Results for: Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

The 2016 Political Environment Has Shifted
– Like it or not, the 2016 presidential race is now well under way. … Republican candidates are flocking to Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, while Hillary Clinton, in-between $200,000 speeches at … This poses problems both for Hillary Clinton, who looks more and more to be the inevitable Democratic nominee, and for Republican candidates
They Come to Bury Conservatism
candidates and ideas go to die. … Their 2007 conference attracted seven of the eight Democratic presidential candidates. Last July, Vice President Biden and Sen. … in the Democratic Party.…
Why Marco Rubio Is Strongest Possible Nominee
– Scott Walker is the Republican no one dislikes. His strengths are well known. … Party, but also as a serious policy innovator. … He has precisely the combination of qualities that the Republican Party and the country need right now.…
Rep. Van Hollen: 'I'm Running for Senate'
– Senate in 2016. … Then again, as Jonah Goldberg wrote earlier this week, since his presidential chances in 2016 are growing bleaker by the day, perhaps … If a Republican wins in 2016, there’s going to be a lot of work to do replacing Obamacare.…
Ethanol: The GOP-Supported Rip-Off
– Can someone explain why the "party of limited government" continues, with a straight face, to support ethanol? Republican Sen. … The New York Times recently wrote about the wooing of deep-pocket Republican donors by the 2016 presidential hopefuls: "Some of the … That the Republican leadership still supports this undermines the "Republican message" and makes the party look like a band of hypocrites…
Rand Paul Expected To Announce Presidential Run Next Month – But He Could Change His Mind
– Rand Paul on Saturday will make his case to state Republican officials for shifting next year's May GOP presidential primary to a March … Paul Ryan, the GOP's vice presidential candidate, did in 2012. … So far, Paul is running unopposed for re-election for his senate seat in 2016; it’s a guaranteed Republican hold, whereas the White…
Study: Yes, Press Was Very Biased During 2012 Election Coverage
– A new study of more than 130,000 news articles on the 2012 presidential election between Republican nominee Mitt Romney and President … "The Republican Party is the most divisive subject in the campaign, and is portrayed in a more negative fashion than the Democrats. … What Republicans can do to level the playing field as 2016 approaches, however, remains to be seen.…
Jeb Denies There’s Any ‘Bush Fatigue’ In Iowa
– Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie — two likely competitors in the Republican presidential contest … candidates are routinely General Election winners. … candidates are in the mix.…
Primaries: So, What Problems Face Walker And Bush in 2016?
– Walker’s performance was the least impressive of any Republican candidates for governor in the Midwest. … … What allowed Republican candidates to run so far ahead of Mr. Romney? First was low midterm turnout. … Harry Enten at FiveThirtyEight wrote how Republicans will be looking for an electable conservative for 2016, and how presidential nominee…
2016: Hillary Is Eminently Beatable
– Few defend her performance in the 2008 presidential primaries. … Moreover, if they continue to be unable to siphon these voters away from Republican candidates, it will decrease their chances of winning … Now, of course, Hillary still has a chance to win in 2016.…
Gov Christie Pledges Support for 20-Week Abortion Ban Just Hours After Pro-Life Group Places His Name in Red…candidate-to-pledge-support-for-20week-abortion-ban-n1978492
– is a new resource for pro-life voters heading into next year’s presidential election. … Specifically, it provides the candidates’ opinion on the Pain-Capable bill. … Because it's so important, the organization wanted to make sure their supporters knew where the 2016 candidates stood on the issue.…
A Bold Proposal for Conservative GOP Candidates
– Nothing has borne out this reality in recent decades like that exasperating spectacle called the Republican presidential primary. … Add Ted Cruz to the mix and you divide the conservative Christian vote – the majority base of the Republican Party – three ways. … “What has happened in the last two presidential election cycles is that the candidates that the Christian conservatives favored split…
Rumor Mill: Rubio Could Announce His Presidential Run on April 13…bio-could-announce-his-presidential-run-on-april-13-n1977715
– That poll asked potential Republican caucusgoers whether they saw each of their candidates as “too conservative,” “too moderate” or … Regardless, with Cruz and the probable Rubio and Paul presidential announcements coming shortly next month, the Tea Party GOP is the … point of the lance for the GOP in 2016–for now.…
