Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Joe Biden’s Newest Endorsements Don’t Bode Well for Democrats in November…dorsements-dont-bode-well-for-democrats-in-november-n2564118
– Biden's (D-DE) somewhat stunning primary victories on Super Tuesday, he scored a whole crop of new endorsements from former fellow candidates … "I'm happy that he came forward and apologized, but a presidential nominee shouldn't need that kind of lesson," he said in June. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Biden's only remaining competitor, even suggested that the Democratic Party is working double-time to knock…
If You Think American Democrats Rejected Socialism, Think Again…k-american-democrats-rejected-socialism-think-again-n2563999
– That was the general media talking point over the next several days after Biden ‘saved the Democratic party,’ and James Carville’s … Interestingly, to some on the right, Biden’s win signaled that the Democratic Party establishment, and indeed the Democratic voters … Shapiro’s view, in my opinion, gives Democratic Biden-supporters entirely too much credit.…
Did Sleepy Joe Ask If He Could Sit Down In the Next Debate?…py-joe-ask-if-he-could-sit-down-for-the-next-debate-n2563968
– Amid these concerns, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has changed its formatting for the upcoming presidential debate to allow … the candidates to remain seated. … The 11th Democratic debate takes place in Pheonix, Arizona, on Sunday, Mar. 15th. …
Establishment Rules Democratic Party, Not GOP
– She received unfair assistance from the Democratic National Committee and the media. … When these sympathies were exposed, more Democratic primary voters started looking closely at the candidates that were favored by the … He even was endorsed by former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, which probably helped Biden win the primary in Texas…
Warren Staffers Attack Reporter on Twitter After Candidate Quits Race…tack-reporter-on-twitter-after-candidate-quits-race-n2563801
– Politico reporter Alex Thompson was covering Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign, that is until the Massachusetts senator pulled … On the same day the Massachusetts senator ended her bid for the Democratic nomination, Warren argued that presidential candidates are … "I want to say for all candidates … we are responsible for the people who claim to be our supporters and do really threatening, ugly…
Democrats Choose Certain Electoral Defeat on Super Tuesday
– often complain that Republicans are controlled by a cabal of corporate overlords, but the GOP establishment couldn't dictate the presidential … They certainly had much better qualified candidates than the likes of Biden, whose campaign could be considered a cruel form of elder … He polls the best of the Democratic field against Trump in rust belt states.…
Poll: Which 2020 Democratic Drop-Out Was Most Satisfying to You?…2020-democratic-dropout-was-most-satisfying-to-you-n2563380
– It's officially a two-man race in the Democratic nominating contest, Tulsi Gabbard's bizarre refusal to face reality notwithstanding … This was a very crowded field of candidates at the onset of the campaign, and some candidates performed better than others.   … hypocrite whose disgraceful conduct during the Kavanaugh hearings presented a stomach-turning preview of her relatively short-lived presidential
Super Tuesday Finally Serves Its Intended Purpose -- After 32 Years…finally-serves-its-intended-purpose--after-32-years-n2563454
– Super Tuesday has finally served its intended purpose for the first time since it was invented for the 1988 presidential cycle, 32 … Moderate Democratic politicians hit on the idea of setting up a multistate early set of Southern primaries to increase the chances … It joined Super Tuesday this year, supposedly in order to be noticed by candidates and the press.…
Will Joe Kick It Away Again?
– Before last Saturday, he had not won a single primary in three presidential campaigns. … Senate and Democratic House. … Bernie Sanders' "Revolution" remains unreconciled to a Beltway-Biden restoration, against which many of the Democratic candidates railed…
Sam Donaldson Couldn't Save Bloomberg
– He also donated $1,550 to Julian Castro's presidential campaign in 2019. … In the 2018 cycle, Donaldson donated to nine Democratic Senate campaigns. … Six candidates lost: Bill Nelson, Joe Donnelly, Heidi Heitkamp, Claire McCaskill, Phil Bredesen and Beto O'Rourke.…
Bloomberg's Spending Will Continue Through His 'News' Organization…pending-will-continue-through-his-news-organization-n2563287
– With Michael Bloomberg dropping out of the Democratic presidential race, Bloomberg News announces that it will again resume “normal … Democratic presidential candidates such as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders want to bar corporate money from federal politics and set up … Regulations can stop typical companies and their employees from buying ads in support of candidates, but it is tough to envision a…
Gov. Bullock Floats Senate Run in Montana
– In a non-presidential 2020 election development, Montana Governor Steve Bullock (D) is poised to challenge Sen. … Bullock insisted after his failed presidential campaign that he had no interest in challenging Sen. Daines. … Do these candidates agree?…
Biden Versus Trump: Where Are We Heading?
