Results for: is the us at war with iran

Who Wants This War With Iran?
– Tehran knows this, which is why, despite 40 years of hostility, Iran has never sought war with the "Great Satan" and does not want … Moreover, war with Iran would involve firefights in the Gulf that would cause at least a temporary shutdown in oil traffic through … to the Mideast in a war with Iran, which then brings an end to the Trump presidency.…
Imminent Threat: State Department Pulls Staff From Iraq
– @StateDept has ordered the departure of non-emergency USG employees from Iraq, both at the Embassy in Baghdad and Consulate in Erbil … Additional information on this alert can be found on the U.S. Embassy website at U.S. … idea @POTUS is creating a pretext to start war with #Iran makes no sense.…
Will Nancy Pelosi Rein In Rashida Tlaib Over Holocaust Remarks? Don’t Bet The Mortgage On It.…over-holocaust-remarks-dont-bet-the-mortgage-on-it-n2546255
– persecution of Jews across the world at that time. … If there is anything of that sort, it’ll be diluted to the extreme. Speaker Pelosi has let the inmates run the asylum. … Now, it seems the State Department is about to be roped into it, with the FBI knowing that its confidential informant had absconded…
Truth: Another Casualty of the Afghanistan War…09/07/truth-another-casualty-of-the-afghanistan-war-n2595318
– Biden says the U.S. has lost no credibility with our allies. … not yet at the airport. … The Biden administration's deceit is so blatant and habitual. Truth has become another casualty of the long war in Afghanistan.…
Maybe If Biden Yells Loud Enough?
– Of course the problem with that story line is he’d just publicly shared with the world that he was confident Afghanistan would hold … He screamed at us to somberly pray for the thirteen lost military personnel killed by suicide bombers outside the gates of the Kabul … The Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs Chairman proclaimed a day later just as Franklin Delano Biden screamed at us they’d successfully…
Cui Bono? Who Benefits from the Afghanistan Withdrawal?
– There is less fear of good countries in the world today than at any time since World War II. … And that is especially so because the good countries are preoccupied with their own alleged evils rather than with the world's real … He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at…
Will the 'Butcher of Tehran' Attend COP26?
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the main democratic opposition to the mullahs’ regime, has called on the UN Security … The NCRI say “The Iranian regime is a leading violator of human rights, the most active state sponsor of terror, and the foremost threat … or both events, the oppressed masses in Iran will certainly question whether the UN, the US, the EU and the UK, take torture, genocide…
Axis of Evil
– Russia is two. And the other three countries are now the forces of radical Islam. We have Iran. … What all of this is showing us is that while we locate the disaster of Afghanistan, in Afghanistan, there are larger currents that … This is what our government is up to. It's just horrific. The media is not reporting this, by the way.…
Europe's Top Diplomat Cannot Be Allowed to Continue Dangerous Attempts to Appease Iranian Leader
– Something strange is going on. Why is the EU so keen to shoe-horn America back into the nuclear deal with Iran? … Borrell said he believed the negotiations aimed at bringing back Tehran and Washington into full compliance with the agreement will … The JCPOA is dead in the water and the time has come to sack Borrell, abandon useless dialogue with the Iranian regime and restore…
The Rise of a Mass Murderer to Iran Presidency a Sign of Weakness, Desperation, Not Strength…sidency-a-sign-of-weakness-desperation-not-strength-n2597985
– First, the socio-economic situation is at its worst in the past decades. … Today’s Iran is rife with the burning popular desire for change, democratic regime change. … But the Iran of 2021 is vastly different than that of 1988.…
Warnings and Threats -- or Bluster and Bluff
– -NATO Article V war guarantee to have the U.S. fight alongside them if there is another crisis with Russia such as occurred in South … Nor is the Black Sea the only region where the U.S. is hinting at confrontation and possible war. … "We will continue to look at every option to deal with the challenge that is posed by Iran."…
Gen. Colin Powell Flipped the Script on the Right's Blind Support of Foreign Wars…script-on-the-rights-blind-support-of-foreign-wars-n2597678
– Some of us who were working in Washington, D.C., at think tanks closely associated with the Republican Party and the George W. … Wesley Clark, the former commander of NATO allied operations, who said in a 2007 speech at the Commonwealth Club of California that … never bothered to inform the rest of us."…
