Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Top 2020 Democrats: Pro-Lifers Need Not Apply
– The message is being sent loud and clear by major Democratic presidential candidates: Pro-lifers are not welcome in their party.   … As recently as 2008, the Democratic Party recruited 12 pro-life candidates to compete for congressional seats. … The Democratic Party and its presidential candidates — less so. I want my party back.…
Sanders Ousts Biden as Frontrunner in Latest Morning Consult Poll
presidential primary the Vermont senator has overtaken the former vice president for frontrunner status. … All other Democratic candidates—Andrew Yang, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Tom Steyer, and Sen. … (Morning Consult) The survey of 15,436 Democratic primary voters was taken Feb. 4-9.…
Long Before Trump, We Were a Divided People
– Yet, Americans of European descent, headed for minority status, provide 85-90% of all Republican votes in presidential elections. … But the Democratic Party has become a politically correct institution where Joe Biden is forced to explain stands that he took when … he was a moderate Democratic senator from Delaware.…
Is the Nevada Caucus Bound to Be a Total Disaster...Like Iowa?
– Data is inconsistent, data is missing and we may never know who the real winner is despite multiple candidates saying they took home … The same app used in Iowa last night, developed for the Iowa Democratic Party by @ShadowIncHQ, is also due to be used in Nevada, a … Party’s first state caucus of the presidential race ran far deeper & wider than one bad app” — Tammy Bruce…
Amy Klobuchar Charges Trump Supporters of Failing a 'Patriotism Check'…arges-that-trump-supporters-fail-a-patriotism-check-n2561071
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. … candidates' more progressive proposals. … "To see the former Republican presidential candidate make that decision and then to be in Democratic rallies like I was in, I brought…
Parscale: Trump Will 'Wipe the Floor With Whichever Democrat" Emerges
– “Once again, President Trump is the clear winner because not one of these candidates has a chance at beating him in November,” Trump … He said the Democratic primaries have resulted in “chaos” heading into the all-important Super Tuesday on March 3.  … It doesn’t matter who ends up becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Parscale added, because they all share “radical big government…
Study: Green New Deal Would Destroy America’s Dairyland
– Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and many of the Democratic presidential candidates —  would cause $200 million in losses to Wisconsin farmers,…
Are Nonwhites Voting More Like Other Americans?
– One is that the Vermont senator, elected and reelected to Congress as an independent, is on the high road to becoming the presidential … Black Americans have been voting around 90% Democratic for more than half a century, since 1964. … Nor is Biden getting the near-unanimous support his backers assumed in polls in South Carolina, whose Democratic primary electorate…
Democratic Debate Doom
– One overarching truth emerged from the cacophonous Democratic debate this week: The Democrats haven't got game. … dominant front-runner, so they trained their sights on him, which is hardly a smart strategy for ingratiating yourself to the Democratic … Hardly presidential -- or even vice presidential. Bloomberg was pathetic.…
Bloomberg Vows to Stay in Race Unless Bernie Wins a Majority of Delegates…in-race-unless-bernie-wins-a-majority-of-delegates-n2562037
– Billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg told NBC News that he plans on staying in the Democratic primary race … In such a scenario, other candidates would have the opportunity to draw delegates into their camps. … But Bloomberg and the other Democratic candidates have said that they want to see the convention process play itself out. …
AP Fact Checks Democrats' Claims that Trump Is Lying About Coronavirus…ocrats-claims-that-trump-is-lying-about-coronavirus-n2562019
– A few of the Democratic presidential candidates somehow managed to even make the health press conference political, trying to suggest…
Superdelegates Oppose Handing Bernie the Nomination if Candidate Falls Short in Delegate Count…ie-nomination-if-candidate-falls-short-of-delegates-n2562005
– For many in the Democratic Party, socialism is a bridge too far. … The New York Times has interviewed several Democratic leaders, including 93 superdelegates, a majority of who said they oppose handing … and Senate candidates in swing states with his left-wing agenda of “Medicare for all” and free four-year public college. ...…
Elizabeth Warren's Dizzying Arguments on Abortion Illustrate Problem for Democrats…uments-on-abortion-illustrate-problem-for-democrats-n2562020
– The disconnect between many in the Democratic Party and the majority of the country on the issue of abortion was on full display this … That’s not a position the public shares with the Democratic presidential candidates. … The Democratic National Committee’s platform is so extreme that no matter who becomes the party’s nominee, the Democratic candidate…
The Russians Are Coming (Again)
– to Capitol Hill where, according to The Hill, "they briefed the House Intelligence Committee about Russia interfering in the presidential … That would be the self-described Democratic Socialist, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). But wait. … That's why in the debates among Democratic presidential candidates one hears of an America that isn't recognizable to most citizens…
Forget Castro, Dem Candidates Are the Authoritarians to Worry About
– For that matter, do any of the final Democrat candidates for the presidential nomination?  … And when one examines the policies championed by Sanders and his colleagues on the Democratic presidential ballot, it’s hard to escape … Every one of the candidates for the Democrat’s presidential nomination embraces the “Green New Deal” in one form or another.…
What’s the Difference Between ‘Kill It’ and ‘It’s My Right to Kill It’?
