Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Democratic Party—No More Moderates
– Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries, I have caught myself calling other Democratic candidates “moderates” compared to Sanders … As freedom-loving Americans, we must be careful not to downplay the extreme views of virtually all of the Democratic candidates running … for the presidential nomination.…
'Here's the Deal': Confined to His Basement, Beleaguered Joe Biden Launches a Podcast
– While the president dominates social media and TV ratings with daily Coronavirus Task Force briefings from the White House, Democraticpresidential frontrunner Joe Biden has launched a podcast in an attempt to stay marginally relevant.  … candidates Sens.…
CO Senate: Hickenlooper Fundraises Off of COVID-19
– Former Governor of Colorado, one-time presidential hopeful and current candidate for the U.S. … Senate, John Hickenlooper, followed suit of fellow Democratic candidates during COVID-19. … Hickenlooper) March 26, 2020Hickenlooper leads incumbent GOP Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) in most polls, but recently lost the state’s Democratic
The Worst Time for Congressional Partisanship
– Other Democratic add-ons included aid for Planned Parenthood, millions for the John F. … Likely Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's shameless support of these Green New Deal provisions puts the lie to the notion … that he is a moderate alternative to some of the more extreme leftist Democratic candidates.…
Red Birds from the Same Nest
– Bernie Sanders may have missed his chance to finally head the Democratic ticket, but he still holds considerable clout, which is why … Both candidates would greatly strengthen union power, with national edicts for a $15-an-hour minimum wage, a national ban on state … Then there’s the choice of a vice presidential candidate.  …
Old Lives Matter
– That’s why it’s not surprising that both President Trump and the two Democratic presidential candidates are in their late 70s.…
These 'True Conservative' Never Trumpers Endorsed Biden Because They Hate You…never-trumpers-endorsed-biden-because-they-hate-you-n2566636
– Republican candidates? … Democratic candidates? Hell no. Why hire a Republican strategist if you're a Democrat? … That is, unless they can show some value to Democratic candidates.…
Oof: Even With Bernie Sanders Out, Are Democrats Admitting That Joe Biden 2020 Is a 'Lost Cause'
– But the Democratic governors aren’t just having a moment. … There are signs they may be reshaping the party’s pipeline of prospective presidential candidates for years to come." … There are signs they may be reshaping the party’s pipeline of prospective presidential candidates for years to come.…
Bernie Drops Out of the 2020 Race
– Bernie Sanders (D-VT) has dropped out of the 2020 presidential election. … @BernieSanders officially suspended his presidential campaign. — (@townhallcom) April 8, 2020BREAKING … In 2016, the progressive Sanders gave the establishment Hillary Clinton a run for her money, but the Democratic Party had already paved…
Time for the Supreme Court to 'Reopen'
– While already significant for deciding our democratic process, the importance of the case is amplified by the presence of a monumental … In 2016, 10 electors attempted to vote for candidates who did not match the will of their states’ popular vote. … The economy isn't suspended, nor is our presidential election.…
DNC Books 22M in Fall Ads to Bolster 'Get Out the Vote' Efforts in Battleground States
– The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced Monday morning that the Democratic operation reserved $22 million in Youtube ads … This move lays the groundwork for tough battles in 14 swing states, after former presidential hopeful Mike Bloomberg bankrolled $18 … million from his presidential campaign to the DNC for battleground states. …
Biden Can’t Fundraise Because He Can’t Lead
– life preserver, the liberal media are desperately trying to buoy Joe Biden’s sinking candidacy — but the presumptive Democrat presidentialpresidential primary process. … They also didn’t take kindly to his opportunistic appropriation of the far-left policy proposals introduced by extremist candidates
Bernie Calls for Delay of Wisconsin Primary
– Bernie Sanders (D-VT) remains in the Democratic primary, despite former Vice President Joe Biden virtually locking up the nomination … , with his substantial delegate lead and support from former presidential candidates and establishment figures.  … call within the Democratic Party for Sen.…
Black Americans Hurt by Democrats' Energy Policies
– Both Democrat presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Sen. … This message has not been well-received by Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden, who has been less than forthcoming on the issue of whether … When pressed on the issue during the last Democratic presidential debate, the former U.S. senator from Delaware said he would insist…
