Results for: sign up to vote

Pro-life Victory in Texas: Senate Passes Late-Term Abortion Ban
– Rick Perry to sign into law. … The vote came after weeks of protests and rallies drew thousands to the Capitol and made Texas the focus of the national abortion debate … In a statement released just after the vote, Perry said, "Today the Texas Legislature took its final step in our historic effort to
Majority Want ObamaCare Individual Mandate Delayed
– By a two-to-one margin, 56% to 26%, voters want the president to delay implementation of the individual mandate. … and coffee cups in order to sell the unpopular bill to young people. … pinpoint the precise group they want to sign up for Obamacare — young and healthy Americans who won’t weigh down the system with high…
Late-Term Abortion Ban in Texas Facing Final Passage…m-abortion-ban-in-texas-facing-final-passage-friday-n1639349
– Texas Governor Rick Perry is patiently waiting to sign the bill into law. … This time when the Texas Senate takes up tough new abortion restrictions, the chamber's top Republican is determined not to let anything … For those who break the rules, the Texas Constitution gives Dewhurst the authority to jail them for up to 48 hours, no court necessary…
President Closes Monuments Our Fathers Built
– Fox News sponsored an independent research poll in July that included the question, “If you were given the opportunity to vote only … on whether to keep the 2010 healthcare law known as Obamacare in place or repeal it, how would you vote?” … extending the same Obamacare sign-up delay for individuals as are already granted by the White House for businesses.They also want…
A Blessing for the GOP
up the American people. … Let millions struggle daily to sign up online for the government health care that they -- but not their elected representatives in … If Obamacare is living up to the president’s promises and voters are happy with it, Democrats will be the big winners.…
Next on the Agenda: Immigration Reform?ñoz/2013/10/16/next-on-the-agenda-immigration-reform-n1725431
– Although the American people are fed up with Washington’s charades, President Obama was quick to blame Republicans in his Univision … Leadership in the House has made it clear that the Senate’s immigration bill will not go to the floor for a vote. … At this time, forcing a vote on immigration reform in the House seems not only improbable, but dangerous to any potential progress.…
6 Things Every American Should Know About Obamacare
– They vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama. … Yet, the glitches on the website were so bad, that as few as five thousand Americans may have managed to sign up so far across thirty … As a general rule, older Americans tend to have more experience, more money, and more assets built up.…
CBS News: Obamacare's Entire Financial Model is In Danger of Collapsing…amacares-financial-model-is-in-danger-of-collapsing-n1732009
– The poor and sick are managing to sign up for Medicaid -- to the "surprise" of state officials -- but they aren't been offset by people … Willes is not the only person who's going to end up paying a lot more. … Will Harry Reid allow such a vote? Up-or-down. Time's a-wastin'.…
Vulnerable Democrats: No, Seriously, Who's Up For an Obamacare Delay?…mocrats-no-seriously-whos-up-for-an-obamacare-delay-n1731770
– , and the idea that the government might end up fining people for failing to enroll through the government's broken website is outright … With negative headlines swirling, would Democrats really link arms and vote to keep a failing, unready law in place? … up-or-down vote on President Obama's preferred "clean" temporary budget.…
Surprise: Senate Democrats Want an Obamacare Delay
to buy insurance when the primary sign-up website doesn't work. … the time for people to sign up." … In case you missed it, Guy covered the details leading up to this point yesterday.…
Senate Wins Big Victory for 2nd Amendment
– by majority vote in the U.N. … Senator Jim Inhofe sponsored an amendment in the Senate to show opposition to the treaty. … for standing up for your natural, God-given right to self-defense as well as our country’s right to manage our own foreign policy.…
5 Scandalous Obamacare Horror Stories
– A lot of people -- and not just the ones who are wasting all day trying and failing to sign up for the dysfunctional 600 million dollar … They vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama. … to age 26.…
The Shutdown Shuts Down
– Or rather Thursday, which is when the president finally got to sign a debt-(un)limit bill so everything could get back to dangerously … Which is just what they learned a decade ago when Bill Clinton cleaned their clock and was able to go on to re-election, earning a … The scientific term for it, to borrow a line from that noted political scientist Cool Hand Luke, is a failure to communicate.…
