Results for: they are all going to jail

China May Be Too Right-Wing for American Leftists
– Except they are too busy destroying America to care much what China is doing. … They finally caught him and threw his butt in jail for a month.   … are doing to it in America.  …
Antisemitism Is Not Going Anywhere
– Orthodox Jews, the only Jews that are easily identifiable to those who hate us. … We don’t know how to prevent cancers but we are always building better ways to isolate and deal with them. … They cannot afford financially or personally not to have that diploma nailed to the wall behind their desks.…
We Have a New House Speaker. Joy.
– And if so, what does that say about any “committee investigations” that they are (maybe) planning to have? … Are Biden, Garland, and Mayorkas going to face impeachment charges like they should for their criminal abuses of power? … How many years (not to say minutes) do you think Hunter Biden is going to spend in jail (or even sweat) because of Kevin McCarthy and…
Part 4: What's Jail Like for Two Accused Child Rapists?
– "They don't know how to talk normal. … "When they came to our house, I had no idea what was going on," William claimed. William also denied knowing Lawless. … That's all these scum know what to do is lie. Well they are not going to get their way. The fight is on against them [...]…
Part 3: How Did an Accused Child Rapist Adopt Two Children?
– As with all cases, our detectives are diligent and passionate when it comes to charging child molesters and will always seek justice … All God's Children matched families with special-needs children "considered more difficult to place because they are older, need to … dissolution with All God's Children ex-executive director Emily Carole Bailey when he was "going to refer someone to yall on the website…
Part 2: Just How Big Was the Operation Led by the LGBTQ Couple Who Abused Their Adopted Sons?
– The nature of Vizcarro-Sanchez's relation to the victim and their living situation are not yet apparent. … "Having been proceeding under RICO—I don't know if they are proceeding forward under the child sex trafficking statute, but there are … Reports say child predators have typed "cheese pizza" as code for child pornography, and pizza emojis are reportedly used to find,…
TAPES: We Investigated a Suburban LGBTQ Pedophile Ring. Here's What We Found.
– "I'm going to f*ck my son tonight. … They were going to bust down our door if Zack didn't open the door." The relative asked, "They rammed the door down?" … "They were about to, but Zack heard them knocking. And he actually went and opened the door. They slammed him on the floor.…
A Mother's Tale of Hardship and Triumph
– I was going have to make some major changes in my life." … People keep asking me why pro-life people are bothering to go to Washington, D.C., to march this year. … They need someone to love them enough to show them the incredible things they are capable of.…
What Is Normal?
– People pretending to be a sex they are not is not normal. Recognizing people for what they are is. … But if somebody notices and says so, they are marginalized. That is what is happening right now. … It’s how Soviet Communism found a way to imprison and torture those with whom they disagreed; they just weren’t normal.…
MTG Had Some Big News for Tucker Carlson About Antifa
– Not only are they the ground troops, they breed them, they raise them. … "That's why I'm going to introduce legislation to declare Antifa domestic terrorists because they need to be taken apart. … We need to investigate exactly who they are, who funds them, and then we need to make sure whenever they come out and erupt in violence…
Horrific Accounts: When Wokeness Turns Deadly
– He spent hours hitting her that night, choking her five times and saying, as he knelt on her windpipe, “I am going to put you to sleep … It was 6 a.m., and Rachael had a new black eye as she told officers she believed she was going to die. … If the voters of Portland wanted to know whose actions, in addition to Mohamed Adan’s, had enabled the murder of Rachael Abraham, they
As Crime Soars, Here's What the DC City Council is Focused On
They can do that now, after all.   … "They all came out to help me," she said. He ran across the street and that’s when they caught him.  … "They caught him and I said, 'oh, you going to jail today. You definitely going to jail, yes you are," she said. …
This Teenager Thought Carjacking a Grandma Would Be Easy...Until He Left the Scene in an Ambulance
– not going to take my car, youngin,'" Grandma explained. … "I said, 'Oh, you're going to jail today — you're definitely going to jail — yes you are,'" Grandma recounted. … Homicides are up 25 percent, while all crimes are up 23 percent in D.C. The continued increase in crime comes as D.C.'…
