran

Recycling Tehran's Propaganda Against the MEK
– In Hussain's view, any tough talk on the mullahs is nothing more than an "ideological crusade against Iran," He maintains the dubious … This gathering was in solidarity with the current revolution in Iran and paid tribute to the 1979 anti-monarchial revolution. … Safavi (@amsafavi) is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).…
The Ukraine War's Prelude to What?
The Ukraine mess is daily looking more like the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939, a meat grinder that took 500,000 lives. … be the real winner of the war. … Its rivals and enemies are weakened the longer the war continues. The West is depleting its arsenals. It is tiring of the cost.…
Nikki Haley Is Done Waiting
– They know what it means to look at the sky and see a Chinese spy balloon and say, "How is this happening in America?" … Nikki Haley: Stronger and faster from the very beginning. The war in Ukraine is not about Ukraine. It's about freedom. … If Russia wins this war, we're going to have a problem with China and Iran.…
America's $100 Billion Climate Change Flop
– How is that going for us so far? … All we are accomplishing in the Biden war on fossil fuels is kneecapping our own domestic energy industry while the rest of the world … The energy source that is growing the fastest now is coal.…
Questioning Biden's Ukraine Policy Doesn't Make You an 'Isolationist'…dens-ukraine-policy-doesnt-make-you-an-isolationist-n2620168
The administration has offered no identifiable endgame, other than "beating" Russia, which is fantastic. … At The Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin (weirdly) accused DeSantis of pandering to "pro-Russian apologists" by dismissing the country … agenda item: the Iran deal.…
Jerusalem Matters
The consulate became a diplomatic office to “the West Bank” and, at the time of the US Embassy Act, a diplomatic office to the newly … The US Consulate is closed, and presumably the US can find another venue to celebrate its independence with Palestinian Arabs and Jewish … There’s a theory that the US is waiting to strong-arm Israel until after Israel passed its state budget this week, at the risk of pressuring…
Egypt: Past, Present, Future
– , and scary at the same time. … This is in part because the Middle East has become more polarized with Islamic extremists challenging the more moderate nations. … It’s not just the wars we’ve fought, or the annual celebration of the Exodus at Passover.…
Biden's Disastrous Decision to Remove Houthis From FTO List Blasted After Latest Incident in Yemen
– Houthi rebels breached the compound in Yemen that housed the American Embassy, which has been closed during the country’s civil warThe conflict is also a regional one, in which the Saudis and their allies are seeking to prevent Iran from expanding its influence. … the Houthis from the terrorist watch list.This is the awful price of showing weakness to our enemies. — Dan…
Biden's World: UN Might Admit the Taliban into the Organization
– And now, the United Nations is mulling admitting this terror group into the ranks (via Free Beacon): The United Nations is scheduled … The Taliban has been vying for a seat at the United Nations after it deposed the former democratic government following the Biden administration's … If the UN does approve the admission of the Taliban—it would be the most UN move once again showing how the body is inept, rudderless…
While Biden Slept: Appeasement and Accommodation…14/while-biden-slept-appeasement-and-accommodation-n2600526
The parallels between the lead-up to WWII and what is happening now with Russia, Communist China and Iran are staggering. … Khamenei, the theocrat ruling Iran, is determined to acquire nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them in order to destroy Israel … Let us pray Biden's appeasement and accommodation don't lead to war. Oliver L. North is a combat-decorated U.S.…
Are Autocrats Always Adversaries?
– During the Cold War, we were at times allied with South Korean dictators, Argentine generals, Greek colonels, the shah of Iran, Gen … The world's largest democracy during the Cold War was India, which sided with Moscow, while autocratic and Muslim Pakistan lined up … with us.…
Iranian Terrorists’ Appeal Reflects a Sense of Impunity Created by Weak Western Policies…sense-of-impunity-created-by-weak-western-policies-n2600514
– against humanity since the Second World War. … I am proud to count myself among them, and it is on account of that support that I was in attendance at the Free Iran Summit on June … Whether or not such policymakers now join me in supporting that group’s vision for the future of Iran, it is vital that the Iranian…
Our Woke Military Will Be Deadly for Us.
