Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Hmm: Establishment Democrats Panicking About the Party's 2020 Choices?
– Public polling suggests that Democratic voters are broadly satisfied with their party's 2020 presidential field, but party elites … They're wary of the policies and electability of left-wing candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, and they're concerned … “You can imagine much stronger candidates,” Democratic National Committee member Elaine Kamarck told The Washington Post...Both papers…
Democratic Debate: 10 Questions Left on the Cutting Room Floor…debate-10-questions-left-on-the-cutting-room-floor-n2555258
– The New York Times and CNN co-sponsored the recent Democratic presidential debate. … Prior to the Mueller report, the influential paper published story after story about alleged Russian collusion with the Trump presidential … Compared to previous Democratic debates, this recent three-hour long one aired on CNN rated pretty bad. Who knows?…
Candidates' Wealth Tax Proposals Demonstrate Spooky Economic Ignorance…tax-proposals-demonstrate-spooky-economic-ignorance-n2555251
Candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination like Sen. … Reducing inequality is also a poor means to fix whatever these candidates think ails America. … It may feel good for some candidates to bash wealth accumulation and threaten to use taxes to punish the very rich.…
Analysis: No, A New State Department Review Does Not Exonerate Hillary Clinton on Her Email Scandal
– proof that the Clinton email scandal was a bogus nothingburger from the start, cooked up to hurt the former Secretary of State's presidential … Anyone in the media who is pretending otherwise is being dishonest, and actively working to ensure that future Democratic scandals … are soft-pedaled in such a manner as to not pose an electoral threat to journalists' preferred candidates.  …
If Confiscating 'Assault Weapons' Is a Gimmick, So Is Banning Them: O'Rourke's Scheme Would Be an Ineffectual Attempt to Enforce Arbitrary Distinctions…effectual-attempt-to-enforce-arbitrary-distinctions-n2555177
– Beto O'Rourke is taking flak from other Democratic presidential contenders for supporting mass confiscation of military-style rifles … "Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15," O'Rourke declared during last month's Democratic presidential debate. … The Democratic presidential candidates, including those who criticize O'Rourke's confiscation scheme as impractical, nevertheless insist…
ICYMI: General Motors Employee Just Gave 2020 Democrats A Big Warning…are-this-common-traitand-its-not-good-for-democrats-n2552996
– She’s a poor campaigner, which is very fitting for her two-time presidential loser accolade. … “It scares me that (some Democratic candidates) don’t know working-class people,” said the 47-year-old self-described liberal who voted … strategist who worked as Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign manager and fought fracking in Colorado.…
Party of Progress Lets Its Mask Slip
– Things have come to a pretty pass when the most “moderate” Democratic presidential candidate wants to make history by bringing along … That’s where things stand after the latest Democratic debates, town halls and other glimpses into the bizarre strain in American politics … The entire current Democratic leadership is radically socialist, from the presidential candidates on down to the freshmen Congresswomen…
The Hillary-Tulsi Smackdown
– I have two candidates for their consideration: Hillary Clinton and presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii). … She made a similar assertion about Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, who she says Russia also used to keep her from winning … Trump, calling Clinton "the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic
ICYMI: GOP Congressmen Sent Blistering Letter to CNN Outlining the Network's Constitutional Violations…nn-outlining-the-networks-constitutional-violations-n2555124
– "As your news organization seems to have lost all sense of objectivity, spinning itself into oblivion to support left-leaning candidates … and participating in distortion against conservative candidates, you have still operated within the boundaries of the First Amendment … According to the group, CNN is violating the Buckley decision because the network continues to run Democratic presidential candidates
The Ghastly Practices of Planned Parenthood
– Not surprisingly, most of the Democratic presidential candidates are veering further to the left when it comes to abortion, to the … point that most of the candidates now support bills which, if enacted, would legalize some of the crimes committed by abortionist Kermit…
Mulvaney: Actually, I Didn't Say What I Clearly Said, On Camera…mself-into-pretzels-to-walk-back-quid-pro-quo-claim-n2555062
– be clear, what you just described is a quid-pro-quo: The funding will not flow unless you're getting an investigation into the Democratic … A foreign government interfering in an American election with the express goal of helping defeat one of the candidates is a serious … is profoundly biased, and far too often outright hysterical, about this president doesn't mean that bad, unwise, or unethical presidential
Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein, And Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Fear…bbard-jill-stein-and-hillary-clintons-greatest-fear-n2555066
– between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard. … In the same exchange, Clinton called 2016 Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein a “Russian asset.” … Nevermind, of course, that third party candidates have cost Republicans too.…
Dem Candidates Pander to Striking Autoworkers to Court Union Vote…pander-to-striking-autoworkers-to-court-union-vote-n2555027
– In an apparent pandering competition to win the favor of union voters, Democratic presidential candidates used the Ohio debate stage … But reports of a possible end to the strike didn’t prevent Democratic candidates from forgoing their chance to bash the corporation … Unfortunately, claiming that corporations aren’t paying taxes has become a standard talking point for Democratic candidates.…
Liberal Reporter Wrecks Hillary Clinton's Unhinged 2020 Russian Conspiracy Claim…inton-peddles-conspiracy-theory-about-tulsi-gabbard-n2554983
– candidate (via CBS News): "I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic … And I'm not making any predictions, but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary. … Everyone who is inconvenient to the Democratic Party is now being surreptitiously controlled by Russia.…
Westerville Debate Leaves Democratic Race Wider Open
– The world's oldest political party set an all-time record Tuesday night, with 12 presidential candidates on a single stage in Westerville … election but one for a half century (1944-92) but has voted Democratic in the six elections since. … Other Democrats were tussling over other issues that tend to pit one Democratic constituency against another.…
Warren, Biden, Sanders and that Big Rock Candy Mountain
– Watching the Democratic presidential candidate debate -- with Elizabeth Warren promising government health care for all without saying … But I concentrated on what the candidates were saying, and it completely harshed my mellow. … he won't be the Democratic nominee.…
FACT CHECK: Will Lieawatha's Health Care Increase Middle-Class Taxes?
