Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Did This San Diego Democrat Call Her Opponent a 'Crusty Old Marine?'…ego-democrat-calls-her-opponent-a-crusty-old-marine-n2452933
– One of Jacobs' Democratic opponents is Doug Applegate, a 64-year-old retired Marine colonel. … "I believe that no candidate for public office should attack our service members,” Air Force veteran and Democratic candidate Christina … The two candidates who get the most votes will proceed to the general election.…
Russia Not the Only Actors in the 2016 Election
candidates, especially Bernie Sanders. … Polls have shown most journalists favor Democratic candidates and vote for them. … According to the PBS poll, "Only 11 percent of coverage focused on candidates' policy positions, leadership abilities or personal and…
Don't Feed the Russian Troll Hysteria
– significance is by no means clear, notwithstanding all the scary talk about "information warfare" that supposedly undermined our democratic … sophisticated that they had to learn the importance of targeting "purple states like Colorado, Virginia & Florida" in the context of the presidential … According to Facebook, ads bought by the IRA, most of which weighed in on contentious social issues rather than endorsing or opposing candidates
Preventing 'The Tyranny of the Majority'
– “Under the winner-take-all system, U.S. citizens have been denied their constitutional right to an equal vote in presidential elections … “It prevents candidates from wining an election by focusing only on high-population urban centers (the big cities), ignoring smaller … Were it not for the Electoral College, presidential candidates could act as if many Americans don’t even exist.…
How Trump Wins on Trade
– Peter Navarro noted that nearly all the other presidential candidates opposed Trump on trade, but “guess what?  He beat them.” … Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, who supports the Trump tariffs, observed that “Free trade hasn’t worked well for West Virginia.” … Trump carried West Virginia with 69 percent of the popular vote, a whopping 42-point margin over Hillary Clinton in that formerly Democratic
Still Saddled with the Politics of the '70s
Democratic leader Chuck Schumer was first elected to the New York Assembly in 1974. … Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi was elected Northern California Democratic Chairman in 1977. … Pelosi has been cautioning Democratic candidates to stop talking about impeachment.…
Former Hillary Comms. Director Shares When She Thought Hillary Might Lose The 2016 Election…en-she-thought-hillary-might-lose-the-2016-election-n2462807
– He just rolled over 16, 17 candidates on the Republican side. … You’ll always energize us to come out and beat your candidates and your agenda items. … We did with Clintoncare and your presidential hopes and dreams. …
Six More Years: Putin Crushes Opponents in Landslide Election Victory…tin-crushes-opponents-in-landslide-election-victory-n2462527
– On Sunday, Vladimir Putin cruised to victory in Russia’s presidential elections with more than three quarters of the vote, easily … The only other candidates to receive more than one percent of the total votes were Ksenia Sobchak (1.7 percent) and Grigory Yavlinsky … Three other candidates, including one from another communist party, all received less than one percent of the vote apiece.…
The Growing Democratic Revolt Against Nancy Pelosi
– Yet her resolve is at odds with growing numbers of Democratic candidates who view her as politically toxic and are pledging to vote … Pelosi’s position becomes untenable. […] As Democratic House candidates descended on Washington last week for a round of training … In Oregon, the Times noted that Democratic Rep.…
The Gop’s Silver Linings: Pelosi and Clinton
– Thank goodness for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. … If these trends continue, the Democratic Party will be in a strong position this fall for the mid-term congressional races. … The 77-year old Minority Leader is an albatross around the neck of all Democratic congressional candidates.…
Analysis: The GOP's Apparent Loss in PA-18's Special Election is an Unspinnable Warning Sign
– This has been a very Republican district: 2008 presidential: McCain +11%2008 House: Murphy +28%2010 House: Murphy +35%2012 presidential … (2) Candidates matter.  … The Lamb campaign made a decision to outwardly oppose Nancy Pelosi as Democratic leader, and it helped them.…
Our Time-Tested Parties Aren't About to Fall Apart
– In special elections, Republican candidates fail to win percentages above President Donald Trump's approval ratings, which nationally … Bernie Sanders types bristle as Washington campaign committees tilt against outspoken anti-Trump primary candidates. … The Democratic Party was formed in 1832, to secure Andrew Jackson's renomination and re-election, and the Republican Party came about…
The Depths of the Left's Duplicity
– Ruling-class spokeswoman Hillary Clinton infamously referred to Trump supporters during the 2016 presidential campaign as "a basket … Nearly 17 months after the 2016 presidential election, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team have found no evidence that the … *yawn* Democrats dispensed with niceties like strong moral character in political candidates decades ago. (Hello? Ted Kennedy?…
Wait–Did Twitter’s CEO Just Share A Post Calling For 'Civil War,' Wiping Out The GOP, And How We Should Be Like CA?…war-wiping-out-the-gop-and-how-we-should-be-like-ca-n2468673
