Results for: sign up to vote

Destroying the California Dream
– business climate to begin taking rafts to Oregon or Mexico. … But as far as I can tell, there's only one sure way to reverse California's death spiral -- vote the Democrats out of power in Sacramento … That means Republicans -- conservative Republicans allied with sensible Truman Democrats -- need to stand up and take back their state…
Report: Half of NC marriage amend. signs stolen
– The blue rubber signs are attached to a metal frame and say: "On May 8th, Vote FOR the Marriage Amendment." … it read -- although crudely -- "Vote against the Marriage Amendment." … The church had used its marquee to promote a "Marriage Sunday" for April 22.…
Revved Up Romney Takes the Fight to an Incompetent President Obama…_up_romney_takes_the_fight_to_an_incompetent_president_obama
– take the fight to Obama and win! … Romney’s pledge to the American people is a stark contrast to Obama who during his first few months in office gave a speech to the … This week's war is on students and their school loans so Obama can to snag the student vote.…
A Cynical Process
– in order to get them to sign up with the union. … join a union will now have to decide how much harassment of themselves and their family they are going to have to put up with, if … Meanwhile, employers would make their case to the same workers that it was in their best interest to vote against joining.When the…
302 Days to Go
– A fact that appears to be lost to cable news anchors is that when Republicans redistricted states to make the R districts stronger; … On the Secret Decoder Ring today: Links to Christine O'Donnell and to Todd Aiken, to's summary of Senate races and to … Also the Mullfoto of a sign taped to a street light in Old Town that might be the beginning of a novel.…
Is This Any Way to Treat the Job Creators?
– by holding a Tuesday, January 14, meeting with the Cabinet, where President Obama aimed to pick up “the pace of his jobs message.” … But the USFS was so difficult to work with, after spending more that $500,000 over two years, the company finally packed up and went … According to the Real Clear Politics report, He also “criticized Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for failing to call a vote on EPA…
Our Clueless President
– the Senate to vote on the stack of jobs bills that has been sent over by the House. … “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” he bragged, “I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive action and administrative … In Obama-Think, passing a law to jack up the minimum wage, extending unemployment insurance for six months and throwing billions in…
Defending Second Amendment Based Livelihood: Gun Dealers Need to "Wake Up"
– “Retailers Need to Wake Up,” Director of Government Relations and State Affairs at National Shooting Sports Foundation Jake … They cannot continue to make the excuse, “We don’t want to be political.” … In order to build better relationships with lawmakers, McGuigan encourages dealers to invite legislators to stores, even if they support…
Obama Moves to Weaponize IRS
– effort to rein in our unbridled federal government and return it to its expressly limited constitutional confines. … Despite the furor over the IRS assault on conservative groups leading up to the 2012 elections, this man – a despotic radical who’s … Also, please sign this petition to the Senate Committee on Finance, Taxation and IRS Oversight to ensure that all 501(c)(4) organizations…
Wisconsin Poll: Walker Leads '14 Opponent, Job Approval Tops Obama's…walkers-job-approval-beats-obamas-leads-14-opponent-n1785651
– Scott Walker keeps doing his thing up in the Badger State, where he appears well-positioned to secure his third gubernatorial victory … their 2014 vote … “This additional $911 million in projected revenue is a sign Wisconsin’s economy continues to grow and add jobs, and it’s more great…
Why Pro-Amnesty Republicans Are So Desperate To Pass Immigration Reform This Year…e-so-desperate-to-pass-immigration-reform-this-year-n1785691
– Obama to either sign on to it or veto a bill that the public supports? … So if politically it makes more sense for the GOP to wait until 2015 to take up immigration, we know the bill won't help the GOP with … use, "It was the best deal Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi would sign off on" as an excuse for signing on to a terrible bill.…
Putting Obama on the 2014 Midterm Elections Ballot
to revitalize the economy. … Obama mentioned his unpopular health care plan only briefly in his speech to Congress, a clear sign the White House fears its negative … are going to demote Nevada's Harry Reid to Senate minority leader.…
You Can Almost Hear This One Squeal