presidential candidates. … Even with a Democratic Congress, I doubt this will get 60 votes in the Senate. … If she thinks she’s facing pressure, wait until Donald Trump goes full-court press should she become the Democratic nominee. …
NYT: We Examined Persuadable 2020 Voters, and What We Discovered Is Good News for Trump…oters-and-what-we-discovered-is-good-news-for-trump-n2555918
– These truly persuadable voters — 1 percent of all adults in America — have the votes to decide the 2020 presidential election. … Most, 69 percent, say they usually vote for a mix of both Democratic and Republican candidates. … Presidential misconduct shouldn't be ignored or swept under the rug based solely on lukewarm public opinion, but voter sentiment is…
McConnell: It's Highly Unlikely Trump Would Be Removed From Office If Senate Voted Today…y-trump-would-be-removed-from-office-if-senate-vote-n2555984
– McConnell brought up a valid point, especially for 2020 Democratic presidential contenders who currently hold positions in the Senate … How long do the presidential candidates want to be here on the floor of the Senate instead of in Iowa and New Hampshire?" … The last thing these candidates want is to lose time on the ground in early battleground states.…
And I Solemnly Promise You
– Beto O'Rourke's pullout from the presidential race leaves the Democrats with, oh, a mere dozen and a half or so candidates available … Candidates who come out of nowhere in order to lead us somewhere else are a dime a carload. … This is presidential politics. If you want to be president, you must DO something for us.…
The Bellwether House Race for 2020 Is in Western Pennsylvania…ther-house-race-for-2020-is-in-western-pennsylvania-n2555886
– In 2018, Lamb was the center of the Democratic universe. … Democratic presidential candidates cannot win Pennsylvania without western Pennsylvanian support, and they cannot win the presidency … "This will be Lamb's first election during a presidential year.…
NYT: Trump's Electoral Advantage May Have Increased and This 2020 Democrat Is Toast If Nominated…reased-and-this-2020-democrat-is-toast-if-nominated-n2555865
– All the leading Democratic candidates trail in the precincts or counties that voted for Barack Obama and then flipped to Mr. … Respondents in these states said they voted for Democratic congressional candidates by an average of six points, all but identical … Nearly two-thirds of the Trump voters who said they voted for Democratic congressional candidates in 2018 say that they’ll back the…
New Poll Has Joe Biden Nearly Tied For First Place With...Hillary Clinton…joe-biden-tied-for-first-place-withhillary-clinton-n2555834
– A new Harvard-Harris poll found former Vice President Joe Biden leading the field of candidates among Democratic voters, but if Hillary … Nineteen percent of Democratic voters said they would choose Biden while 18 percent were in favor of Clinton. Sens. … Kerry and Bloomberg were next, beating out the rest of the Democratic presidential candidates. …
Pelosi Attempts to Rein In 2020 Dems With This Unsolicited Advice…n-caucus-yet-she-believes-she-can-rein-in-2020-dems-n2555779
– caucus – or the very chamber she oversees – Nancy has a word of advice for the 2020 Democrats: even though the base loves the candidates … The Speaker took a swipe at Medicare For All, a plan backed by the majority of the Democratic presidential candidates. … The biggest reminder she had for the presidential candidates vying for the Democratic nomination was to quit trying to go further left…
Nancy Pelosi Is 'Not a Big Fan of Medicare For All’
– On Friday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said she is not a big supporter of a "Medicare for All" plan as the Democraticpresidential candidates are rolling out their versions of "Medicare for All." …
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