Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

It's Not About Fentanyl
– The bad news is, it's only to say they are against Americans dying from fentanyl. So proud of you, GOP! … aliens, the vast majority of whom are from Latin America. … She's definitely right that immigrants love gun control.…
Border States Busing Migrants to Sanctuary Cities Proves to Be a Winning Strategy…to-sanctuary-cities-proves-to-be-a-winning-strategy-n2626876
– crisis because their social programs are being burdened by the daily arrivals. … are migrants to Massachusetts, drawn here because we are and proudly have been a beacon to those in heed. … The number of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.…
Success: Greg Abbott's Migrant-Busing 'Stunt' Continues to Deliver Hard Lessons to 'Sanctuary' Cities…ntinues-to-deliver-hard-lessons-to-sanctuary-cities-n2627926
– Meanwhile, in Chicago, some Democratic politicians are demanding more 'resources' and benefits for illegal immigrants from the feds … Garden State Democrats are stiff-arming New York's illegal immigrant spillover. … American homeless families are getting booted from shelters, in order to make room for illegal immigrants.…
The Endless, Consequence-Free Gaslighting of Karine Jean-Pierre…consequence-free-gaslighting-of-karine-jean-pierre-n2627839
immigrants subsequently convicted of multiple categories of additional crimes. … They're also likely a bit embarrassed for her, given how conspicuously bad she is at the job, so they feel bad making things any tougher … They are partisan Democrats who are rooting for their side, especially with the looming threat of Trump's candidacy hovering over this…
Chicago Democrat Introduces Ordinance to Threaten Deportation to Deter Illegal Immigrant Crime…rat-chicago-alderman-wants-to-increase-deportations-n2627708
– This started when the city began welcoming swarms of illegal immigrants. … Since then, crimes committed by illegal immigrants have been on the rise, specifically in areas where there are shelters for illegal … Townhall previously reported how Lightfoot boasted that Chicago is a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants.…
Just In: New Numbers Shatter Kamala's Bogus 'Progress' Narrative on Border Crisis…r-kamalas-bogus-progress-narrative-on-border-crisis-n2628466
– immigrant encounters, fake-quasi-'legal' parolees, and known got-aways, it's very plausible that more than 10,000 illegal immigrants … The inability to locate illegal immigrants who have been apprehended and then released mean federal officials are likely to be unable … Millions of illegal immigrants have entered the US under this president, and the federal government has no earthly idea where vast…
Break the Law Again, You'll Get Two Desserts!
– Already, city services are being slashed to take care of the "migrants" (the latest euphemism for illegal aliens). … City services are running like a top, the streets and sidewalks gleam, and 8 million New Yorkers are living in peace and harmony. … If pointing out something bad that will hurt your political opponents means you wanted the bad thing to happen, then how about these…
The Worsening Border Crisis Underscores Urgency for Congress to Pass H.R. 2…risis-underscores-urgency-for-congress-to-pass-hr-2-n2628267
– The crisis caused by the surge of illegal immigrants into New York City “will destroy New York City,” said New York Mayor Eric Adams … That the overflow of illegal immigrants – more than 100,000 in the last year into New York City alone, more than 6 million into the … immigrants.…
Texas National Guardsmen Attempt to Stop the Flow of Illegal Immigrants Into Eagle Pass
– EAGLE PASS, Texas — Large groups of illegal immigrants continued to cross the Rio Grande in order to reach the United States, while … The illegal immigrants decided to stay in place and wait. … After the group passed through, Guardsmen placed more C-wire in the gap illegal immigrants used to enter Eagle Pass.…
The Economy Isn't Biden's Only Problem
– huge problem for many, and definitely has a negative impact on Biden’s overall approval and re-elect numbers, the polls reveal there are … “top tier” borrowers on 30-year loans have hit 7.5 percent, a level not seen in at least 22 years – and, consequently, Americans areimmigrants have invaded our country. …
Disturbing: Border Officials Reveal the Number of Criminal Encounters Over the Past 11 Months…ers-hit-shocking-high-for-the-second-time-this-week-n2629053
– Earlier in the week, we relayed the stunning report that an unprecedented 11,000-plus illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern … immigrants obviously isn't working.   … While most illegal immigrants are incentivized to get encountered, processed, and released, Dangerous criminals, gang members, traffickers…
Why Are Biden and Democrats Carrying Out the Murder of the Middle Class?…mocrats-carrying-out-the-murder-of-the-middle-class-n2588092
– There are reports of immigrants, many of them diseased or sick with COVID, being put on airplanes -- without any ID. … We don't know who they are, where they're from or why they're here. … They're apparently housing illegal aliens -- with our tax dollars. The hotels in Texas are all booked up. Check for yourself.…
