Results for: chief world failing us

At Last, the Season of Hope
– Critics, analysts and observers -- no shortage there -- blame both sides for failing to forge a peace and for not living together side … The Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement." … The rest of the world would hold Israel to a higher standard of behavior.…
Benghazi: Obama’s Shameful Dereliction of Duty
– For such failure, any commander serving under the commander-in-chief should be court martialed. … The rest of us had to endure the President, Secretary of State Clinton, and UN Ambassador "explaining" to us that what really happened … Yet there was our President Obama telling this mendacious fairy tale to the entire world at the U.N. And there was U.N.…
Barack Obama, Spin Master
– We have to get everyone out to vote for the only man who can get us out of this mess, Mitt Romney.Unfortunately, Obama didn't have … us on a winning streak, Romney. … And he turned a failing Olympics around and made it one of the most successful Olympics in years.…
Peace Despite Weakness?
– Two recent episodes offer an insight into a world in which the United States deliberately adopts a policy of pursuing international … voted differently had they known what is now clear: They approved an accord that the other party insists will effectively preclude us … If these developments make you uneasy about America’s place in the world, let alone its security, get used to it.…
Hooray for Hollywood
– Nor are gays (and adulterers) the only oppressed minorities in what we have come to call the Muslim World. … Failing to fast during Ramadan and missing Friday prayers may be punished with fines or jail time. … In the past, those of us who write and talk about these issues have been denounced as “Islamophobes.”…
Is Democracy Another God that Failed?
– Our commander in chief wisely used his weekend to visit our troops in Afghanistan. … And government has accomplished goals in which all of us take pride. NASA put our astronauts on the moon. … It should be a cause for concern that in the new century the god that appears to be failing is American democracy.…
An Appointment in Samarra
– Going by his own arbitrary, purely political deadline, this president and now only nominal Leader of the Free World has been intent … ("Ain't nobody here but us technocrats.") … All that changed when a commander- in-chief who really was a commander-in-chief (George W.…
This is How You Lose a War
– that wanted to kill us. … How will it work out for us as we see Baghdad fall? … chosen a leader who has brought us to this tragic defeat.…
Iraq Agonistes
– In these fast-moving or rather fast-collapsing days for the "republic" of Iraq, some of us wake up every morning with the idle thought … From the moment our failing president tried to justify his hasty withdrawal from Iraq by telling us everything was just fine and dandy … Our president and "commander-in-chief" has decreed no more boots on the ground in Iraq. That policy is the big problem.…
Lady Hillary of Benghazi
– But at the time our president and commander-in-chief was engaged in a heated re-election campaign, and he was claiming he had al-Qaida … It failed that test, too, perhaps because it lacks the most basic requisite for facing the realities of this world: humility. … At Benghazi, that proved a fatal, a tragic, failing. What difference does that make at this point?…
Pandering on Price
– Welcome news for an energy-hungry world: Iraq is hoping to export as much as 6 million barrels aday by 2017. … The US National Intelligence Council states “energy independence is not unrealistic for the US in as short a period of 10-20years.” … The International Energy Agency predicts the US will surpass Russia as the world’s largestnatural gas producer by 2015.…
Schwartz: A Life Lived on the Front Lines of the Culture War…a-life-lived-on-the-front-lines-of-the-culture-war-n1510729
– Mike was an evangelist for marriage, God’s way of organizing the world and civilizing men. … When we were hurrying to lunch one day, a homeless man accosted us. … Failing to get change through private channels, he led a press conference exposing the cover-up.…
Curing the GOP’s Tonsillitis
– Last Wednesday, the Senate confirmed former White House chief of staff Jack Lew as Treasury Secretary by 71-26. Mr. … They say the moral rot and feckless “opposition” is landing us in a pit from which we will not escape because we no longer have the … God-given values that sustained America through a civil war, a Depression and two world wars.…
The Nation's Doctor
– The rabid right didn't like his crusade against AIDS -- he spoke of it openly and treated it as a disease instead of a moral failing … As for the pro-abortion left -- excuse us, the pro-choice left -- it objected to his unswerving reverence for human life. … As surgeon-in-chief at Children's, he not only established innovative programs but taught, wrote and generally educated.…
BP Ledger, March 18 edition
– He told World Watch Monitor: "They want us to be Burman, to be Buddhist, and to follow their orders." … They want us to be Burman, to be Buddhist, and to follow their orders," he told World Watch Monitor. … Our message to Aung San Suu Kyi is 'Please help us. Use your liberty to speak up for us.'"…
Russia and China Strengthen Ties
– They also are the guarantors of world peace and stability, which by implication they judge the US does not promote. … This is a very China- centric world view that anticipates the end of the era of US world dominance in the foreseeable future. … Syria: The President of the US-backed Syrian National Coalition, Moaz Khatib resigned Sunday.…
Spoiler Alert: When Congress Comes Marching Home Again Expect Politics Afoot…ess-comes-marching-home-again-expect-politics-afoot-n1658414
– August, and with it a Congressional recess, now is upon us.  … That means doing things that will make the American people (and world) better off.  … The elite see us as kind of … hick.…
Fed Continues to Prop Up Obama's Weak Economy
– Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke sent President Obama a report card this week, giving him another failing grade on the … It doesn't get reported on the nightly news, but signs of a weakening economy are all around us, from lackluster housing starts to … The economic recovery "from the punishing 2007-2009 recession remains the slowest since World War II," says the latest Kiplinger…
America's Enemies Are Colorblind
– New York Times editorialized about how his smarter, more respectful foreign policy helped to re-brand America in the eyes of the world … Our enemies don't care that President-elect Obama blamed Bush for failing to improve our relationship with North Korea. … Today, in parts of the Muslim and Arab world, America's favorability numbers are even lower than under the "divisive" Bush.…
The Problem Isn't Just Illegal Immigration, It's Legal Immigration, Too…just-illegal-immigration-its-legal-immigration-too-n1577606
– Dzhokhar was failing most of his college courses. All of them were on welfare. … They bring Third World levels of poverty, fertility, illegitimacy and domestic violence with them. … In response to the shooting at Fort Hood, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W.…
Benghazi Scandal gets Deserved Attention
– Stevens had been the US liaison to the Libyan “Rebels,” whom Hillary Clinton had been so insistent on supporting. … Osama was dead; GM was alive; and Obama was making the US popular again. … Not the priorities of a Commander in Chief. The Clintons are famous liars.…
Dangers of Big Government
– Let us now praise David Axelrod. … Axelrod’s defense, of course, doesn’t apply to the real world. … One reason he told us he wanted the job was because he thought he could do it better than George W. Bush.…
Obama's War of Bad Ideas
US foreign policy is failing worldwide. … the US. … After the September 11 attacks, the US pledged to wage a war of ideas in the Muslim world.…
Obama Speaks Giddy Gibberish in Berlin
– Give us a break! … Obvious questions media forgot to ask: What in the world is this supposed to mean? … Not the mindset of those who oppose us? And how many times can you close Guantanamo?…
Putin Overtakes Obama on Forbes Power List
– The Obamacare crisis has become a humiliating ordeal for the US while the world watches. … Many have noted that Obama's intended pivot to Asia is failing as issues at home and in the Middle East take priority. … of the most dominant country in the world?"…
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