Results for: is the us at war with iran

Defense Cuts Reveal Out-of-Whack Priorities
– But this is what Democrats do -- they look at the military and see a cash cow to fund their next spending spree like a drunken sailor … "act in the world as it is, and not in the world as we wish it were." … With priorities out of balance, the Obama administration is endangering our national security and weakening those charged with protecting…
Marching as to War
– Article Five commits us to war if the territory of any of these tiny Baltic nations is violated by Russia. … war with the United States. … Indeed, the latest mantra of the war hawks, "no boots on the ground," is meant to reassure the nation that in our next war, unlike…
A Paper Kitten
– Outwardly a tiger, it is made of paper, unable to withstand the wind and the rain. … The American soldier may have the best weapons in the world, but on the inside, he is spiritually empty – a paper tiger.” … So this is officially happy hour with the Democratic Party.”…
Debate On Defense Has To Begin Now: Adding Dollars To Defense In 2015…has-to-begin-now-adding-dollars-to-defense-in-2015-n1811384
– American influence in the world is at its lowest ebb since 1979-80, when Cuban forces swarmed over Africa, Iran convulsed and brought … None of this is possible with the Obama-Hagel budget and the Murray-Ryan caps. … This is transparently not true, and one only need look at what the debt looked like during World War II to understand that real enemies…
Looking the Other Way
the policeman that has kept evil at bay in the 21st Century. … Too Busy Changing Their Own World The country with the hottest stock market this year is Indonesia, reflecting an excitement … Juxtapose the excitement in Indonesia or Japan, or other places in the world with gloom-and-doom of America, and it is easy to see…
Not your Father's Cold War
– What is downright dismaying is how the West's surprising and bloodless victory in the Cold War left us ill-equipped for the world … For many, the understandable hope was that once the Cold War was behind us, a new era would be ahead of us. … The contrast with Russia and China (not to mention Iran and Saudi Arabia) is amazing.…
Back by Popular Demand: Tyranny
– Once again a popular vote, this time in newly captive Crimea, is staged -- but Tsar Vladimir took no chances with the wording of the … And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. … Who says the Cold War is a thing of the past? Except pollyannas like our president and secretary of state.…
Defense Spending Is An Investment
The military’s primary mission is not just to win wars but also to prevent war. … The 1991 Persian Gulf War is an example of how military spending saves lives. … Further, with technology becoming faster by the millisecond, we no longer have the luxury of time when the next war arrives in order…
Behind the Russian Rage
At 35, Putin was a rising star in the elite secret police, the KGB, of a superpower with a worldwide empire. … With the disintegration of the USSR, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova were soon gone. … Russia had lost its border with Iran, Turkey and the Middle East.…
Reassure the Poles? Send Biden!
With Vladimir Putin’s seeming success in rolling over Crimea and pushing aside the Ukrainians, President Obama is talking tough … Now, Moscow is rising anew. This is not the first time the Russians have had the chance to take Joe Biden’s measure. … And Claire Berlinski is right in saying that Biden’s record is surely known to the leaders in the Kremlin.…
Boots on the Ground in Ukraine?
– After a brief lull, some of the people who beat the drums for war in Iraq -- and have done likewise for Iran -- now propose that we … France in case of war with Germany. … During the Cold War, the U.S. deterred Moscow by drawing bright red lines and backing them up with massive forces and willing allies…
The 7 Reasons America Became A Great Power
– As Reagan said, "History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap." … At least for now, no nation could be so foolish as to believe that a potential fight with the United States would be cheap. … 3) Western Culture: If the entire population of Venezuela, Iran, or South Africa were here in the United States and all of us were…
War Party Oligarch
Is the Republican Party's Middle East policy up for bid? … Impresario: Sheldon Adelson, the Vegas-Macau casino mogul whose fortune is estimated at $39 billion -- 8th richest man on the planet … One such man is Jeb Bush, son and brother to presidents, who was the prize bull at Sheldon's cattle show.…
The Decline of the West (Cont'd)
The latest from the White House is that it has "overwhelming evidence" that Russia is now fomenting unrest in eastern Ukraine … The Cold War is definitely back on, only this time unilaterally because the West has yet to respond to this series of outrages in any … was the end to the Cold War, the nuclear arms race, and, along the way, the Soviet Union itself.…
Ukraine Declares War on Pro-Russian "Terrorists"
– This seems to be the only operation. There is no civil war in eastern Ukraine. … What is happening is evidence of stubborn unwillingness by the Kyiv authorities to establish a dialogue with Ukrainian regions, which … the same and neither is the end state, at least up to this point.…
The End of Ideology?
