Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

WaPo: Dems Now Openly Fretting About Rising Trump Approval, Deteriorating 2018 Prospects…ng-about-rising-trump-approval-sinking-2018-polling-n2480568
– sweeping victories has reportedly become more restrained in recent days, thanks to tightening generic ballot polling and improved presidentialDemocratic senators... … Democratic worries are mounting in the House, as well, where the party has been more confident of gaining the 23 seats it needs to…
Civil War: Progressive Group Axes Key Members From Governing Board Over Rural Voter Outreach…xes-key-members-from-governing-board-over-rural-vot-n2480577
– Since then, Wellstone Action has trained thousands of liberal operatives and candidates. … While we focus on Trump winning Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, which is a first for a GOP presidential candidate since the … It’s another mini-civil war within the Democratic Party.…
NYT Op-Ed: Liberals, You’re Not As Smart As You Think, And You’re Helping Trump Win A Second Term…hat-smart-and-youre-helping-trump-win-a-second-term-n2480283
– backlash against liberalism; and c) how their inability to see that they are causing it will lead to a Trump victory in the next presidentialDemocratic enthusiasm is stalling; their slate of candidates for 2020 is filled with hard-core liberals, who only have regional appeal … People say Joe Biden, but he’s the epitome of Washington he’s old, and he’s a two-time presidential loser.…
Democrats Hold The Advantage Six Months Out From Midterms…ats-hold-the-advantage-six-months-out-from-midterms-n2479593
– Others, especially in his political base, will be voting for congressional candidates who wholeheartedly support the president's political … Charlie Cook is a liberal, Democratic analyst who knows how to count votes and forecast elections. … "It's not clear that Democrats fully understood why they lost the last presidential election and why their congressional gains were…
The Sneaky Efforts to Undermine the Electoral College
– These complaints have largely been prompted by the 2000 and 2016 presidential elections; in both, the victor won by garnering the requisite … candidates to cultivate the support of the residents of those states. … It is no coincidence that the 11 states where the compact has passed are Democratic strongholds where Hillary Clinton won in 2016;…
Are There Are Problems In Bernie-Land? His Grassroots Group Appears To Be Collapsing
– The progressive wing of the Democratic Party is ascendant. … Post-2016, the divisions within the Democratic Party are deep. … of the Democratic Party — and can claim no major wins in 2018 as its own.…
President Trump Sets Stage for GOP Gains This Fall. Democrats Will Get Shellacked…r-gop-gains-this-fall-democrats-will-get-shellacked-n2488105
– Democrats, however, think that given these negatives, Americans will vote for Democratic candidates in the fall. … The Democrats’ insistent #Resistance message will not resonate, particularly if they and their previous presidential candidate become…
Will More Blacks Vote Republican?
– The Democratic Party is delivering more candidates around the nation like Stacey Abrams, recently nominated for governor in Georgia … Recent Wall Street Journal/NBC polling shows how the Democratic Party has changed. … In 14 presidential elections since 1964, Democratic candidates captured an average 88 percent of the black vote.…
Throwing In The Towel: Keith Ellison To Resign As Deputy Chairman Of Cash-Strapped DNC
– Keith Ellison (D-MN), he’s throwing in the towel…at the Democratic National Committee. … Ellison has been in Congress since 2007, and served as deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee since last year, as a leader … As a result, they feel her loss justifies their position that the Democratic Party has to go hard left to win.…
Boehner's Right -- It's Trump's Party Now
– That GOP set out to create a new world order where dictatorships were threatened with "regime change," and democratic capitalism was … How probable is it that a future GOP presidential candidate will revive the Bush-Boehner agenda the party rejected in 2016, run on … candidates in 2008 and 2012, John McCain and Mitt Romney, had run on.…
A Look At Shifting Party Lines In A State Up For Play In the Midterms…independents-california-just-surpassed-republicans-n2486143
– The last time the Republican Party won the state of California in a Presidential Election came in 1988 when George H. W. … As seen in the 2016 Presidential Election, then-candidate Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders had an outsider appeal … However, as Guy reported earlier, the Democratic "Blue Wave" may not even be a ripple.…
Bernie Sanders Won't Endorse His Own Son
