Results for: white house debate response

NY Post Also Disappointed in Trump's Charlottesville Response
– President Trump has been roundly criticized for his response to the tragedy in Charlottesville, VA over the weekend. … Since then, the White House has issued clarifications for the president's rather vague remarks. … "Of course that includes white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi and all extremist groups.…
There Will Be Straight-Jackets
– It’s official: House Democrats have gone insane.  … And I don’t mean insane like wearing white shoes after Labor Day or thinking of Jimmy Carter as an elder statesman.  … boundaries of reasonable political debate in this country. …
ESPN Changes Mind on Airing National Anthem After Vegas Shooting…her-to-air-national-anthem-after-las-vegas-shooting-n2389686
– And then last week, after protests popped up across the country in response to tweets and comments by President Trump, ESPN pivoted … It is not the time for a debate on gun control, as White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders informed the press room today…
– The White House chief of staff during the reign of President Richard Nixon was a guy named H.R. … Making the case might have become a bit more difficult when White House chief of staff Denis McDonough said, according to the Associated … This has been all hands on deck for the White House staff as they are being sent to the Hill to lobby Members one-on-one, but the pressure…
Bad Faith and Benghazi
– The moral response is to swim for her in the hope that you get there in time. … The White House and State Department insist they guessed right, as if that somehow absolves them of responsibility. … What motivated the White House and the State Department to deceive the public about what they did is unknown.…
Whatever Happened to Free-Speech Panic?
White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, goaded by the press to respond to a bigoted comment from a Republican congressman and a … White House officials said they believed it wasn't a terrorist attack but a spontaneous reaction to a video insulting the Muslim prophet … The White House asked Google if it could censor the video from YouTube.…
CNN Debate Preview: In Which Newt Gingrich Is Now a Frontrunner
– a self-induced Turkey-coma just two tantalizing days away, tonight’s foreign policy-focused extravaganza—the eleventh major GOP debate … The usual eight candidates will take to the stage at DAR Constitution Hall in D.C. at 8 PM, just blocks from the White House, and my … muddled response to the Arab Spring in general is arguably one of his greatest foreign-policy weaknesses.…
White House Responds to Supreme Court Ruling on Title 42
– Virgin Islands, the White House issued his administration's response to the Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling that kept Title 42 in place … Jean-Pierre and the White House have apparently forgotten that President Biden's party has been in control of both chamber of Congress … During the previous Congress, House Republicans — in the minority — attempted numerous times to debate and vote on legislation that…
What ‘Mostly American’ Former KY Governor’s Rebuttal To Trump Showed Is That Democrats Are In Deep Trouble
– supermajority in the Kentucky House in 2016 with a 64-36 makeup, its largest GOP House majority in state history. … Beshear is an old white guy, and Democrats need the old white guy vote to make some headway in the 2018 and 2020 elections. … And the Democratic base doesn’t appear to be patient when it comes to taking on the Trump White House, even if their representatives…
President Trump Tells Biden Why He 'Never' Could Have Handled COVID…rump-tells-biden-you-never-could-have-handled-covid-n2577184
– And I want to keep it open," President Trump said as he pointed to his debate opponent on Tuesday.  … He reminded Biden of his less than stellar response to H1N1. … Experts, including White House coronavirus task force member Dr.…
White House Accuses the GAO of 'Overreach' Following Its Ukraine Aid Report
– In a newly released report, the Government Accountability Office has ruled that the White House Budget Office broke the law when it … The White House vehemently disagrees and called the GAO's conclusion an "overreach." … And the report will "definitely" be part of the debate and the trial, the senator promised. …
Liberal Science: Oil Extraction Could Cause the Globe to Deflate
– Lon wrote: Ransom is right, if you look at the official White House pictures of the function, it is clear that the White House was … Ransom you don't get to pick who leaves the White House. – in response to Wrong Chicago Guy Resigns from White House Dear Comrade … In fact, I DO get to pick who leaves the White House. And so do you.…
McCain's Solomon Moment
– Kennedy sipped clam chowder in his suite and decided to return to the White House rather than continue his tour. … Frankly, we can learn more about a potential president by the response to real problems, than we can by the response to a question … in a debate.…