– In the most recent Democratic presidential debate, Warren again claimed that she was fired for being pregnant in 1971 as a special … But Warren is one of the few Democratic candidates with a clear reproductive rights plan.” … (In doing so, she was joined by two other Democratic presidential candidates and senators, Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar.…
With Iowa Election App Issues and Israeli Voter Record Exposure, Is Tech Making Upcoming Elections Less Secure?…osure-is-tech-making-upcoming-elections-less-secure-n2561977
– A big story in the early portion of the Democratic Presidential Primary were the issues surrounding the Iowa Caucus, and whether the … technical issues that arose in the “first in the nation” contest between potential Presidential candidates might foreshadow further … According to a report from the New York Times, “The app that the Iowa Democratic Party commissioned to tabulate and report results…
LOL: Bloomberg's Paid Social Media Mercenary Experiment Not Going So Well…social-media-mercenary-experiment-not-going-so-well-n2561808
– Bernie Sanders, the current front-runner for the Democratic nomination. … At last week's Democratic debate, Sanders was asked about this phenomenon. … "That's the tone that has been set by campaign leadership," said one Democratic strategist, a Bernieworld veteran.…
South Carolina Primary: Here's What You Need to Know
– The fourth primary contest for Democratic candidates seeking their party’s nomination for president takes place on Saturday in South … Even those candidates who have since exited the presidential primary, Bennet, Booker, Castro, Delaney, Patrick, Williamson and Yang … presidential primary last year.…
DNC Spokesperson Throws Bernie Sanders Under the Bus for Fidel Castro Comments…nie-sanders-under-the-bus-for-fidel-castro-comments-n2561898
– The Democratic National Committee is distancing itself from leading presidential candidate Sen. … "We are very clear in the Democratic Party that we speak out against brutal dictatorships like those of Castro and we support the people … "I encourage all of these candidates, whether it be Bernie Sanders or anyone on that debate stage tonight, go to Florida and talk to…
Fact Checking the Democrat Presidential Debate on Guns
– During last night’s Democratic presidential debate in Charleston, South Carolina, former Vice President Joe Biden bizarrely declared … Put aside that Sanders already disavowed his vote back in the 2016 presidential election. … Democratic presidential debaters keep demanding that the “Charleston loophole” be closed.…
Democrats at SC Debate Got More Than $1.1M from Pro-Abortion Orgs…t-sc-debate-got-more-than-11m-from-proabortion-orgs-n2561930
– What's often left unsaid, however, is the amount of money linked to the abortion industry that the presidential candidates have received … Seven presidential candidates appeared on stage: former Vice President Joe Biden, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former South … For these candidates, not all of the contributions they received went to presidential campaigns.…
Pro-Abortion Media Scrambles to Dehumanize Unborn Children…bortion-survivors-are-different-than-newborn-babies-n2561879
– As Majority Leader Mitch McConnell brings two abortion votes to the Senate floor on Tuesday, the liberal media and Democratic lawmakers … Pro-life Democrats, who exist by the tens of millions in the US, have been left out in the cold by the field of 2020 presidential candidates … Unlike the past few Republican presidential administrations, Trump has spoken openly and consistently against abortion. …
Democrats Kick Pro-lifers Out of the Party at Their Own Peril
– For more than 30 years, Democratic Party leaders have been trying to kick pro-lifers out of the party. … Buttigieg isn’t alone –when it comes to abortion, there is no daylight between any of the Democratic contenders for president. … President Trump, more than any Republican presidential nominee before, understood the power of the pro-life vote and actively sought…
Bernie Sanders Doubles Down on His Praise for Some of Fidel Castro's Policies
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. … somebody wants to say that — and by the way all of the Congresspeople that you mentioned just so happen to be supporting other candidates … While some Democrats have endorsed other candidates for president, others like Reps.…
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