Results for: national political news

Extreme: Dems' Filibuster of Anti-Human Trafficking Bill Exposes Abortion Fanaticism…ficking-filibuster-again-exposes-abortion-extremism-n1971013
– The political media spent much of its energy trying to make sense of Hillary Clinton's extraordinarily weak press conference "explaining … account from which to do business as Secretary of State -- avoiding transparency-aided accountability, and likely jeopardizing national … These revelations betray breathtaking political myopia, profound 'above-the-law' entitlement, abject recklessness with the nation's…
Putin Ouster, Embassy Recalls
– Dzhemal is the head of the national Islamic Committee, and connected to Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov a Muslim whose security service … Various Russian media have aired video imagery of Putin since then, but reliable international news services have proven beyond doubt … While ordinary Russians have largely shrugged off sanctions from the West, Kremlin leaders seem to be fearful of the domestic political
Time Magazine: No One Really Read Clinton's Emails
– Regarding the political ramifications, there are some Democrats having second thoughts about Clinton's preparedness for the presidency … Then again, is there anyone else (really) out there who could challenge Clinton, or seems more viable than her on a national ticket … UPDATE: Allahpundit discusses how Hillary's lawyers decided which emails were work-related or not [bold text indicates ABC News ]:…
Obama’s Top Ten Moments of Politically Correct Insanity
– Crusades and Islam- National Prayer Breakfast, 2015 Lest anyone get on their high horse, religious violence is not unique to one group … Nick Adams is an Australian best-selling author, speaker and political commentator. … He is a regular on Fox News, C-SPAN and nationally-syndicated radio.…
America-phobic Bullies Target Old Glory
– After news reports of this insanity, Breitbart News spoke to a UCI student who said she had heard a member of the ASUCI discussing … And: "We admire the courage of the resolution's supports amid this environment of political immaturity and threat, and support them … They have a desire to defer important national matters to international bodies, have a gross underappreciation for the U.S.…
Here Are The Laws Hillary Clinton Violated With Emailgate…re-the-laws-hillary-clinton-violated-with-emailgate-n1969797
– of private email for her state correspondence with foreign dignitaries and persons removed her actions from public scrutiny and political … Since 2009, the National Archives regulations implementing this law have required that “any records created on private e-mail accounts … Napolitano of Fox News aptly points out, the Federal Records Act is not the only issue.…
Foreign Financial Flirtations: Hillary Clinton’s Dubious Associations with Foreign Governments While Secretary of State…s-with-foreign-governments-while-secretary-of-state-n1969564
– Let us put aside for a moment all the dubious assertions and seeming evasions laced throughout the news conference Hillary Clinton … Clinton did national business with countries upon whom her family’s foundation was intimately involved. … And the seemingly endless supply of skeletons in the Clinton’s personal and political closet raise great concern.…
Foreign Financial Flirtations: Hillary Clinton’s Dubious Associations with Foreign Governments While Secretary of State…s-with-foreign-governments-while-secretary-of-state-n1969562
– Let us put aside for a moment all the dubious assertions and seeming evasions laced throughout the news conference Hillary Clinton … Clinton did national business with countries upon whom her family’s foundation was intimately involved. … And the seemingly endless supply of skeletons in the Clinton’s personal and political closet raise great concern.…
A Personal Email Account, A Private Server, and the Ruthless Ambition of Hillary Clinton…server-and-the-ruthless-ambition-of-hillary-clinton-n1969274
– Hillary Clinton said she put “personal convenience” over national security when she used a private email account to send official … The American people are to believe she never emailed Bill Clinton about national security issues? … As a Clinton, she feels entitled to hover above the rules of law to grow her political puissance by any means necessary.…
Anti-Gun Hollywood Liberal Accused of Molesting Young Woman…hollywood-liberal-accused-of-molesting-young-woman-n1978844
– One of his latest projects (which will bomb at the box office), is a movie specifically targeting the National Rifle Association.  … going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them,” Weinstein told Stern on Wednesday, referring to the NRA’s lobbying and political … Weinstein, the Daily News reported. “He saw her and spoke to her. She didn’t know who he was until he approached her.”…
Video: The Very Worst of Harry Reid
– Enthusiasts of honesty, good manners, and functional politics received excellent news on Friday, when Senate Minority Leader Harry … Reid was expected to be one of the Senate Democrats' most vulnerable incumbents in the coming cycle, with national Republicans taking … leadership won't improve drastically after Reid's retirement (this guy and this guy will be left to run the show), his exit from the political
It Sounds Like Martin O’Malley Is Going To Run For President
– Martin O’Malley pretty much announced he was running for president on ABC News’ This Week, saying “Let's be honest here, the presidency … Some say he should be taken seriously, though it’s unknown if he has the political infrastructure and fundraising capability to stay … In 2013, the National Journal  wrote that he wanted to be part of the “2016 conversation;” his interview on ABC News this morning confirms…