– surge in the Democratic primary process. … That's Biden's current position in the Democratic primaries. … This leaves the Democratic contest to a Biden-versus-Bernie event.…
Bloomberg News Will Now Cover Democratic Candidates After Founder Quits Race…over-democratic-candidates-after-founder-quits-race-n2563220
– Media mogul Michael Bloomberg quit the Democratic presidential race after a poor showing on Super Tuesday. … Now, three months and $500 million later, Bloomberg News plans to return to regular coverage of the Democratic candidates.   … presidential candidates and President Donald Trump," Micklethwait wrote in a memo shared with The Hill.…
Bernie Is Still Trump's Nightmare
– True, the media, the donors and the Democratic Party are convinced that Sanders is a sure loser -- just as, four years ago, Fox News … Recall that, in 2016, Trump and Sanders were the only presidential candidates opposed to the mass importation of low-wage workers immiserating … Four years ago, Bernie probably beat Hillary Clinton -- minus the finagling of the Democratic National Committee -- by slogging her…
Voters Rejected Every Candidate the Media Championed; Isn't it Great?…he-media-is-always-wrong-and-nobody-listens-to-them-n2563148
– starting to slowly wear off and as you rub your blood-shot eyes you read the headlines and face the realization that the Democrats' presidential … After four years of hyperbolic cheerleading for all the "rising stars" of the Democratic Party representing every possible interest … of the month and the endless analysis by countless pundits assuring us that the Democrats had the deepest, strongest field of candidates
The Bloc of Voters That Gave Bernie Sanders Heartburn on Super Tuesday…o-joe-biden-derailing-the-2020-bernie-sanders-train-n2563055
– Biden is now the Democratic frontrunner. … It’s quite the turn for a man who was two weeks ago the Democratic frontrunner. … Is it a case of Democratic voters liking Bernie, but not as a presidential candidate or are Democratic voters finally coming to their…
Bernie Sanders Wins California
Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders is the projected winner of the California primary. … The presidential candidates must still cross the viability threshold of 15 percent in each district in order to pick up delegates. … diversity of the state, it is likely the congressional districts will have varying preferences when it comes to rank-ordering the candidates
Biden Wins Massachusetts, Warren Finishes Last
– Um1F2VleNe — Business Insider (@businessinsider) March 4, 2020Hillary Clinton won Massachusetts in the 2016 Democratic … However, it appears that former Vice President Joe Biden’s last minute endorsements from former presidential candidates Sen. … Of Massachusetts voters who decided their choice at the last minute, Biden had a majority: #Massachusetts Democratic Primary Polling…
What Juan Williams Just Called 'the Biggest Surprise of the Night'
– Amy Klobuchar now out of the presidential race, there were plenty of votes up in the air for the remaining candidates in her state. … Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and his socialist, Fidel Castro-praising agenda far away from the Democratic nomination.  It's working. … #Election2020 — Cortney O'Brien (@obrienc2) March 4, 2020 You can see the full Super Tuesday Democratic
California Will Take Its Sweet Time Counting Votes
– Only candidates who win at least 15% of the vote in a district will be eligible for delegates. … (Another 79 delegates, a group of elected officials and Democratic National Committee members, aren’t tied to any candidate.) … The presidential candidates must still cross the viability threshold of 15 percent in each district in order to pick up delegates.…
Centrists Flirt With Democrats, and the Party Rebuffs Them
– Places such as Allegheny and Lancaster counties have made strides in elections with Democratic candidates who ran and won as centrists … A Democratic presidential candidate is not going to win or lose based on how fractured his or her party is. … It has been reflected in every single Democratic debate of this presidential cycle.…
We're All in This Together
– Some of the Democratic presidential candidates are already blaming the president for not doing enough to control the virus.…
Democrat Division Is Dysfunctional and Dimming 2020 Hopes
– The Democratic presidential primary is doing just what Amy Klobuchar feared it would do in last week’s debate: ripping it apart. … Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have established the GND as their litmus test for 2020 presidential candidates while denigrating more moderate … Sanders’ Medicare for All plan and candidates like former VP Joe Biden, who support a quasi-public option.…
Mayor Pete's Exit Opens Center Lane
– The truth is that Buttigieg wasn't close to the center lane throughout his presidential bid. … His exit from the race proves that traditional Democratic voters have no home in 2020. … of Americans as reasonable candidates for the highest office in the nation.…
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