Cruz to the Front
– The 2016 presidential primary for the Republicans will see the most experienced field of candidates since 1980. … Washington, the stupid party and the evil party. … The Republican establishment hates him almost as much as the establishment hates the Republican base.…
The Re-Education of Hillary Clinton? – Not Really
– Democratic presidential candidate. … It seems for now; both groups are more focused on influencing and shaping Hillary’s 2016 platform than actively searching for candidates … Then again, a Republican victory in 2016 would put much of what Obama has accomplished in jeopardy, which is why Team Obama–though…
VIDEO: Cruz Defends His Candidacy For President on 'The Kelly File'
– to Republican voters heading into 2016: Let’s not make the same mistake Democrats did in 2008. … And while the GOP field will indeed be crowded in 2016, few candidates can electrify and rouse the conservative base like Ted Cruz. … This is an asset, my friends—not a liability—as the last two Republican presidential nominees, unfortunately, know all too well.…
Rand Paul: Unlike Cruz, I'm Making The Party Bigger
– the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. … , is generally unresponsive to conservatism and Republican principles. … He therefore is at least trying to expand the party in ways that other candidates like Ted Cruz are not. Sen.…
BREAKING: Hillary to Announce 2016 Presidential Run This Weekend…lary-to-announce-2016-presidential-run-this-weekend-n1983173
– : A source with knowledge of Hillary Clinton's plans has confirmed she will officially announce her 2016 presidential bid on Saturday … Clinton has long been expected to enter the 2016 race. … presidential candidates in three critical swing states, Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, and she finds herself in a close race with U.S…
Of Course: Rick Santorum Is "Testing The Waters"
– Rick Santorum has set up a testing the waters account in anticipation of a possible 2016 presidential bid, CBS News has learned. … Rick Santorum (R-PA) went further than any other losing Republican candidate during the 2012 presidential primaries. … who have officially launched bids) winning Tea Party support will become increasingly more difficult.…
Rand: The Press Should Ask Dems if it’s OK to Kill Babies in the Womb…hould-ask-dems-if-its-ok-to-kill-babies-in-the-womb-n1982525
– A press conference in New Hampshire Wednesday managed to bristle the newly tinted 2016 candidate. … In the 2012 presidential primary debate season, ABC's George Stephanopoulous asked this bizarre question to the Republican candidates … Is the party united on this?…
Rand Paul Helps the Republican Party
– Rand Paul's entry into the 2016 Republican presidential primary is good for the GOP. … His take on issues could make independents and Democrats take a second look at a party where they have not felt welcome. … "Big government and debt doubled under a Republican administration. And it's now tripling under Barack Obama's watch."…
Ted Cruz's Fundraising Hauls Are Off The Charts
– grassroots can the GOP hope to reclaim the White House in 2016. … Wow: Ted Cruz’s presidential effort is getting into the shock-and-awe fundraising business. … candidates can raise money, the Cruz haul is remarkable.…
Will Bob Corker Save the GOP?
– Today, it is "Bibi" Netanyahu and the neocons howling "kill the deal" and "bomb Iran" who are shoving the Republican Party toward the … The question, which may decide 2016, may be framed thus: Should a Republican Congress meticulously point out the flaws and risks of … Hence, goaded by the neocons, GOP candidates would spend 2015 and 2016 assuring the nation that war with Iran is still "on the table…
Rubio Pollster: GOP Needs 40 Percent Of The Hispanic Vote To Win In 2016…eeds-40-percent-of-the-hispanic-vote-to-win-in-2016-n1979044
– Marco Rubio (R-FL) is surely laying some breadcrumbs for donors–and the media–by saying that the 2016 Republican nominee must win more … Marco Rubio's presidential campaign, says the party has to do much better much faster. … So even if the next Republican presidential candidate received the magical 40 percent of Hispanic voters that Mr.…
Resist: Since Trump's Win, Dems Have Flipped Zero Seats in Four Blue State Special Elections…ed-zero-seats-in-three-blue-state-special-elections-n2292477
– In House District 85, where the 2016 presidential results were evenly split, national liberal groups coordinated 11,392 donations of … , yet the Republican won by 13.5 percent. … Neu’s victory grows the Republican caucus in the chamber to 77, the largest GOP majority after a presidential cycle in state history…
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