California Common Sense: Don't Tell Me It Can't Be Done
House, where the 250-strong fundraiser was held Friday night. … Miller's campaign site continues to promote his first debate against Tubbs, "Watch the Debate ... on August 24th in Martinez. ... … In contrast, Tubbs' Website links to the entire debate, including Miller's opening and close.…
The Wheels are Very Loose
– The White House - through the campaign staff - tried to pass the word that Biden's statement on a Sunday show was a trial balloon. … Anyone who watched White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's stumbling through an answer even he didn't believe the day after Biden … dropped his "Joe Bomb" knows the White House wasn't prepared to deal with that issue at that time.…
Hysteria Over Trump Accepting Election Results Upended by History of Democrats Not Accepting Election Results…history-of-democrats-not-accepting-election-results-n2572785
– Nearly a full day after an interview from the White House with Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, the media has sunk their teeth into … Riffing off of the activist left-wing "reporters" of the White House press pool, Wallace asked the president a seemingly ridiculous … Clinton and Abrams' rejection of election results is nothing new for Republicans seeking the White House.…
Don’t Doubt the Acumen of Joe Biden or President Trump at The Debate…cumen-of-joe-biden-or-president-trump-at-the-debate-n2577149
– We’ve seen him debate legislation on the Senate floor for more than 30 years. … They did that four years ago and look at who is sitting in the White House now. … He will go into that debate. He will take Joe Biden head on. And he will knock it out of the park.…
Republicans Won't Pass Immigration Reform
House, Senate and House of Representatives. … The White House blames a "misinformation" campaign by opportunistic human smugglers. … Quoth McCarthy: Until the border is secure, "you can't have an immigration debate."…
Obama's Lethal Healthcare Tax
– Washington--The White House attack line this week against Mitt Romney is that he's now calling the punishing fine in the healthcare … The White House, and their newscaster friends in New York, will be doing everything they can to belittle this issue and to change the … Reagan, the White House said, didn't understand the basic definition of a recession.…
The Friday Filibuster: Obama's Great Mistake
– Paris Unity Rally, Obama’s Absence, & the White House’s Response Led by dozens of world leaders, more than a million people marched … But the White House promised that President Obama would veto the House-passed DHS funding bill, should it reach his desk. … Lindsey Graham is considering a White House run. At the state level, California Lt. Gov.…
Obamacare Battle Takes Bizarre Turn
– The White House acted in response to complaints from business owners, who called the mandate burdensome. … As the GOP saw it, the White House listened to big business but ignored the little guy. … Seemingly unsteadied by a turn of events that included his own threat to veto himself, Obama took to the White House East Room for…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– –in response to my column Obama Goes Doh!-for-97, 98, 99, 100! … I’m talking about pointing out that in the national debate he is irrelevant. … –in response to my column Obama Goes Doh!-for-97, 98, 99, 100!…
Reality Check for Media: Trump Is Winning the Fight on COVID-19…eck-for-media-trump-is-winning-the-fight-on-covid19-n2577292
– Earlier this week, in the White House Rose Garden for a press conference, I watched as President Trump announced his administration … And he should make a point of doing so in the next debate. … Perhaps most importantly, President Trump has led with optimism from the White House bully pulpit, encouraging our citizens to do their…
Sorry NYT, But Kamala's COVID Comment Was More than 'Misleading'…k-no-kamala-the-president-never-called-covid-a-hoax-n2577681
– Kamala Harris's (D-CA) outrageous assessments during Wednesday night's vice presidential debate. … Kamala Harris made a misleading claim about the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic.Find all of our fact checks for the … That's not the work of a White House that is not taking this pandemic seriously.…
Why an Axios Reporter Took Something Of a Victory Lap on CNN After Biden's Catastrophic Debate…victory-lap-on-cnn-after-bidens-catastrophic-debate-n2641105
– We’ll hear about Joe Biden’s abysmal debate performance on Thursday night for days. … He noted that the White House response every time Joe had a senior moment was to deflect, gaslight, and not tell the truth. …  Strong words from @AlexThomp: "As someone that's reported on Biden's age quite a few times, I can tell you that the WH's response
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