Flashback: Senate Democrats Killed 'Keep Your Plan' Enforcement Bill in 2010…rats-killed-keep-your-plan-enforcement-bill-in-2010-n1734637
– On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this … Max Baucus -- who co-authored Obamacare, then alerted America its oncoming "trainwreck" -- is the latest Democrat to sign on to the … to sign up; so that is goosing the numbers in one direction.…
Panic: Desperate Democrats Propose Law to Restore Obama's 'Keep Your Plan' Pledge…offer-bills-restoring-obamas-keep-your-plan-pledge-n1733880
– , so they're springing into action to try to force the administration to keep its word. … Responding to Republican accusations that she's finally kicking up a fuss to cover her own political ass, Landrieu had the audacity … to accuse the GOP of "making things up," and said she expects to be re-elected next fall.…
Broken Promises/Broken Presidencies
– Bush 41 fell to Bill Clinton in the 1992 election, gaining an abysmal 37% of the popular vote. … Obama needs desperately to sign up and sign on. He needs them to rush the website like shoppers at Walmart on Black Friday. … He needs them to sign up for ObamaCare so he can afford to pay out the generous subsidies that his health care takeover will require…
Obamacare Boomerangs on Democrats Up For Reelection…obamacare-boomerangs-on-democrats-up-for-reelection-n1732539
– Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., Democrats are asking the White House to grant an extension to Obamacare's open-enrollment. … And the reality of reelection seems to have inspired some to be less-than-altruistic in their request to delay Obamacare. … CNN reported all Senate Democrats up for re-election will sign on -- in hopes the administration will throw them a life-line (shrouded…
No Confidence: House Passes 'Keep Your Plan' Bill; 39 Democrats Ignore WH Veto Threat…p-your-plan-bill-xx-democrats-ignore-wh-veto-threat-n1747304
– exchanges fail to enroll enough people to make the system financially viable. … Obamacare enrollment has already been stymied by glitches at the sign-up site and it could be dampened again under an … UPDATE II - I was on Fox earlier to discuss this vote.…
House Dem on Obamacare: "I Don't Know How He F***ed This Up So Badly"…n-obamacare-i-dont-know-how-he-fed-this-up-so-badly-n1746954
– Meet Dan Howard, a Pennsylvania man who lost his coverage, and who isn't among the 'lucky' 27,000 Americans who've managed to sign … And as the House of Representatives prepares to vote on the "If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It" Act, the White House has threatened … to veto it.…
To Speak to a Nigerian Prince About Your Health Care, Press '1' Now…nigerian-prince-about-your-health-care-press-1-now-n1746128
– (But rest assured: If your identity is stolen as a result of trying to sign up for Obamacare, no one will be more upset about it than … If you call today, you can sign up for Obamacare plus learn about a Nigerian prince in exile who's willing to share his vast inheritance … In order to pass Obamacare, Democrats had to bring in the Third World to vote Democratic.…
Surprise: WH Likely to Whiff on Do-Over Obamacare Deadline…ely-to-whiff-on-selfimposed-1130-obamacare-deadline-n1745547
– The insurance exchange is balking when more than 20,000 to 30,000 people attempt to use it at the same time — about half its intended … "You're continuing to allow people to buy a defective product. … up early on."…
It's Time for Partial Obamacare Repeal
– Their computer systems took months to program in order to be able to send the letters out and set up the terminations on their systems … And Republicans should not do anything legislatively to help clean up Obama's mess. He passed this law with only Democrat votes. … should be willing to sign on.…
The ENDA Freedom in America
– among the largest donors to the Democratic Party.Ten Republicans joined 54 Democrats in the final vote. … Johnson did so to shut up overly critical preachers. … Imagine what they will do nationally if Barack Obama gets to sign ENDA.…
Scattered Returns: As New Jersey Goes, Virginia Doesn't
– election returns looking for a pattern, any pattern, in all that undergrowth, or even a sign of things to come. … To some of us they say the whole, mixed-up and deeply divided country has one thing in common: The American people are fed up with … There will be nothing to argue. The voters will simply vote Republicans into singularity.…
Getting Real Why Cuccinelli Was Defeated
– The difference is that in this election blacks constituted 20 percent of the overall vote, up four points from 16 percent in 2009. … So the impact of the black vote grew in 2013. … That increase of four points of the black vote as a percentage of the total vote could have made the difference alone, given that Cuccinelli…
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