Why Biden’s State Department Has Offered a Cash Bounty for a Fugitive Smuggler of Afghans…fugitive-smuggler-of-afghans-to-the-southern-border-n2597564
– But clearly, there is much more at stake with this $2 million bounty that few, if any, American media outlets have reported or explained … What the Khan reward is really about: terrorist infiltration at the broken border Taking these circumstances altogether, it should … I’m guessing the answer is yes and hoping I’m wrong. …
The Disinformation Pandemic
War does not look the same as it once did. But this is surely war. … With the rise of global terrorist threats, the lines between war zones and safe areas have increasing blurred. … This is a war. Our national security is at stake.…
The Shame Is Ours
– TV programs about the police have been canceled before a single complaint. "Gone with the Wind" is gone from HBO Max. … The irony is that most, if not all, of these notable men were Democrats, a party opposed to Reconstruction after the Civil War and … The shame is ours that it is not.…
Why You No Longer Recognize Your Country
– What you’re seeing is the third-world hellhole the left has been quietly assembling for us since 1970. … America’s first encounter with anarchist mobs trying to wreck our country came with the last wave of immigrants at the turn of the … Everywhere else in the world, the backbone of the Communist Party — at least at first — is the working class.…
ICYMI: Did Anyone Catch the Judge Torching Bolton in His Ruling Over WH Book?…judge-ruling-on-boltons-book-even-politico-noticed-n2571051
– “The damage is done.” … “Defendant Bolton has gambled with the national security of the United States. … have helped their case at all at the time.…
President Donald J. Trump’s ‘America First’ Missile Defense Program Needs Support…america-first-missile-defense-program-needs-support-n2571333
– Even though they are not a nuclear power yet, Iran is on the record testing President Trump’s resolve. … Having a missile defense is important, even though Iran is not a nuclear power, to protect against other nuclear nations looking atthe Pentagon will put the U.S. at risk.  …
O'Brien: The UN's 'Human Rights' Panel Is a 'Total Joke' and Trump Was Right to Pull America Out of It…joke-and-trump-was-right-to-pull-america-out-of-it-n2572605
– He touched on the major news surrounding Huawei, China and the UK, explained where US policy stands vis-a-vis North Korea and Venezuela … Here is the full interview, with the excerpted piece starting around the (5:15) mark: "This takes farce to a new level. … the American WWI cemetery at Belleau Wood for a wreath laying ceremony.…
Liberal Lawyer Shreds CNN Legal Analyst’s Take on Roger Stone’s Commutation in Less Than Five Paragraphs…ger-stones-commutation-in-less-than-five-paragraphs-n2572376
– only reason why Democrats were going along with this circus is that they didn’t like the president. … Somehow this is new to members of the press. … Despite my disagreement with the commutation, such a statement is almost charmingly quaint.…
Trump Calls into Rush Limbaugh's Show, Issues Direct Threat to Iran: You Better Not F**k with Us
– President Donald Trump is still at the White House recovering from his COVID infection. … Politico): President Trump on Iran:“If you f*ck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are gonna do things to you that … Friday, warning the Islamic Republic: "If you f--- around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you…
Shalom Salaam Sudan
– Peace with any Arab state is significant, but all the more so given Sudan’s recent turn away from a decades-long dictatorship that … themselves much less establish relations with others, the total actual number of countries making peace is all the more significant … Sudan (along with the UAE and Bahrain) for the warming of relations with Israel.  …
Republicans Should Never Agree to a Mainstream Media Moderator Again…d-never-agree-to-a-mainstream-media-moderator-again-n2578707
– As well as the honor of being the first administration in a very long time to keep us out of war. … * For Biden: Would you renew the Obama administration’s agreement with Iran? … Natelson, a former constitutional law professor, is Senior Fellow in Constitutional Jurisprudence at the Independence Institute in…
Can America Do It All?
With the new strategic "pivot to Asia," U.S. troops and ships have moved into the Indo-Pacific region to contain China in what is being … A new front may be opening up in the global war on terror. The question here is a simple one: Can we continue to do it all? … in Iran and, at the same time, reconstruct George H.…
This Tuesday, the People, and What Comes Next
– through corrupt dealings with the Communists, and leave us unprepared to defend ourselves.  … If Trump wins, Iran, Russia, China and North Korea are on notice. Our military is reinforced with the best hardware. … The potential for fraud is at a fevered pitch.…
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