– But people who know him say Sanders, a potential top-tier contender for the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, has always been stingy … Levi Sanders, a legal services analyst, is now one of 11 seeking the Democratic nomination to fill the seat held by retiring U.S. … The first two issues were central to his father's latest presidential campaign.…
Why Florida Is a '2020 Test Tube' for the Midterm Elections…orida-is-a-2020-test-tube-for-the-midterm-elections-n2490392
– Bush from his Democratic opponent Vice President Al Gore.  … Will Florida’s Hispanic voters flex their growing muscles in November and help defeat Republican candidates? … All major Democratic candidates for governor and U.S. Senate are calling for gun control. All Republicans aren't.…
DNC Just Took Another Swipe At Bernie Sanders And His Supporters…another-swipe-at-bernie-sanders-and-his-supporters-n2489877
– The Democratic National Committee has made it known that all future presidential candidates must identify as Democrats (via Politico … ): Democratic National Committee officials on Friday moved forward with a proposal to force the party’s presidential candidates to … And I’m just stunned that the Democratic Party’s rules committee would want to try to make the Democratic Party an exclusive club,…
Alec Baldwin Is '1,000 Percent' Sure He Can Beat Trump
– Howard Stern recently interviewed the actor, where he confidently said that he would win if he ran in the next presidential election … There are better candidates in the Democratic Party than Baldwin.…
Rhode Island Passes Bill That Would Keep Trump Off Ballot in 2020 Unless He Releases Tax Returns
– The Rhode Island state Senate passed legislation this week that would require presidential and vice presidential candidates to release … Democratic state Sen. … Donald Trump’s presidential run. …
Eating Their Own: The Far Left's Abolish ICE Push Puts Bernie Sanders In The Crosshairs…ts-abolish-ice-push-puts-bernie-sanders-in-the-cros-n2496706
– Ocasio-Cortez belongs to a cohort of Democratic candidates who have positions in common with Sanders: Medicare for All, free higher … Prominent Democratic candidates, including 28-year-old New York City U.S. … Potential 2020 presidential hopefuls are joining the bandwagon. Sen.…
Report: Top Bernie Sanders 2016 Campaign Aide Accused of Forcibly Kissing Staffer…ampaign-advisor-accused-of-forcibly-kissing-staffer-n2538819
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT), forcibly kissed a female staffer shortly after the Democratic National Convention. … She chose to speak out after Becker reportedly contacted her and other potential staffers regarding a 2020 presidential run by Sanders … Sanders isn't the only potential Democratic 2020 candidate facing questions over sexual harassment that occurred among staff.…
The Stakes in Congo: Lives and Lifestyle
– If you advocate electric vehicles and dote on cellphones whose manufacture depends on Congo's minerals, then the Democratic Republic … of Congo's flawed Dec. 30 presidential election matters because it can affect your digital lifestyle. … Nor did they stop him from attempting to undermine opposition candidates Felix Tshisekedi and Martin Fayulu.…
Here We Go: Biden Reportedly Telling Associates He's the Democrats' Best -- or Only -- Shot at Beating Trump…the-democrats-best--or-only--shot-at-beating-trump-n2538680
– Many Democratic voters, and nearly all major Democratic donors, are keenly interested in Mr. … After the Democratic base elevated diversity to a first priority in the midterm elections, Mr. … presidential nomination won't come until at least February.…
From Tea Party Insurgent to Last Man Standing: Ron Johnson in Wisconsin…rgent-to-last-man-standing-ron-johnson-in-wisconsin-n2538657
– Johnson unseated Democratic Sen. … candidates but supports them in all levels, local, county." … Seven months after that first test comes the presidential election.…
Why Not a Conservative Woman President?
– "(T)here's a lingering doubt in some (Democratic) quarters," the Times reports, "about whether there is a risk involved in nominating … -- that's the progressives' business, not mine -- but of conservative women candidates. … One, two, maybe more, of the Democratic women who aspire to the presidential nomination could prove formidable advocates of progressive…
No, This Is Not JFK's Democratic Party
– Castro intends to win it back it in the Democratic primaries. … The Democratic front-runners for the presidential nomination -- Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Beto -- are all white males. … How will this sit with the big Democratic donors?…
VT Paper To Sanders: We're Begging You...Don't Run For President
– In fact, we beg him not to. […] We fear a Sanders run risks dividing the well-fractured Democratic Party, and could lead to another … split in the 2020 presidential vote. … It’s going to be a fight over who can out-liberal, out-crazy, and out-“I’m going to beat up Trump” within in the Democratic field.…
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