Results for: center left libertarian

Rachel Maddow, Libertarian on One Issue
– But when the subject is abortion, you will not find a more enthusiastic libertarian. … on Mississippi's law banning the termination of unborn children after 15 weeks, Maddow championed lawyer Julie Rikelman for the Center … Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog…
How He Lived: Remembering Frank Beckmann
– As a libertarian at heart, he decided against it, as he would have needed to register as a Republican and abandon his broadcasting … daughters, he also left a great many loving friends who miss him and think of him often and when they think of him, it’s not how he … Nash is director of the McNair Center at Northwood University and Dr. Kent MacDonald is president of Northwood University…
What About This Alleged Wave of Conservative Populism Due to Trump?…alleged-wave-of-conservative-populism-due-to-trump-n2603234
– He was no conservative, falling somewhere between the left and the right on the spectrum. … Trump in 2016, particularly during the primary, embodied the “classic populist position,” conservative on conservative issues but center-left … But there is nothing about Trump that goes along with a center-left position on economic issues.…
Wikipedia Bias
– Artists, bartenders, librarians, reporters, and teachers lean left. … "People on the left far outweigh people on the center and the right...a lot (are) openly socialist and Marxist." … Those sites are childishly far-left.…
Government-Backed Censors Confuse 'Disinformation' With Mainstream Opinions…ors-confuse-disinformation-with-mainstream-opinions-n2624823
– investigation by the Washington Examiner for building questionable and secret advertiser "exclusion lists" targeting conservative and libertarian … Meanwhile, the outlets deemed "least risky" are all considered left-of-center with the exception of The Wall Street Journal.…
Will Joe Manchin's New Hampshire Trip Leave Dems 'Shivering'?…ll-manchins-new-hampshire-trip-leave-dems-shivering-n2625842
– Independent and third-party candidates almost always fade the closer we get to Election Day – see 2016, when Libertarian nominee Gary … argues that previous third-party candidacies – for instance, by Green Party nominee Jill Stein, consumer advocate Ralph Nader and Libertarian … votes from Democratic nominees Al Gore and Hillary Clinton and opening the way for the GOP to claim the White House).  […]  The center-left
Biden Administration Needs to Learn Lessons of Ukraine in Relationship with Brazil…earn-lessons-of-ukraine-in-relationship-with-brazil-n2606968
– As a Libertarian-ish Republican, I share the concerns of many on the right that the United States needs to be careful not to be drawn … under a different kind of assault is Brazil where an election is about to happen that may point the largest nation in South America left … The battle in Brazil is not between a right versus left style American election in the upcoming presidential election in Brazil.…
Not Just Elon Musk: More Americans Seeking Out GOP
– The libertarian creative disruptor aligns very closely with the party on free speech, family, limited government, and disdain for public … It’s well-documented Democrats have veered too far to the Left – especially through controlling all levers of government. … And in March 2022, the left-leaning Schoen Cooperman Research conducted polling that confirmed this:  "Indeed, a majority of voters…
Jim Jordan for House GOP Leader
– The Left was not instructed that their in-your-face tactics are alien to a constitutional republic and civil discourse. … The so-called “Ice is Nice” bill received the support of all Republicans except über-libertarian Justin Amash of Michigan. … Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.…
America’s Libertarian Moment?
