Results for: voted to

ICYMI: The Nevada Democratic Convention Was Sort Of A Trainwreck…vada-democratic-convention-was-sort-of-a-trainwreck-n2164378
– pool (3-to-2) than Sanders. … That suggested that voting at the state convention would flip: Sanders would win those 4-to-3 and 3-to-2 contests, giving him a 7-to … -5 victory at the convention and making the state total 18-to-17 for Clinton instead of 20-to-15. […] Prior to the state…
BREAKING: Senate Passes Bipartisan Legislation Allowing 9/11 Families to Sue Saudi Arabia; White House to Veto…gislation-allowing-911-families-to-sue-saudi-arabia-n2164469
– bipartisan vote Thursday, the Senate passed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which allows families of 9/11 victims to … The bill is now headed to the House, where it will likely pass. … President Obama is vowing to veto the legislation should it reach his desk.…
DC Federal District Court: Obamacare’s Illegal Kickbacks Stealing from Taxpayers…bamacares-illegal-kickbacks-stealing-from-taxpayers-n2164405
– Americans with incomes too low to afford coverage qualify for premium subsidies to help them with the cost. … Costly regulations make Obamacare coverage so expensive that the Administration has to basically give it away to make the program appear … The Republican-controlled House voted to sue the executive branch for its abuse of presidential power.…
Is Mitt on a Suicide Mission?
– candidate to sink Donald Trump. … Still missing, however, is the kamikaze pilot who gets just enough fuel to make it out to the fleet. Efforts to recruit Sen. … Second thoughts set in this weekend when the Nebraska State Republican Convention voted thunderously to chastise Sasse for persisting…
Third-Party Candidates
– Party insiders to find and fund a candidate to run as an independent for President this Fall. … Alternatively, as the article points out, you might be able to find someone who can win just enough states to keep either of the two … Anyone want to hazard a guess as to the Green Party’s candidate in 2016? Only if you did what I did:  Googled it.…
ACU Chairman: Mitt Romney Needs to 'Go Home and Be Quiet'
– Mitt Romney devoted an entire speech back in March to attacking Donald Trump in an effort to steer conservatives away from the businessman … He continued: “A lot of us voted for him [Romney].  … Schlapp is correct: It’s time to start focusing on Hillary. …
The Unfolding Disaster…gh-is-off-the-following-column-is-by-erick-erickson-n2162230
– In the last two weeks, Donald Trump has publicly declared that he does not need the Republican Party to unite behind him to win and … Trump failed to recognize that Paul Ryan's refusal to endorse Trump was an effort to inoculate Ryan's Republican congressmen from fall … They need to realize that they do not have to cast their votes for Trump.…
The Unfolding Disaster
– In the last two weeks, Donald Trump has publicly declared that he does not need the Republican Party to unite behind him to win and … Trump failed to recognize that Paul Ryan's refusal to endorse Trump was an effort to inoculate Ryan's Republican congressmen from fall … They need to realize that they do not have to cast their votes for Trump.…
Will the Trump Nomination Change Our Polarized Partisan Patterns?…p-nomination-change-our-polarized-partisan-patterns-n2162217
– It's not obvious that voters have lost the capacity to split their tickets. … That's just one question still to be determined. Another is turnout. … But it's too early to say it won't.…
Trump or Ryan: Who Speaks for GOP?