Uh Oh: CBS Poll Shows Hillary Favorability Underwater, Most Say She's Not Honest
– A few interesting nuggets in CBS News' new poll, which is all about Democrats' inevitable 2016 nominee: (1) Hillary Clinton's … The less-than-impressive favorables isn't great news for Team Hillary, but I wonder how they view that huge number of uncommitteds. … that the most potent argument the GOP has at its disposal is to highlight how utterly reckless and risky this practice was from a national
Conservatives, Get Serious
– critique of candidate Barack Obama — his lack of experience requisite to the presidency — this would-be candidate believes that “political … (Coincidentally, he has no political experience.) … At last year’s national prayer breakfast, Carson decided to embarrass the president, who was sitting mere feet away, with a rousing…
Save the Whales
– A person holding the belief that insuring a strong national defense starts with securing our borders is painted as an anti-immigrant … It’ll be interesting to watch how much Cruz’s words and positions are distorted by his political enemies in the media and in public … Since she can’t compete with Cruz in terms of integrity and honesty, counting on her allies in the news media to provide cover or her…
White House Says We Have ‘Succeeded’ In Yemen, As Its President Reportedly Flees Rebels…d-in-yemen-as-its-president-reportedly-flees-rebels-n1976226
– However, Hadi's chief of national security denied to Reuters that the president had fled his home. … General Ali al-Ahmadi told the news agency. … Yet, she does capture how this fledgling political movement is still unfocused.…
Ugly: Journalist 'Debates' Conservatives on Obamacare, Things Escalate Quickly…s-conservative-on-obamacare-things-escalate-quickly-n1975594
– Ron Fournier is a columnist for National Journal and a cable news mainstay who served as the Associated Press' Washington bureau … acerbic commentary about President Obama's patriotism -- wrongly asserting that Obama would never say such nasty things about his political
The NAACP's Fomenters of Fear
– This week, the NAACP made national front-page headlines with a local press release demanding that the feds investigate the hanging … News outlets grabbed the bait. USA Today asked ominously: "Was it a lynching?" … Local, state and federal NAACP leaders, amplified by political and media sympathizers, claimed the alleged hate crime "remind(ed) me…
Hillary: Obama Irresponsible and Naïveïve-n1974877
– · That set off rhetorical fireworks that rivaled the display on the National Mall on the Fourth of July. … If every politician were held to everything they say in a political campaign, obviously that would be a topic of long discussion. … " · Looking for good news? Don't look at Yemen.…
Why Americans Don’t Care About ISIS
– We see the horrifying images of prisoners in orange jumpsuits about to be beheaded everywhere now in the news, but not much seems to … by Vice-President Biden, who former Defense Secretary Robert Gates described as “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and nationalPolitical writer Michael Brendan Dougherty contrasts the apathy with the noisy American reaction to Russia hosting the Olympic games…
Rand Paul Puts on a Clinic
– Yes, politics rolls downhill from culture to a great extent, but political leaders have a unique opportunity to impact the culture … You go back and you ask (Democratic National Chairwoman) Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a 7-pound baby that is just … ABC News' George Stephanopoulos used this gambit on candidate Mitt Romney in an interview following a presidential debate in 2012,…
Are Colleges Becoming Snake Pits Of Injustice?
– In local and national news outlets, every other crime has at least a scintilla of doubt in the reporting. … charges are afforded scant rights to fundamental fairness and find themselves entrapped in a widening web of this latest surge in political … Nevertheless, the orthodoxy within the feminist left seems to automatically believe alleged rape claims, as Charles Cooke of National
If Iran Threatened To "Annihilate" Your Country, Would You Trust Them To Dismantle Their Nuclear Weapons?…d-you-trust-them-to-dismantle-their-nuclear-weapons-n1982032
– knowledge of the provisions his country agreed to in its nuclear accord with world powers, a negotiator said," according to Bloomberg news … Iran's goal: To install an Iranian client state in Yemen that the Saudis fear would threaten their country's national security. … "The political understanding with details that we have reached is a solid foundation for the good deal we are seeking," Kerry announced…
UPDATE: Rand Paul Officially Jumps Into 2016 Race
– #rand2016 — Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) April 5, 2015 CBS News: The slickly produced video runs … just under three minutes long and highlights his political rise over the last two years. … It cuts together excerpts from his speech at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference along with television clips in which…
Progressives Unhinged
– Thanks to political correctness and leftists’ bullying tactics, it is entirely possible for people to live their entire adolescence … By their own account, these reporters set out not to report the news, but to manufacture it. … “News anchor” Brian Dorman, in setting up the “package” on Memories Pizza, said, “We went into small towns tonight for reaction to…
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