Results for: they are all going to jail

Bernie’s Feckless Attacks on Wall Street
– Bernie’s, probably because of two reasons: First, they don’t know enough to question it; and, second, because they are on his team … They need to understand pension plans and why they are important and what it means to buy a home and take out a mortgage. … Most importantly they need to know if they are going on to college what the ramifications of taking out large student loans may mean…
Today’s Microscopic Racism Is Light Years From Real Oppression…roscopic-racism-is-light-years-from-real-oppression-n2536268
– took him to jail on fake charges of drinking beer at the back of the bus. … “nationalism” to put country first, is all racism in the 21st century. … And if we are to build something worth passing along to our children, we have to work as hard as they did to strengthen the sacred…
Michael Avenatti Thinks He Has a Shot at Beating Trump in 2020 AND He Made Up With Stormy?!…a-shot-at-beating-trump-in-2020-and-he-made-up-wit-n2536859
– We are going to kick ass together on two coasts tomorrow. … To all the people that want to divide us for their own agendas: It is not going to happen! … Puff pieces and adoring adulation are not going to prepare you to win.…
Will Corporate And Government Green-Washing Save Earth From Inflated or Phony Eco Scares?…ashing-save-earth-from-inflated-or-phony-eco-scares-n2536827
– The problem is also irrelevant to issues that are central to all “renewable” energy and “Save the Earth” campaigns. … Will you risk going to jail in one of those countries, for demanding better wages and working conditions? … , presented to friendly, gullible media, to give these companies accolades they don’t deserve.…
Law vs. Morality in the Trump Campaign-finance Flap
– God sees and judges all sin, and while He seeks to restore the offender with love and grace, He does not necessarily remove all the … The rules of criminal procedure are only relevant, if at all, procedurally. … Instead, they are used as a substitute for moral or civic judgment.…
How Democracy Is Losing the World
– "They are aiming at Russia collusion, the Trump Organization, the Trump Foundation, a Trump hotel, Trump tax returns, Trump campaign … Also, democracy no longer has the field largely to itself as to how to create a prosperous and powerful nation-state. … And all the while this horror is going on, Ronald Reagan's treaty that banned all U.S. and Soviet nuclear missiles with a range between…
Two True Public Servants Chase a Gunman; That Weasel Blagojevich Chases a Pardon…se-a-gunman-that-weasel-blagojevich-chases-a-pardon-n2537786
– the law, that ended up my husband in jail ... these same people are trying to do the same thing they did to my husband just on a much … They want voters to forget what they did to Illinois. … They want voters to forget the racial, tribal arithmetic they used in the governor's race, even as they count on its magic in Chicago…
The War On Trump Is All About Keeping Liberals And Their Lackeys In Power
– None of those principles help them to keep or regain power anymore, so they are expendable. As are you. … Cheating is okay, because they are entitled to rule. … They are no longer pretending to seek anything but their own personal power.…
Unjust New Abortion Law in California
– On behalf of a couple of pro-life centers, they have filed suit to keep this law from going into effect, which it is scheduled to do … what they consider to be murder and the victimization of women. … Many women who thought abortion was going to be a simple solution to a complex problem have had all sorts of emotional, spiritual,…
Pot Business Has Green Problems
– While many are enjoying their Rocky Mountain High free from the worry of going to jail, the pot shops are hamstrung by our government … Legal marijuana dealers are forced to run a straight cash business. Therefore, the regular banks shy away from all things pot. … They have to, it’s how America’s small businesses get the money they need.…
Debunking 5 Phony Statistics Liberals Love To Toss Around…ing-5-phony-statistics-liberals-love-to-toss-around-n2093733
– Liberals are all about emotions, not facts. … But these studies suffer from some or all of the same flaws. How many college-age women are raped according to the FBI? … But even to use that kind of generalization, i.e., one simple statistic for all marriages, grossly distorts what is actually going
In the West, a New Birth of Liberty, and the Will to Live…he-west-a-new-birth-of-liberty-and-the-will-to-live-n2097900
– There are more people with the will to fight back, to survive, to thrive once again. … Temple thrashed their hypocrisy toward legal residents and the rule of law: “My people break the law, they go to jail. … We are not going to have to sets of law!” The double-standard ends today.…
Is it Racist to Criticize Your Own Race?
