Results for: is the us at war with iran

China Backs New Sanctions on North Korea
– Under Kim Jong Un, the goal is to give the US no alternative but to negotiate directly with North Korea without using the UN mechanism … It portends a basic change in how the US must conduct business with North Korea, assuming the North terminates its activities at Panmunjom … At present, India has an institutionalized dialogue on Afghanistan only with the US.…
Curing the GOP’s Tonsillitis
– In your case, your tonsils have lost the war. … Where is the GOP when it comes to the Scouts? Largely silent, with honorable exceptions such as Texas Gov. Rick Perry. … They say the moral rot and feckless “opposition” is landing us in a pit from which we will not escape because we no longer have the
NBC Executives Are Off Their Rockers With Leno Slam
The problem is that Leno -- the most watched late night host in America -- happens to be in his sixties. … But what puzzles me is why a guy who has continually won the ratings war and is, by virtually every account, a good and decent man … He is an equal opportunity offender with his humor, but one with a heart.…
Goading Gullible America Into War
– And lest we underestimate the War Party, the likelihood is they will get their war. … Translation: Absent major concessions by Iran, proving she is not seeking a nuclear weapon, war against Iran is in the cards. … SR 65 is a blank check to Bibi to go to war with Iran, with a U.S. Senate commitment to join him.…
After A Decade of War: What is the Mission Now?
us; there is no distinction between terrorists and the nations that harbor them; and America stands with those who stand for freedom … The problem with this operational continuity in the face of radically changed public rhetoric and strategic withdrawal is that theThe Obama War on Terror is both more remote and closer to home.…
Was Iraq Worth It?
– Illinois who had opposed the war. … If Saddam had no WMD, had no role in 9/11, did not attack us, did not threaten us, and did not want war with us, was our unprovoked … What makes the question more than academic is that the tub-thumpers for war on Iraq a decade ago are now clamoring for war on Iran.…
Explaining Obama's Fixation with Israel
The reverse is not true. This is the epicenter, and this is where we should focus our efforts. … "This is the epicenter." … At least Jones did not make the outlandish and borderline antisemitic claim that Israel is responsible for all problems in the Middle…
A Better Way to Banish the Bomb
– One is the administration’s nuclear-weapon policy. The other is the laggardly pace of our missile defenses. … The problem lies with how this goal will be achieved. … , why did the president agree to a New START treaty with Russia that forces us to cut the number of nuclear weapons we have to 1,550…
What We Learned in Iraq
The term was "catastrophic success."But before the war began, supporters were bursting with confidence. … and draft-dodgers back home.Regret for the Iraq war is far more widespread. … if Iran doesn't give up that quest.The key here is that everyone figures we can do the job from the safety of the skies.…
Russia and China Strengthen Ties
– Coping with changes in the world is a persistent theme in Xi's remarks on foreign affairs, whether at the National People's Congress … On regional issues -- such as Syria and Iran and even North Korea, they imply a warning that China will not cooperate with the US if … It is not clear from Russian coverage that the Moscow leadership is fully in step with the Chinese leaders, but President Putin said…
From prison, Iranian pastor writes of torture, forgiveness…prison-iranian-pastor-writes-of-torture-forgiveness-n1546769
– "Now is the time to step up the pressure," Sekulow wrote. "We know Iran is listening." … And we take the knife that has hurt us and we stab ourselves with it again! … And this is the will of the evil one who wants to destroy us.…
Was It Worth It? (Part 2 of 2)
– WASHINGTON -- It's the question asked by Gold Star families -- the loved ones of our fallen -- when I meet them at funerals or public … The revisionists overlook Saddam's brutal record: millions dead in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War, the 1990 invasion of Kuwait, his well-known … But none of this means the war in Iraq wasn't "worth it."…
Lessons for Holocaust Day
– People who don't murder or steal aren't good people; they are simply not criminals.It is therefore worth pondering: With the collapse … Those who equate goodness with support for a welfare state do not ask this question. But the rest of us are very worried.4. … That bitterness is warranted. Blame for the Holocaust is not.…
Holy Wars
is probably inevitable among us infidels. … Nor is the Shia vs. … Pakistani novelist Mohsin Hamid recently wrote in the New York Times that atthe heart of Pakistan’s troubles is the celebration of…
Obama Wings it in Egypt
– Both the Muslim Brotherhood and the coalition arrayed against it believe that the United States is against them. … Among the many problems with realism is the fact that it sits on a tower of questions. … The realist's answer to this pickle is to be so smart that you can always know what's in the national interest at every moment.…
The Race Is On: Hillary's Running, Christie's Throwing Punches, And The Republican Field Is Growing…hrowing-punches-and-the-republican-field-is-growing-n1652548
– When she left office, the Middle East was a war zone, the problems with Russia, China, Iran, were worse than ever. … The administration's relations with Israel were frosty, at best. … Christie's rising star in the GOP comes at a time when the party is looking for a fearless, no-nonsense leader who doesn't pull his…
The Missing Element: Constancy of Purpose
– It was his secretary of state at the time, the Hon. … has learned a lot since he used to scoff at his predecessor's determination to take this war to the enemy. … The country is safer for it.…
“Axis of Evil" Alive and Well (Right Off Our Coast)
– “Foreign reporters -- preferably American -- were much more valuable to us at that time (1957-59) than any military victory. … (Che Guevara 1959) “Reporters in Havana are either insensitive to the pain of the opposition “or in clear complicity” with the … And yet the “injustice” against Nelson Mandela is a media cause célèbre.…
Will Obama Lose Egypt?
The Looming Tower, and Sisi is a military man. … The authority of General Sisis, whether wielded in concert with an elected civilian government or directly through the military, is … There is a civil war brewing in Egypt, though, and the United States cannot stand above the fray and wish that the unicorns would emerge…
When Failure Carries No Cost
THE SAME is the case with regards to the September 11, 2012, attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi. … The US and Europe are not taken in by Iran because Iran is good at hiding its true intentions. … It isn't that the US is deliberately enabling Iran to acquire a nuclear arsenal.…
Puttin' Putin in his Place
– There is a misconception in the United States about how the world sees us. … Vladimir Putin is a former senior KGB officer and knows a little about dealing with the West. … But even more than that, with the stroke of a pen Putin put Russia at a level with the United States in the eyes of the rest of the
UN Inspection of Syria Going About as Well as You'd Think
– country to see what the heck is going on. … Meanwhile, reportedly the U.S. military is getting ready to launch a bunch of cruise missiles into the country. … At this point it looks like President Obama is planning to go ahead with military action against Syria without UN or Congressional…
Obama on Vacation: The $28,429,533.47 Man
The entire history of racism in the US is a blemish. … SuperTech86 wrote: Obama isn't the problem, the poorest working class in the US in 60 years is the problem. the fact that 9T in home … Yeah, the death of a kid is only an “injustice” if the kid is black. Thanks for straightening us out.…
Arab Spring: Worst Soap Ever
– I didn't care for the "Arab Spring," but the "Arab Summer" is a blockbuster! … is assuming that democracy can come at the end of sword. ... … Can Obama tell us what "the Obama doctrine" is? Leap in only to make the rest of the world a more dangerous place?…
Support for Muslim Brotherhood Plummeting in Egypt
The result is that South Korea has counter-proposed that working level talks occur at Panmunjom and that the order of talks should … Iran: For the record. … with Israel with one the Egyptians negotiated with Israel without US involvement.…
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