– Ryan voted for the Iraq War that Trump calls a disaster. The people seem now to agree with Trump that the war was misconceived. … "Ryan ... wanted eventually to turn the massive health-benefit program over to private insurers." … Come to think of it, Barry Goldwater wanted to turn Social Security over to private enterprise. How did that one work out?…
Italy Legalizes Same-Sex Civil Unions
– The Italian parliament has voted to legalize same-sex civil unions, becoming the last European Union country to do so. … The vote was 372 to 51, with 99 abstentions. … Earlier on Wednesday, the government won a vote of confidence, 369 to 193, that it had called on Tuesday, tying its fate to the legislation…
Clinton Finishes Third In West Virginia County That Literally Gave Her The Finger…virginia-county-that-literally-gave-her-the-finger-n2161800
– Hillary Clinton’s campaign team knew she was going to lose in West Virginia. … , nor should it be shocking that because this place used to be a haven for such mining—that locals literally gave the finger to Clinton … Mingo County opted to back Paul Farrell, an attorney, over Clinton (via Weekly Standard): Hillary Clinton was guaranteed to lose…
Hillary’s Fingerprints Are All Over Common Core
– If Newsday’s editors had wanted to put their guest on the spot, they could have asked Clinton how she would have voted if she were … Tucker continues to be a prime mover with Common Core to this day. … came to town.…
Brazilian President Removed From Office
– Rousseff recently traveled to New York City to make the case to the UN that this is a coup. … Why would a president leave the country and hand authority to her vice president if she is convinced he is part of the conspiracy toTo end corruption in Brazil, all politicians need to be held to a higher standard.…
Maine Democrats Vote To Essentially Eliminate Superdelegates…ocrats-vote-to-essentially-eliminate-superdelegates-n2160888
– The delay in policy to the next election cycle is to avoid punishments from the DNC. … From the Portland Press Herald: In a message aimed at national party leaders, Maine Democrats voted to require that, beginning … That could bind some superdelegates – who currently hold five of Maine’s 30 seats to the Democratic National Convention – to supporting…
Who Promoted Private Ryan?
– What is Ryan up to? … When Nixon went to Rockefeller's New York apartment to persuade him to join the ticket, Rocky refused, but demanded concessions in … Barry Goldwater at the podium to tell conservatives to "grow up.…
No Third-Party Candidate
– Trump's nationalistic tone, to make America great again, is not something likely to be heard from a church pulpit. … Now is the time for church leaders to listen to their own flock on the important issue of immigration. … On April 24, Austrians voted with a large turnout, and the candidate opposed to permissive immigration won the first round in a stunning…
And Now, Behind Door No. 3
– or close to a Veterans Administration hospital . . . they’re so difficult to tell apart. … One needs 270 electoral votes to win a majority in the Electoral College and, therefore, to be elected president. … Still, Johnson would have to grow his vote percentage ten-fold to get to 36 percent in a three-way race.…
Are the Clintons the Real Housing Crash Villains?
– We are going to reveal the grand secret to getting rich by investing. … from 30% of portfolio to 50% as part of a big push to expand home ownership. … Just to make this story worse, Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama voted to filibuster a Republican effort to roll back…
Let’s Celebrate Eisenhower’s Great Victory!
– You see, amigos: the taxpayers of nations from France to Spain to Germany, from South Korea to Japan and from Russia to Brazil –taxpayers … Then the bill was constitutionally voted upon and passed by U.S. legislative branch, to the still sputtering rage of the Council on … Thanks to the embargo!…
Identity Politics: Part Two
– Nixon led a well-orchestrated effort to appeal to Mexican-American voters in 1972, which paid off handsomely when he won about a third … And it's the same when Trump plays the Mexican card to appeal to white working-class voters. … He has consistently tried to provoke fear among whites that Mexicans are going to steal their jobs, rape their daughters and even rob…
United Methodist Church Backs Off Abortion
– Wade decision, the church voted at its General Conference to split ties with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, as well … as to repeal a resolution that supported a woman's right to an abortion at any point of her pregnancy. … Delegates meeting in Portland, Ore., voted 445-310 to repeal their 40-year-old resolution supporting Roe vs.…
Conservative Rep Read His Colleagues the Bible to Condemn Them for LGBT Amendment Vote…s-the-bible-to-condemn-them-for-lgbt-amendment-vote-n2169780
– The first time it failed to pass, Democrats chanted “Shame! Shame!” on the House floor. … A few Republicans changed their minds and voted for the amendment, securing its passage. … Yet, the bill it was attached to failed.…
How Captain America Convinced Me Not to Vote for Trump
– I have to admit that I have never been a comic book fan. … So when my husband dragged me to watch the latest Marvel film, "Captain America: Civil War," I had planned to take a two-hour nap in … lose their autonomy to do what they believed to be right and act accordingly whenever necessary.…
Good Intentions Mask Bad Government Intervention
– companies to pay overtime to employers earning less than $47,500. … Second, employers now have an incentive to keep more workers as hourly employees, as opposed to promoting them to salaried. … When one adds to this, Obamacare's disincentives to hire full-time employees, the picture looks completely antithetical to economic…
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