– I work at the libertarian Cato Institute (aka, America’s most effective think tank), and I think libertarianism is the philosophy … But I sometimes wonder why libertarians aren’t more persuasive and why there aren’t any libertarian societies. … humor… …as well as something for our collection of anti-libertarian humor.…
Liberals Manage to Make Your Grocery List Racist
– According to the Washington Post: The app, based on data from Center for Responsive Politics, the Sunlight Foundation, and … I just can’t wait until some well-intentioned Occupy types start petitioning my local Whole Foods (a libertarian organization, by the … Truthfully, we on the right just wish to be left alone.…
Would Scottish Independence Be a Net Plus for Liberty?…uld-scottish-independence-be-a-net-plus-for-liberty-n1892762
– I’ve often been asked to try and summarize the tortuous Scottish independence campaign from a libertarian perspective to an American … …Given that Scotland’s top parties, the nationalists and Labor, are left-wing, it’s also possible that an independent Scotland will … …Ultimately, such a self-reliant, market-friendly political culture may transform Scotland into an international center of commerce…
Rep. John Delaney Sets Out To Bring A Trillion Dollars, And Safe Bridges, Back To America…a-trillion-dollars-and-safe-bridges-back-to-america-n1889082
– He then was elected by his colleagues as president of the Democratic freshman scores Delaney as center-left. … Although a man of the (center) left, Delaney founded not one but two New York Stock Exchange listed companies. … Yet there are other, sane, voices on the left that seem receptive.…
The Surprising Rise of the Hispanic Millennial Libertarian…prising-rise-of-the-hispanic-millennial-libertarian-n1887818
– The Pew Research Center recently released a study on who in America describes themselves as libertarian while being able to accurately … However, Hispanics self-identified as libertarian at almost the same rate, 11 percent. … Aren’t Hispanics more traditionally aligned with the left, while libertarianism more often aligns with the right?…
Department of Homeland Insecurity
– The agents believed the driver and passenger of the car, both of whom had shot the car’s owner and left him for dead, were planning … Schulz for the Center for Investigative Reporting found that DHS had distributed more than $34 billion in grants to local law enforcement … Libertarian journalist Radley Balko notes that poker games have become subject to SWAT team raids.…
Marijuana Smoke Gets in Your Rights
– As a teenager, Coats was in an automobile accident that left him severely disabled. … He worked in a Dish call center, not installing equipment on roofs. … Walter Olson, who told me that as a libertarian, he doesn't like corporate zero-tolerance policies, but he truly abhors "the endless…
Can It Happen Here?
– UKIP is the broadly conservative and libertarian party to the right of the Conservative Party. … What is more, his supporters on the tax-and-spend left are grumbling that he has caved on taxing and neglected to spend. … Might the socialist left in the Democratic Party and the tea party in the Republican Party compose the voices of the future?…
Americans Concerned about Declining Influence of Religion
– A new Pew Research Center survey of opinion about the importance of religion in American life shows an interesting picture. … Certainly, in the Republican Party, there is an increasingly vocal libertarian leaning faction that sees religion as costly political … The left wing version, which dominates the Democratic Party, says government can solve all of life’s problems.…
Liberals Should Not Be Allowed to Record Conservative History…hould-not-be-allowed-to-record-conservative-history-n2417041
– It was a courageous move that immediately hit the airwaves, as they accused the New York Times of favoring liberal and left-wing books … A recent survey by C-SPAN revealed that, of presidential experts from across the political spectrum, from libertarian to even left … ve dissected the fall and rise of 1970s America; instead, it became a hit-job against conservatism and against anything right of center
Gay Marriage Winning, But Freedom is Fighting Back
– status of marriage could be so radically redefined, and by popular vote in one of the most Catholic countries in the world, has left … One of many left-leaning movements defined by its totalitarian intolerance, the Gay Left movement is leaving many otherwise conservative … void the edicts of federal judges” who have overturned state marriage laws, the center said.…
First Amendment Sensitivity Training
– However, if an administrator’s campus has a First Amendment Center that offers free speech training, then administrators who go through … Centers could lead the way with debates on topics such as: -Is campus censorship generally coming from the political right or the leftLibertarian think-tanks? How about state legislatures? I intend to provide the answer in a future column.…
What Surge? Liberals Still Represent Under 30 Percent Of All Voters
– Hence why it’s still accurate to describe this country as right of center when it comes to politics. … It’s not unusual for young Republicans who favor gay marriage to cast themselves in the liberal/libertarian column when it comes to … In other words, the left is more liberal, but the median voter is not.…
Fun Times: Conservatives and Libertarians Hash Out Their Love-Hate Alliance at Cato…and-libertarians-duke-it-out-at-the-cato-institute-n2025431
– The panel spanned the conservative-libertarian spectrum. … She expressed the libertarian frustration that conservatives seem eager to band with libertarians when Democrats are in power, but … Thankfully, the conservative-libertarian alliance looks stronger than ever.…
The New York Times Accidentally Admits Superiority of Privatized Social Security…ly-admits-superiority-of-privatized-social-security-n1906339
– I confess that I get a bit of perverse pleasure when a left-leaning media outlet screws up and inadvertently shares information that … It’s not a pure libertarian system, to be sure, since there are government mandates (such as high mandatory savings to finance generous … Netherlands has for years been at or near the top of global pension rankings compiled by Mercer, the consulting firm, and the Australian Center
A Conservatarian Summer
– The nation is not becoming libertarian, but the pendulum is swinging back toward liberty. … Openly libertarian leaders like Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) and Sen. … Few on the Left dared to oppose the emerging consensus between Left and Right, and those who did were not rewarded.…
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