– Remember when (now) two-time presidential loser Hillary Rodham Clinton was supposed to win 2016 in a landslide? … The Democratic base was not enthused by Clinton. … In the 1930s, the Democratic Party won and dominated American politics for roughly the same amount of time.…
Retired Justice Stevens Puts Democrats on a Pin with Call to Repeal Second Amendment…crats-on-a-pin-with-call-to-repeal-second-amendment-n2466956
– Perhaps, but they'll need a safe emotional distance between any fake Second Amendment reverence and that other recent Democratic event … And have their candidates make that position clear in the upcoming midterms. … "Children are very different than elected Democratic representation."…
Comey Tells Ex-Clinton Aide Stephanopoulos That Trump Is 'Morally Unfit'…ton-aide-stephanopoulos-that-trump-is-morally-unfit-n2472260
– Clinton's presidential race; that he helped Hillary Clinton malign Bill's female accusers; and that after the election he served as … Democratic icon President John F. … In the 40-plus years The Washington Post has been endorsing presidential candidates, they have never endorsed a Republican.…
Comey Didn't Tell Trump the Infamous Dossier Was Financed By Hillary Clinton…he-infamous-dossier-was-financed-by-hillary-clinton-n2470628
– In the fall of 2016 just before the presidential election, then FBI Director James Comey informed Republican candidate Donald Trump … associates who discussed the matter with her.The news comes a day after the law firm representing the Clinton campaign and the Democratic … That donor was Peter Singer, who hired the firm on behalf of the Washington Free Beacon to do research on all of the GOP candidates
America's Last DINO - Democrat-in-Name-Only
– However, local Democrats must be asking the question; “why is this Trumpian Conservative running in the Democratic primary”? … In fact, in a refreshing twist Senator Van Drew is a Trump Democrat – he voted ‘Nay’ on a Democratic initiative to require presidentialcandidates to disclose tax returns.…
Meme Queen Marianne Williamson Drops Out of 2020 Race
– One of the most entertaining candidates of the 2019-2020 presidential cycle, Marianne Williamson, has announced she's leaving the race … Now that @marwilliamson has officially ended her presidential campaign, here’s a look back at some of her best moments from the first … Democratic debate. — (@townhallcom) January 10, 2020 Her speeches also resulted in some awesome…
What This Ohio Voter Said About Union Workers and Trump Should Worry Democrats…bout-union-workers-and-trump-should-worry-democrats-n2559297
– As commentator George Will noted, for quite some time, the GOP presidential strategy was to win the south, the Midwest, the West, and … Quality, well-funded candidates lined up to challenge Ohio Republicans in statewide elections. … Democratic turnout was extremely high for a midterm election.…
Far-left Groups to Sponsor 'Our Rights, Our Courts' Presidential Forum in New Hampshire Ahead of Primary…residential-forum-in-new-hampshire-ahead-of-primary-n2559252
– “This will be the first forum of the 2020 presidential election addressing how the candidates will approach the courts and protect … We need to hear more from the presidential candidates on their plans for their courts, so we are joining with a tremendous group of … Democratic candidates, with the exception of former Vice President Joe Biden (depending on the day), are even rallying around a movement…
Abrams to Host Bloomberg After Candidate Makes $5 Million Donation to Abrams' Organization…er-candidate-makes-5-million-donation-to-abrams-org-n2559191
– The loser of the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race, Stacey Abrams, will be hosting Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg … He also plans to meet with activists in West Atlanta and attend fundraisers for local candidates while he’s in Georgia on Friday. … Should Abrams run on the Democratic ticket against President Trump in 2020, it will be interesting to see whether Abrams concedes in…
Trump Takes Out a Terrorist: Good News or Bad?
– But when it comes to Democratic (and, more widely, liberal) reaction to Trump’s killing of Iranian General Soleimani, Morgan and Limbaugh … And need I quote the responses from some of the Democratic presidential candidates or extreme liberals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…
Bernie Is Going to Be the Nominee. Take it to the State-Owned Bank.…ng-to-be-the-nominee-take-it-to-the-stateowned-bank-n2559114
– Bernie Sanders is going to win the Democratic nomination for president. … I now think it’s becoming inevitable that Bernie Sanders will face Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. … And if that happens, it will go down as the most entertaining and most hate-filled presidential election of all time.…
Nikki Haley: There's Only One Group Mourning Soleimani's Death…ley-theres-only-one-group-mourning-soleimanis-death-n2559066
– “The only ones mourning the loss of Soleimani are our Democrat leadership and Democrat Presidential candidates.” … The only ones that are mourning the loss of Soleimani are our Democrat leadership and Democrat Presidential candidates.” … Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who's running to be the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, compared the killing of Soleimani to Russian…
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