Results for: Republican National Committee

New Report Lists 601 Ways To Save $2.6 Trillion Over Five Years…lists-601-ways-to-save-26-trillion-over-five-years-n1980578
– In his testimony before the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) on February 17, 2012, Army Chief of Staff General Raymond Odierno … There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned jobs program disguised as national security. … Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich alluded to the sugar industry's power in a debate last week in Florida.…
Border Security: Texas Leads While Feds Fail
– Perry later called up the Texas National Guard to provide an additional monitoring capability. … - Requires law enforcement agencies to adopt the National Incident-Based Reporting System. … The House bill, authored by Republican state Rep.…
Rand Paul’s ‘Obamacare Replacement Act’ Deserves Trump’s Attention…obamacare-replacement-act-deserves-trumps-attention-n2283191
– President Donald Trump and Congress should seriously consider passing the Obamacare Replacement Act, the latest and possibly best Republican … The Senate has taken no action on S. 222 since referring it to the Committee on Finance after Sen. … Our national leaders for at least the past eight years (but actually the past 74 years) have accomplished this using labyrinthine laws…
One Word That Describes Opposition To Trump's SCOTUS Nominee: Splintered…atic-opposition-to-gorsuch-will-be-hard-to-maintain-n2280602
National Review’s Ed Whelan took Bridge’s claims to the woodshed: In labeling Gorsuch a “threat to privacy” (p. 14), American … “We should not repeat the Republican wrong. Two wrongs don’t make a right.” The Hill reported that Sens. … The Democratic theft standard goes back further to Joe Biden’s days as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.…
Make Education Great Again: Confirm Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education…gain-confirm-betsy-devos-for-secretary-of-education-n2281901
– Bernie Sanders slammed her millions of dollars’ worth of donations to Republican groups. … As a tradition, HELP Committee members shake the hand of nominees, no matter what the political divide. … Of course, adding insult to injury, two Republicans on the committee have defected from their caucus and the country—Susan Collins…
Another Major Democratic Email Scandal the News Media Is Ignoring…democratic-email-scandal-the-news-media-is-ignoring-n2289705
– allegations of Russian ties to the Trump administration and in the aftermath of the hacking of Clinton campaign and Democratic National … Joaquin Castro, Andre Carson, and Jackie Spier, all members of the House Intelligence Committee. … He held national security jobs for 25 years with the CIA, DIA, Department of State and the House Intelligence Committee staff.…
Dems in Disarray
– House, win a ton of Governors' races chase the Republican right off the North American continent.  … And, when I write "resigned in disgrace" I mean she was quite literally marched out of the Democratic National Convention after the … Of greater import, it seems to me, is that the national Democratic Party is up for grabs.…
GOP’s Hold On White Working Class Traps Liberals With An Electoral College Nightmare (Even With Favorable Demographic Shifts)…laim-rural-america-and-that-looks-like-a-tall-order-n2273643
– Therein rests the urban/rural divide and the emerging Republican stronghold that covers most of the country. … Or double-down on identity politics and hope the Republican advantage in the rural areas dies out. … They were clear before WikiLeaks published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee.…
Top Dems Reject Notion that Sen. Warren Is Their Leader…rejects-sen-warren-as-face-of-the-democratic-party-n2289089
– In a press release for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Chairman Cory Gardner (R-CO) said Warren is "the face of the party…
The NEA Today, Entitlements Tomorrow
– Robert Redford says an Office of Management and Budget memo suggesting the Trump administration might try to eliminate the National … positively pernicious (e.g., the Export-Import Bank, which subsidizes deals by big corporations like Boeing, and the Office of National … But no other Republican in the Senate, including hawks such as Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), perceived a threat…
Another Major Democratic Email Scandal the News Media is Ignoring…democratic-email-scandal-the-news-media-is-ignoring-n2288834
– allegations of Russian ties to the Trump administration and in the aftermath of the hacking of Clinton campaign and Democratic National … Joaquin Castro, Andre Carson, and Jackie Spier, all members of the House Intelligence Committee.   … He held national security jobs for 25 years with the CIA, DIA, Department of State and the House Intelligence Committee staff. …
BOOM: Pulling in $19.8M, RNC Announces Record-setting January
– The Republican National Committee announced Monday that it will file a $19.8 million FEC report. … This is the largest amount the Republican Party has ever filed in a post-presidential election month.   … The RNC has never been better equipped to champion the Republican agenda and use these resources to grow our majorities in 2018.”…