– Moreover, the prime motivator of a half-century of sacrifice in a Cold War that cost us trillions and 90,000 dead in Korea and Vietnam … Japan's response is not to reassert the divinity of the emperor. … At the end of the Cold War Francis Fukuyama predicted that we were approaching the "End of History," where liberal democracy would…
Senator Patrick Leahy deserves an Oscar
– Such is the magnitude of the scandal that a red-faced and snarling Senator Patrick Leahy is now chairing hearings on Capitol Hill where … But against the U.S. attempt to foil it. No. This is not your father’s cold war. … What really “makes no sense at all” is Senator Leahy’s hypocritical carping during the hearings and to Andrea Mitchell--who, by the
FDR Déjà Vuéjà-vu-n1831264
– President Obama, in following the FDR playbook, has used sanctions with countries like North Korea, Iran, Libya, Syria and now Russia … Obama should realize is that Russia, unlike Japan, is not some isolated island in the South Pacific where the primary trade is raising … In addition, this is not 1940 and the final outcome isn’t at all guaranteed like it was then.…
John Kerry’s Jewish Best Friends
– But the cumulative effects of the Palestinian terror war that began after Israel offered the PLO statehood at Camp David in 2000, the … failure of the 2005 withdrawal from Gaza, and the 2006 war with Lebanon have brought about a situation where the Israeli public is … government is keeping the US at bay.…
State Department: By the Way, It Looks Like Syria Used Chemical Weapons Again…way-it-looks-like-syria-used-chemical-weapons-again-n1827235
– Syria's horrific civil war rages on, with the (unofficial) death toll rising by the day. … At the same time, opposition activists say the Syrian air force is attacking the country's biggest city, Aleppo, with barrel bombs, … accordance with the interim deal the Obama administration struck with the anti-American fanatics in Tehran.…
We Want Politicians to Lie
The Supreme Court will decide the case soon, and I surely hope the Ohio law is overturned. … What he didn't tell us was the other stuff he and his team were really up to: They wanted to scare the bejeezus out of the other dictators … So I hope and pray the Ohio law is overturned by the Supreme Court.…
Rand Paul’s Support for Israel
– So by funding the PLO’s PA, which just united its forces with theirs, the US is subsidizing Iran’s terror network. … The hard truth is that while American isolationism is bad for the US, it isn’t necessarily bad for Israel. … – was notable because the US government is training and financing the Palestinian forces that would be directing the terror war.…
Is Obama Wrong on Ukraine?
– It is, asserts the magazine, "the question haunting its allies." … I would have is, why is it that everybody is so eager to use military force after we've just gone through a decade of war at enormous … It is something of a paradox that while most Americans want us to stay out of Syria -- "somebody else's civil war," said Obama -- and…
Life Under the Obama Doctrine
The US responded to the aggressive move by recommending that its allies comply with China’s dictates. … One thing that Obama did have the time do was signal to the Philippines that the US is no longer a reliable ally. … the US in contending with Iran’s illicit nuclear weapons program.…
Eastern Ukraine is Hopeless
– that they have been asking us for, for all sorts of reasons including the lack of surplus stocks….Involving a third party is the next … Pakistani Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif attended the parade at the invitation of Saudi Crown Prince Salman, who is also … Iran is the obvious intended audience for the Saudi military display.…
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