Uh Oh: Democrats are Bleeding Support with One of Their Key Voting Blocs…bleeding-support-with-one-of-their-key-voting-blocs-n2587792
– Hispanic voters are not gung-ho about a pathway to citizenship. … When it comes to immigrants who are already in the country, legally or not, they're in favor of giving them a road to citizenship. … Very bad things—and right now, there is a border crisis, illegals are pouring in, and the ‘defund the police’ chant is shrieking through…
Actually, Everything the DEMOCRATS do is Racist
– Some areas are obvious. … Looking the other way at illegal immigrants working favors Hispanics over blacks. … If employers can get away with paying illegal immigrants super low wages, this hurts blacks who are making minimum wage.…
Biden's Address to Congress Shows Just How Unprepared They Are to Handle the Border Crisis…s-address-to-congress-shows-how-unprepared-they-are-n2588734
– When Biden did bring up the issue of illegal immigration, he softened it by simply calling it "migration." … While the root causes of illegal immigration are complex and long-standing, they were the same when Trump was in office, and he was … The current administration seems adamant in letting the crisis fester, whose first victims are the immigrants themselves and whose…
Answering Your Objections To A National Popular Vote
– What if a state allows illegal immigrants to vote? … RAY: Federal law prohibits illegal immigrants from voting in a federal election. … To vote, illegal immigrants have to declare under penalty of perjury that they are citizens and risk perjury charges, a five-year prison…
Here's How Montana Is Protecting Itself from Biden's Gun Control Orders…is-protecting-itself-from-bidens-gun-control-orders-n2588489
– President Joe Biden's gun control executive orders are bad enough.  … Americans are understandably concerned then that their Second Amendment rights are at risk.  Fortunately, Gov. … If states can be "sanctuary states" for illegal immigrants, why not to protect American's constitutional rights?…
Rep. Roy on COVID Border Restrictions: 'Democrats Won't Do Anything About It'…er-restrictions-democrats-wont-do-anything-about-it-n2588368
– Democrats are so hellbent against protecting our borders from illegal immigrants, even those with COVID, that Reps. … Chip Roy (R-TX) and Yvette Herrell (R-NM) are turning to discharge their "Protecting Americans from Unnecessary Spread upon Entry from … President Biden announced his selection of Harris to figure out stem the surge of immigrants crossing illegally from Mexico, Guatemala…
On Election ‘Reform,’ Democrat Elites Are Out of Touch
– There are other provisions in the legislation that are similarly out of touch with public sentiment, but which are nevertheless included … For instance, I seriously doubt most voters would want to have their own votes diluted by adding illegal immigrants to the pool of … Welfare for politicians, adding illegal immigrants to the voter pool, overturning voter identification requirements – just three of…
Calling on 'Moderate' Democrats
– But Democrats, wedded to their open-borders agenda and their faux compassion for illegal immigrants, castigated Trump as a racist and … Now the cartels are flourishing, and our borders are being overrun. … Children are being held, and Democrats are supplying misleading photos to dupe the public. U.S. Rep.…
Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start
– That said, there are some things that presidents do have the power to influence. … There are 7.5 million jobs available in the United States, but only 270,000 were filled. … And Americans are getting $300-a-week bonus checks to stay home.…
Are the Halcyon Days Over for Joe Biden?
– But that was not the end of the bad news for Biden this week. … Today, even inside Israel, Arabs and Jews, both Israeli citizens, are battling in the streets. … But the defining crisis of the Biden presidency may be the crisis on America's southern border, where another 170,000 illegal immigrants
The Inscrutable Catholic Support for Biden
– The Biden regime has not been in place for long, and already it is a constant barrage of bad news. … Thousands are being held in confinement units intended to hold a fraction of that number. … Huge numbers are children, many of whom are unaccompanied, abandoned and/or could be exploited in sex trafficking rings.…
Biden Administration Needs to Strengthen Border Security…administration-needs-to-strengthen-border-security-n2589937
– I know it’s probably not a surprise, but this new administration is soft on border security when it comes to illegal immigrants and … We are seeing something similar with regard to the import of illegal opioids using the regular mails. … Because these letters are not tracked, the bad guys use them to send in drugs.…
When Resounding Failure Is Viewed as Success: Biden’s Ball of Confusion…ilure-is-viewed-as-success-bidens-ball-of-confusion-n2589899
– So how bad are things right now? Let me count the ways. In May, we have outsized unemployment. … According to a Bloomberg report, never one to denigrate Democrats, “The numbers are out, and on the top line they are way worse than … We know that approximately 2.5 million illegal immigrants came to the United States during the Obama administration including the murderous…
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