Bernie Is Out; Socialism Is In
– Senator Bernie Sanders has finally heeded calls to exit the presidential race. … Nearly all of the two dozen 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls endorsed these ideas. … Bernie Sanders' successive presidential bids have built a powerful coalition of activists that have become the core of the Democratic
Obama (Finally) Endorses Biden
– more criticism of Biden and his record, which Republicans are certainly storing up for a slew of campaign ads and the upcoming presidential … Most of the former Democratic presidential candidates would have been better and stronger than Biden, but once again the Establishment…
Biden Campaign Publishes Talking Points for Dem Candidates to Discredit Tara Reade…blishes-biden-campaign-talking-points-on-tara-reade-n2567847
– Just as his path to the Democratic nomination is clear, former Vice President Joe Biden faces questions in regards to allegations of … Buzzfeed originally published talking points for Democratic candidates that were drawn up by the Biden campaign. … runs, two vice presidential campaigns, and 8 years in the White House.…
Election Integrity Matters, But It Isn’t All Democrats Are Focused On…ty-matters-but-it-isnt-all-democrats-are-focused-on-n2567826
– Let’s look back to the last Presidential election.   … In the Nevada lawsuit referenced above, the Democratic National Committee actually sued to have more polling places.   … Receiving ballots after election day allows losing candidates to “go find” enough late votes to change the outcome.  …
Biden’s Embrace of the Green New Deal Signals More Danger for the Economy…green-new-deal-signals-more-danger-for-the-economy-n2567790
– Late in April Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential elections, acknowledged that he is ready to embrace the … In fact, most of the Democratic presidential candidates praised and indicated that they would embrace it. … An open declaration to implement the GND by a presidential candidate is disturbing, not only for energy consumers in America, but also…
New Polls: Trump Either Narrowly Leads Biden, Or Trails Biden, in Swing States…biden-neck-and-neck-nationally-and-in-swing-states-n2567198
– Last week, we reviewed a trio of new 2020 presidential polls, which produced strikingly different results. … What is most interesting to me are the bars at the very bottom of this infographic: The two candidates each hold double-digit leads … Imagine the Democratic nominee winning the "popular vote" by roughly two percentage points while building large margins in populated…
It's Been How Long Since 'Hidin' Biden' Held a Press Conference?…been-a-month-since-joe-bidens-last-press-conference-n2568331
– Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has not held a press conference in more than a month. … given a handful of interviews to friendly media outlets, the candidate has been largely spared the traditional media exposure candidates
Democrats, Please Stick With Biden for Your Presidential Nominee…ease-stick-with-biden-for-your-presidential-nominee-n2568101
– I used to hope that Bernie Sanders would get the Democratic presidential nomination this year. … While I don’t judge political candidates based on their appearance, plenty of Americans do. … The other candidates who have dropped out could unsuspend their campaigns or choose to endorse someone else.…
As in 1944, Democratic Running Mate Selection Seems Pivotal…944-democratic-running-mate-selection-seems-pivotal-n2567858
– As a result, the Democratic vice presidential nominee that year was thought likely to be the next president -- and far sooner than … The Democratic Party is facing some of the same melodramas over the nomination of its vice presidential candidate for 2020. … Like Roosevelt, Biden is seen as a coalition builder, and not as left-wing as most of the failed Democratic primary candidates.…
Pick Kamala, Sleepy Joe
– There is a persistent myth in American politics that a superb running mate can push a presidential candidate over the top, either … Fourth, Harris is black(ish), which means a lot in today's Democratic Party. … A considerable portion of the Democratic Party is, to be blunt, done with white people in general.…
Simple Question: Based on What Evidence Should Christine Blasey Ford Be Believed, But Not Tara Reade?…hristine-blasey-ford-be-believed-but-not-tara-reade-n2568808
– Many in the media and the Democratic Party treated Kavanaugh as guilty, with a prominent member of the Senate judiciary committee insisting … Democratic leadership and the entire slate of Judiciary Democrats demanded Kavanaugh withdraw from the nominating process based on … Today, Democratic candidates in major Senate races don't have a word to say about Reade's allegation against Biden.  …
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