Results for: national political news

Analysis: On Iran, State Department Caught in Lie About Lying, Prompting New Lie…artment-caught-in-lie-about-lying-prompting-new-lie-n2172354
– deliberately deleted a portion of video from a 2013 press briefing, at which then-spokeswoman Jen Psaki appeared to confirm to Fox News … That admission seems particularly damaging in light of recent revelations that senior White House national security aide Ben Rhodes … But he's a Fox News correspondent, so don't hold your breath.  …
Sanders Campaign Manager: I Don't Think Hillary Can Keep Running If She's Indicted…nager-how-can-hillary-keep-running-if-shes-indicted-n2172072
– The real questions are whether the FBI will have the cojones to recommend a criminal prosecution, given the immense political implications … In any case, here's Bernie Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver wondering aloud on Fox News (!)  … She's so bad at this that even a breathtakingly unpopular guy like Trump is within spitting distance of her in national polling.…
Romney Open To Hearing More From David French, Bill Kristol’s Third Party Pick For Never Trump Republicans…istols-third-party-pick-for-never-trump-republicans-n2172066
– Two Republicans interviewed by Bloomberg, which first reported the news, said French is open to launching an independent bid but hasn't … French, who writes for the conservative National Review, penned an article last week slamming Trump and Democratic front-runner Hillary … Guy’s take on French’s prospects for political success was blunt: Don't get me wrong: French is a decorated Iraq war veteran,…
Half-a-Year: 180 Days Since Last Hillary Press Conference
– to refusing to cooperate with the State Department's nonpartisan Inspector General investigation into her rules-violating and national … seeking the presidency of the United States -- deigned to participate in a so-called 'media avail' at which journalists pepper political … That calculation is based on this NBC News report published on February 29, which at the time marked 87 days since Clinton had answered…
The Palinization of Brad Thor
– Compromise and timidity have come to characterize our national leadership and this ignoble example has diminished the national soul … Rhetorical cowardice has become the norm and honest, vigorous debate is squelched by a shrieking appeal to victimhood and political … But, sadly, major conservative news and commentary sites have reduced themselves to the insipid.…
Former State Department IG: No, Hillary Didn't Use Private Email Like Powell or Rice…hillary-didnt-use-private-email-like-powell-or-rice-n2171349
– damning report last week proving former Secretary Hillary Clinton violated Department rules, the Federal Records Act and compromised national … "While political opponents of Hillary Clinton are sure to misrepresent this report for their own partisan purposes, in reality, the … Now in an exclusive interview with Fox News, former State Department Inspector General Howard Krongard is debunking the Clinton campaign…
Political Distractions Abound in the Wake of Orlando Shooting…distractions-abound-in-the-wake-of-orlando-shooting-n2179592
– Orlando in which 49 people were murdered in cold blood -- and more than 50 injured -- would be a cause for a serious debate about national … This is a political distraction." Never mind that Obama's passion refuted his own argument. … But let's discuss this "political distraction" business.…
Politics, Not Personalities, Will Likely Determine Presidential Election…alities-will-likely-determine-presidential-election-n2178905
– But take some of our most iconic political figures and one can find comparable extremist rhetoric. … Trump likely would oppose further gun control and follow a National Rifle Association agenda. … We have become exhausted by the flurry of daily political news -- Trump's latest outrages, the fallout from Clinton's email scandal…
Orlando shooting reaction has the feel of eternal recurrence…hooting-reaction-has-the-feel-of-eternal-recurrence-n2178216
– As soon as news broke, pundits and politicians returned to dog-eared scripts to repeat lines memorized long ago. … rote thinking, the president was truly a representative if not of the American people then at least of much of the media and the political … The New York Daily News blamed the attacks on the National Rifle Association.…
Mr. Williams, Let’s Not Crack Jokes While Reporting On The Worst Mass Shooting In U.S. History…reporting-on-the-worst-mass-shooting-in-us-history-n2177134
– It was a busy day for the Media Research Center’s Newsbusters crew, as news coverage was dominated by the horrific mass shooting ( … Speaking of, the inevitable political reaction to this. Kelly O'Donnell in our newsroom in Washington with that. Kelly? … tragedy given that we are in a political season, but the words right below us there, “deadliest mass shooting in American history.…
GOP Delegates Should Block Trump at Convention to Make America Great Again…ock-trump-at-convention-to-make-america-great-again-n2176680
– You wouldn’t know it based on the headlines promoted by news outlets across the country, but more than 15 million Republicans, a majority … As Andrew Romano explains in a fantastic piece for Yahoo News, “The rules of the Republican National Convention have never permitted … Trump must be stopped, no matter what the political ramifications.…
Oh Boy: Was A National Security Position Given As Payback To A Clinton Foundation Donor?…ition-given-as-payback-for-clinton-foundation-donor-n2176502
– ABC News’ Brian Ross was threatened with arrest for merely asking Fernando about his appointment during the 2012 Democratic National … Copies of dozens of internal emails were provided to ABC News by the conservative political group Citizens United, which obtained them … the news organization to State.…
Going to Extremes to Start a Conversation
– The other day, former CBS News darling Katie Couric was speaking at an event organized by something called "TheWrap." … Almost invariably, when I hear calls for "frank talk," "honest dialogue" or a new "national conversation," I immediately translate … It's a way of luring dissenters from political correctness out into the open so they can be smashed over the head with a rock.…
White House Admits FBI Probe of Hillary's Emails Is a 'Criminal' Investigation…robe-of-hillarys-emails-is-a-criminal-investigation-n2176225
– The Republican National Committee caught the remark during Earnest's answer to a question regarding whether the FBI can remain neutral … "They don't have political jobs," Earnest said.  … their political party, regardless of their political stature and regardless of what political figure has endorsed them.” …
For Never Trump, What Follows the French Mistake?