– China in concert with Russia, Iran and North Korea not to mention the resurgence of ISIS and/or al-Qaeda and other radical Islamic … Whether intentional, the result of abject ignorance or self-serving political expedience, the lack of war-fighting focus is very real … We may well pay the price very soon for that failure to plan and train for war by having our collective butts handed to us by the Chinese…
Biden's Full Plate -- Ukraine, Taiwan, Tehran
– "The idea that the United States is going to unilaterally use force to confront Russia invading Ukraine is not in the cards," said … Under Jimmy Carter, the U.S. security treaty with Taiwan that dated back to the Korean War was allowed to lapse, and the U.S. recognized … His guiding principle in dealing with Russia, China and Iran should be a simple one: Consistent with securing the vital national interests…
In Iran, a Burning Statue Reveals Opposition's Rapid Rise…ran-a-burning-statue-reveals-oppositions-rapid-rise-n2601903
The regime unveiled the statue with much noise and fanfare just ahead of the second anniversary of Soleimani's elimination in a USAt the same time, anyone suspected of even mildly sympathizing with the opposition risks arrest, torture and even execution. … The facts on the ground in Iran signal that the winds of change are blowing hard against the ruling regime.…
Iran's Danger Drones
The Saudis blamed the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen for the drone strike and hit back with a heavy air raid on Sanaa, the rebel-held … Eight industrial complexes identified in Iran, are responsible for manufacturing the UAVs, with factories operating under the “Aviation … deal with Iran.…
The Iranian Octopus
– , have gone on in Iran before, during and since the signing of the deal and indeed have gathered speed since the US withdrawal. … The workshop at the TESA Karaj complex was the victim of apparent sabotage in June that Iran blamed on its arch-enemy Israel. … Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
With an Attack Thought to Be Eminent, Russia/China Alliance Poses Major Global Cyber Threat…ussiachina-alliance-poses-major-global-cyber-threat-n2603291
– tweaked the US in the post Afghanistan debacle period. … With Russian aggression sure to prompt a response from NATO, the world may be set on a path to global war. … Although the US finds itself outside of the vicinity of combat operations, there is still a significant cyber threat.…
Military Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) Lives Up to Its Acronym…ty-inclusion-and-equity-die-lives-up-to-its-acronym-n2603214
The idea that “diversity, equity, and inclusion are necessities in U.S. military” is maybe the stupidest thing ever asserted by theWar is serious business and in America, it is being overseen by fatally unserious people obsessed with liberal wine women fetishes … There’s got to be some aspect of the military that is still sort of serious, though the woke pathogen is invading the SOCOM community…
Stress Test for a Fading Superpower
– A second member of the global anti-American front is Iran. … The question here is how far off is the next confrontation. … The global stress test of the last superpower is on, and it is not likely we will pass it with a grade as high as the one we had earned…
Beckel And Me: An Odd Couple
– We also wrote a book together with the same title. It was on the lecture circuit where I think we had our biggest influence. … At the end of our presentation, I would say that I rejected the notion that Bob was on "the other side." … If we want to put someone on the other side, make them external enemies like the Ayatollah in Iran, or the leadership in China and…
Biden Has Much to Answer for in First State of the Union…has-much-to-answer-for-in-first-state-of-the-union-n2603896
– Trump gave us the best economy in decades. … Europe became more dependent on Russia while providing Putin with much needed cash. One year of the Biden term, one war. … Biden has wreaked so much havoc on America in just one year that his State of the Union address should focus on telling us how he is
Biden's Putin Appeasement Has Been Years in the Making
– "One small thing to be thankful for is that DJT is not in the White House as the Ukraine crisis unfolds. … Then again, the notion that President Joe Biden has shown firmness or deftness on foreign policy is at odds with not only recent events … Obama also allowed Russia to operate with impunity in Syria, almost surely to protect the prospects of the Iran deal.…
Are We on the Edge of World War III?
The brother of my personal assistant is married to a Ukrainian woman (they both live here in the US), and as of Thursday morning, my … In Russia’s eyes (or, in Putin’s eyes), the expansion of NATO, coupled with the growth of Western democracies, is perceived as a very … And, he stated, the reason for our decline is our immorality, both internally (it is destroying us) and externally (we are exporting…
Houthi Rebels In Yemen Must Be Re-Classified As Terrorists…rebels-in-yemen-must-be-reclassified-as-terrorists-n2603737
The Houthi rebels have been at war with the internationally recognised government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi since 2014. … What is abundantly clear is that the time has come for the West to strike at the head of the Iranian octopus in Tehran, as Israel’s … Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
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