– Other congressmen talk a good game about the need to cut out the waste in an out-of-control federal budget that continues to mortgage … And he could scarcely have found a worse example of Washington's pork-barrel, log-rolling, deficit-enhancing ways to vote against than … It takes a clear-eyed Tom Cotton to tell us what's happening right before our eyes -- and have the courage to vote against it.…
Dark Money Rising
– Steyer would end up spending more money on a per-vote basis in 2013 than prominent conservative financier Sheldon Adelson did the year … Meanwhile, liberal super PACs are crushing their conservative counterparts in the run-up to 2014. … Rumors swirled in November that Priorities was looking to pick up some of the top Democratic political talent in Washington.…
How the GOP Lost Middle America
– The GOP will agree to halt the deportation of 12 million illegal aliens, and sign on to a blanket amnesty. … The determination of Middle Americans to preserve the country they grew up in, suddenly collided with the profit motive of Corporate … going to happen.…
Crony Capitalism in America 2008-2012: Legal Predators
– If a lawyer built up a huge firm from scratch, he was not able to sell his interest or otherwise profit from it after retirement. … California’s Prop 65 It is not uncommon for California office buildings to put up a sign near the entrance: “Prop 65 notice … In a market system, consumers are supposed to judge products and to vote with their dollars.…
Legislative Hypocrisy in Arizona
– What caused three Republican lawmakers in Arizona to sign SB 1062 only to reverse course a few days later and urge Governor Jan Brewer … Brewer ultimately vetoed, was passed along party lines by a vote of 17 (Republicans) to 13 (Democrats), but as the bill received tremendous … Only 27.6 percent said they want her to sign SB1062. The remaining 15.3 percent had no opinion.”…
Obama's Anti-Second Amendment Nominee For Surgeon General: Guns Are a Healthcare Issue
– Doctors for America has referred to guns as a public health threat, and circulated a petition to pressure Congress to pass stricter … vote sometime in the near future. … state Democrats are going to have a tough time in an election year justifying a confirmation vote for an anti-Second Amendment activist…
Democrat Liarship: Liars Lie, and then Lie to Cover the Lie…at-liarship-liars-lie-and-then-lie-to-cover-the-lie-n1803109
– “Those tales turned out to be just that – tales, stories made up from whole cloth, lies.” … Laws continue to be passed to formally pave the way for vote fraud (Here). … When that search came up negative, she was taken to University Medical Center.”…
Opposing Voter ID Laws in the Name of Race Is Insulting to Minorities…laws-in-the-name-of-race-is-insulting-to-minorities-n1812141
– What we want is to make sure the election process is fair, that only people who are eligible to vote are allowed to vote and vote just … documentation to verify that they are who they say they are before being allowed to vote? … I pray more people wake up to this reality.…
"Sanctions War" Begins: Russia Targets U.S. Officials
– In fact, the opposite is true: the Kremlin is moving quickly to make its annexation of Crimea complete: The vote … in the lower house, the State Duma, to annex Crimea was 443 to 1. … The bill is scheduled to be taken up Friday by the upper house, the Federation Council, where expected approval will make Crimea officially…
Brutal: Nevada Man Stuck with $407,000 Obamacare Bill
– Like many consumers, he fought technical flaws during multiple sign-up attempts. … One gave up trying to fix it and is sticking with the plan the exchange put her in. … This guy isn't one of the "reckless" crowd who've declined to sign up for coverage.…
Republicans Fight "Webcam Abortions" in Iowa
– Terry Branstad to sign. HF 2175 would ban the practice and, if charged, doctors could be fined and have their licenses suspended. … Of course, Iowa Democrats’ have gone to the overused ‘war on women’ argument to prevent Republicans from resurrecting the bill. … How else could you describe their fight to ensure young women aren’t subjected to taking a dangerous pill such as RU-486 by themselves…
Report: Scott Brown Hiring Campaign Staffers in NH
– What to make of all this? … Circling back to my point earlier, Alex Sink didn’t even vote for Obamacare and her candidacy went down in flames. … How much money and resources can they afford to re-allocate to New England?…
Thursday's Crucial Hearing
– If the military's many jobs add up to a budget 20 times larger than the next ten nations combined, so be it. … It is up to Chairman Frelinghuysen and his colleagues to get some mission statements out of Secretary Hagel in response to key questions … Deficit hawks will scream, but Speaker Boehner and Leader Cantor should put the bill on the floor and vote on it and then send it to
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