– Army Reserve Major and Iraq War veteran, and a subsequent career as an attorney, legal scholar, and thoughtful essayist with National … And now, Kristol and his Never Trump army propose to stop Trump with a constitutional lawyer unencumbered by name ID, political experience … Bill Kristol and Never Trump need to imagine waking up every day for the next four to eight years and hearing these words on the news
Brutal: New Ad Destroys Rubio's Likely Opponent Over Fabricated Accomplishments
National Republicans are referring to Marco Rubio's likely Democratic Senate opponent in Florida "privileged Patrick."   … It seems he hasn't accomplished much on his own merits, so he's relied on his family's money to help bankroll political campaigns in … savage report exposing numerous fabricated elements of Murphy's resume: The National Republican Senatorial Committee…
Why the Left Hates Referendums
– For the left, real people are either political fodder or, when they support the left, useful idiots. … To the left nations are archaic constructs, impediments to the left-wing ideal of a world without national identities. … As long as the left controls education and the news and entertainment media, brainwashed populations will vote to destroy their nations…
After Brexit, a Trump Path to Victory
– The French National Front of Marine Le Pen and the Dutch Party for Freedom both want out of the EU. … In Britain, all the mainstream parties -- Labor, Tory, Liberal Democrat, Scottish National -- supported "Remain." All lost. … Yesterday, news arrived that in May alone, the U.S. had run a trade deficit in goods of $60 billion.…
Can We Harness the Worldwide Populist Movement?
– The vote to leave the European Union won decisively in Britain, which doubtlessly shocked the elites and political forecasters. … And though this by no means ensures a Trump victory in November, it is nevertheless encouraging news for him. … processes, which are largely national.…
From ‘Never Trump’ to ‘Maybe Trump’
– While I maintain many of my original reservations, after Tuesday’s meeting, and as I told CBN News in an interview immediately following … While Great Britain just voted to reclaim its national sovereignty, a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote to completely relinquish our … , as most credible legal scholars agree, unconstitutionally muzzles pastors from the pulpit on issues relating to politics and political
The Redcoats Opt for Independence
– After reading newspapers and watching television news, it would seem that this was not how the British people (and Welsh and Scottish … But it also resonates with the very American ideal of political independence. … Perhaps our illustrious leaders would leap to provide us with a national referendum on term limits for Congress.…
If Donald Trump Is the Nominee, Hillary Clinton Has Already Won in November…nominee-hillary-clinton-has-already-won-in-november-n2183450
– This is not rocket science and you don’t have to be a political genius to figure it out. … Via National Review:  In the latest ABC News poll, Trump’s unfavorable ratings among all Americans have hit 70 percent; and … His favorable rating among his base of white men is 46 percent, down from 54 percent in last month’s ABC News poll.…
Stop Traffic: Even Gawker Says Democrats Are Fighting Over A Useless Gun Control Bill…c-no-fly-no-buy-gun-control-push-a-useless-exercise-n2182397
– Gawker might have angered both the political left and right with their stories, which finally caught up with them when they decided … Moreover, it's a real waste of political capital on a “useless” bill, but I won’t stop the trainwreck [Warning: it’s Gawker, so there … Democrats, on the other hand, have a chance to bash the National Rifle Association.…
After Brexit: With Britain Filing For Divorce From EU, Others May Follow Suit
– Some are calling this the end of the massive decades-long political project that has bedeviled UK conservatives. … UK’s exit from the EU has erased the nation’s mandate on guiding the socioeconomic destiny of Northern Ireland, according to ITV News … on the #EUref, "We'll have done it without having to fight, without a single bullet being fired." — Sky News
BREAKING: UK Prime Minister David Cameron Resigns
– As Britain absorbed the stunning news, the political fallout reached to the highest level with Prime Minister David Cameron saying … The United Kingdom itself as a political entity could be on the line: It doesn’t matter that the result was narrow. … national editor Allegra Stratton.…
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