The Democrats Control All the Levers of Power
– The Democrats control all the machines required to ensure they DON’T happen.            2.   … They aren’t going to let anybody do a thorough investigation, of course; even WHO has given up trying (now, there’s a shocker for you … No hanky-panky going on at all.  Nor inquiries.  …
Alleged Pedophiles in Lovers' Quarrel Could Turn on Each Other
to their taped jail calls and text exchanges with the family member that have been leaked to Townhall. … "But I'm doing okay just trying not to lose my mind," William typed, disclosing that he writes biweekly love notes to Zachary as they … William wants to file their federal and state taxes so they can use the tax returns to cover portions of the legal payments. …
Defendants Dumbfounded After Judge Warns Their Chats Are Being Leaked
– and any assets are declared to be contraband. … we're going to play by the rules we're supposed to play by." … More jail texts to come. …
America's Reichstag Moment
– Tarik Johnson by Tucker Carlson, was not briefed or prepared for what was obvious to all: Trump supporters in a nearby rally were going … As I said before, for all of the information we do have available, we are still not privy to the thoughts and discussions of key players … I have no evidence to suggest that they did, but they were incredibly lax about their preparations for a riot many could see coming…
A Look Into the Trans Activist Couple Arrested for Assaulting a GOP Lawmaker and Police
– You are someone trying to suppress us! You are actively suppressing us!" … I'm just going to leave, so get the f*ck off of me." … , because everyone was in agreeance that they were going to go ahead and turn themselves over," Turner continued.…
The Chair of the January 6 Select Committee Just Made a Damning Admission…ry-6-select-committee-just-made-a-damning-admission-n2620394
– I’m not referring to the ones who attacked police officers; they deserve whatever comes to them. … McCarthy has granted lawmakers the option to view Capitol footage from January 6 if they request to see it. … knew they would get all the political cover from the media, and they did.…
College Industrial Complex's Left-Wing Lies
– Families saving for college and encouraging their kids to aim for the top are getting scammed by the left-wing college industrial … If they were selling auto loans and used the same deceptive tactics, they'd be in jail. … Colleges don't want the public to discern what's going on. That's why they're railing against U.S.…
So, The Liberal Media Has Resorted to Victim-Blaming Over the Loudoun County School Rapes Scandal…at-the-va-girl-who-got-raped-by-gender-fluid-kid-wa-n2598243
– No, but a recent New York Times op-ed that seeks to clarify what’s going on in Northern Virginia seems to really play into the victim-blaming … If they had it all wrong, it’s almost hard to blame them — the narrative was too irresistible. […] But this week, during a juvenile … It had nothing at all to do, however, with trans bathroom policies.…
Regulatory Capture on Steroids: The FDA’s War on Kids Part of Widespread Institutional Rot…as-war-on-kids-part-of-widespread-institutional-rot-n2598258
– This is why power grabs and resistance to them are growing to a fever pitch. … They see that there is no security or prosperity for families and forthcoming generations as long as they are manipulated to serve … To reverse this dynamic, more parents are needed to join with those already exhibiting courage during public comment and organizing…
First Week Recap of Kyle Rittenhouse Trial: Is the Prosecution Working for the Defense?…al-recap-is-the-prosecution-working-for-the-defense-n2598566
– whose side they are on. … But as they say during election years, it all comes down to turnout. So is it all a waste of time? Yes and no. … At the same time, the trial has gotten Rittenhouse's detractors' hopes up for him going to jail, which could lead to intense fury if…
Reality Remains Undefeated
– program, who's going to go out and kill somebody? … Reality with regard to criminality isn't all that complicated: when you free criminals unjustifiably in a misguided attempt to achieve … Voters can either continue to deny reality and pay the price, or they can wake up to the simple fact that reality always wins.…
Watch What Happens When Tlaib Actually Confronted About Her Support for Radical Bill to Empty Federal Prisons
– “Again, I think that everyone’s like, oh my God, we’re just going to release everybody. … "Think about it, who are we releasing?" "There are like human traffickers, child sex---" Swan began to say. … “I would have to look at every case individually and figure that all out,” she replied.…
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