Trump's Strange Coziness With the Kremlin
– Those statements followed the firing of his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, after it was reported that Flynn had lied to … It's already hard to remember how bizarre this once would have seemed for any American politician -- particularly a Republican and … U.S. intelligence agencies say the Kremlin was behind the hacking of computers at the Democratic National Committee.…
In Only Four Weeks, Trump's Presidency is in Trouble
– His national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has quit over charges that he had secret contacts with the Russian ambassador about U.S … "I don't think we need to go through setting up a special committee," he told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" this week. … Little wonder that Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker of Tennessee said this week that when the Intelligence Committee
NYT: Trump Aides Had Contact With Russian Intelligence, But No Evidence Of Collusion Found…ian-intelligence-but-no-evidence-of-collusion-found-n2286220
– that they were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election by hacking into the Democratic NationalCommittee, three of the officials said. … This is what police states do. […] Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee
Report: Obama Allies Torpedoed Flynn to Protect Iran Deal
– culmination of a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama administration confidantes to handicap President Donald Trump's national … Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he … Parting thought: Now that Trump is in the market for a new National Security Advisor, is Gen.…
WATCH: Obamacare Repeal Presser Gets Derailed, Overshadowed by Flynn Questions…macare-press-conference-derailed-by-flynn-questions-n2285727
– from a guy who's in a position to know what might be working its way through the pipeline: Ranking Dem on House Intel Committee … The president's hand-selected National Security Advisor was forced out of his post after it was revealed that he'd misled the Vice … Yates and a senior career national security official to the White House counsel, was prompted by concerns that ­Flynn, when asked about…
Munger’s Well-Intentioned But Stupid Plan That Handed Over California to the Democrats…d-plan-that-handed-over-california-to-the-democrats-n2292905
– Senate race to district races: · Five of the 20 State Senate races had no Republican. … · Thirteen of the 80 Assembly Races had no Republican · Seven of the 53 Congressional races in California had no Republican … to the Republican National Committee, Shawn Steel.…
Had Putin Not Fixed the Election…
– What is true is that as a senator on the Armed Services Committee, Sessions met with over 20 ambassadors of other nations. … Had Putin—all the way from Russia, mind you—not fixed the election, Trump would not have been the first Republican since 1988 to have … in the history of the Republican Party.…
Trump, Journalism Galas and Pithy Ditties
– From Trump's defeat of the Washington political establishment -- first the Republican Party and then the Democrats -- journalism has … It was the collusion between elite Beltway journalists and the Democratic National Committee, and it was exposed in WikiLeaks.…
Resist: Since Trump's Win, Dems Have Flipped Zero Seats in Four Blue State Special Elections…ed-zero-seats-in-three-blue-state-special-elections-n2292477
– The Republican State Leadership Committee published a memo on Wednesday noting that the allegedly widespread groundswell of opposition … , yet the Republican won by 13.5 percent. … Republican Anne Neu still managed a comfortable six-point win.…
What Do Democrats Want?
– I'll provide a quote, and you tell me whether it was a Republican or a Democrat who said it. … Here it goes: "To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking the Congress to approve legislation that produces a $1 trillion … The last statement was made by freshly elected Democratic National Committee deputy chair Keith Ellison, a Democratic U.S. senator…
States Are Rejecting a ‘Horrible Idea’
– Constitution by calling for a national convention. … In Texas, where most elected officials are Republicans, the state Republican Party is on record favoring a national convention to amend … That’s directly contrary to the Republican National Platform, after the national platform committee rejected a similar proposal by…
What ‘Mostly American’ Former KY Governor’s Rebuttal To Trump Showed Is That Democrats Are In Deep Trouble
– Wait, the Dem response is from a former governor who was replaced by a Republican? … The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) was quick to point out that Democrats collapsed in the state, just like how they crumbled … Committee and was endorsed by Howard Dean, could have been an option.…
Networks Yawn as DNC Lurches Further Left
– Keith Ellison have been campaigning to lead the Democratic National Committee. And for weeks, the networks have ignored it. … media have hyperventilated about the "alt-right" and the anti-Semitism and the Islamophobia that are allegedly infecting the Republican
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