– Ari Fleischer for his failure to speak out against the remarks, asking him what he would have done if Cain had said that “all Jewish … To the moms and dads he said, “Parents who neglect their children, who don’t know where they are, who don‘t know what they’re doing … , who don‘t know who they’re hanging out with, you’re going to find yourself spending some quality time with your kids in jail.”…
EPA's Punitive, Fraudulent Clean Power Plan
– Many will have to choose between buying food and gasoline, paying the rent or mortgage, going to the doctor, giving to their church … Poor and minority families are hurt most of all. … But they are absolutely essential if the United States is going to have an economic and employment revival, and poor, minority and…
No Longer a Conspiracy
– Pollard was tried, found guilty and thrown in jail. Obama is going to release him. … The administration said they would have to look at church tax-exempt status if preachers and churches refused to perform gay marriages … But here we are in 2015, and all these things have happened. This is Obama's fundamental transformation of America.…
Christians Win. Liberals Lose.
– She had already pulled out all the stops to ram it through. … It took a perverted threat against their wives and daughters to spur it, but they stepped up and did it – and they are to be commended … If we’re going to hit a grand slam in 2016, Christian voters must step to the plate once more.…
Shamal: 'For those who yearn to be free'
– So on that day, he refused to pay the expected bribe. They took his apples and pushed him to the ground. … "But the good thing is I got to share with the police guard in that jail. … "I don't have any idea why I want to know. I just want to know." They explained the Gospel and led the man to Christ on the spot.…
Abdel: Fearless
– And they are seeking. "Sometimes I even get calls from Salafists ," Abdel reports. "They just want to know who is the right God. … They want to figure out how to do this, but they don't know because they are afraid to read the Bible. … "They are absolutely fearless," observes an admiring friend. "They are going to speak." As Abdel might say: That's it.…
Doug Giles’ Cure for the Skinny Punks Who Viciously Bullied the Granny on the Bus…the_skinny_punks_who_viciously_bullied_the_granny_on_the_bus
– I believe that all people are created in the image of God and should be treated with respect … at least until they show that they don … Titles are important. I raised my kids to call their elders “sir” or “ma’am.” … Yes, classes where all the other students are kind yet are experts in Jiu jitsu—classes where the teachers are former Marine drill…
Are Liberals More Racist or Hypocrite?
– Instead, they are reduced to doing the sort of thing Ransom does in this column -- attempt to portray environmental activism as the … don’t understand the Bible or they are just willing to twist the Bible for their own purposes. … And the numbers and timing are such to cause one to examine the link.…
Democrats to Blacks: Stay Angry, Vote Democratic
– It's time for us to be able to say that we're sick and tired, we're fired up and we're not going to take it anymore." … Tell black voters that "they" are out to "get them" -- and pull that lever for us Democrats so we can resist their racist attempt to … Never mind that this kind of anger wrapped in paranoia -- assuming that others are out to get you -- is precisely the formula to undermine…
We are not France. Say it with Me
– And in addition to extra taxation, they are also going to reduce benefits for the rest of us too. … Frans2 wrote: Municipalities aren't going broke because the unions negotiated good retirement deals, they are going broke because of … To a good manager, unions are a godsend because they can be a great help in getting the mission accomplished.…
California Law Would Not Be in Kids' 'Best Interest'
– Now it appears he’s going around the will of the citizens to confer at least one of the “rights” associated with gay marriage — the … ” in favor of the gender-neutral term “parent,” something he presumes anyone can be to another person with whom they form a special … They achieve more educationally, they engage in fewer risky behaviors, they get more sleep, eat more vegetables, read more books, enjoy…
Outside the Strike Zone
– The MTA has since reverted to the status quo on the age threshold but has asked that all future employees be required to contribute … ) and risking going to jail to secure unreasonable benefits for non-existent TWU members. … Even New Yorkers who admit to being sympathetic to unions are blasting them in interviews for doing this during Christmastime.…
Socialism is the "New" Middle Ages for Dummies
– We let them because we are a Democracy and we’ll allow them to do whatever they want as long as we believe we are their the masters … That means that they are all sharing technology. And these are the guys you believe will never build a bomb? … Anyway, if you are going live here and want to make a difference learn how to speak and write properly.…
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