Results for: sign up to vote

'Hip Hip Hooray:' Pelosi's Clueless Mockery of Economic Progress is Gold for the GOP, But...…is-mockery-of-economic-progress-is-gold-for-the-gop-n2489303
– The May jobs report showed that wages are finally rising, up close to three percent year-over-year since May 2017.   … Trump was up, Democrats were down, and the conventional wisdom was starting to look awfully silly.  Again.   … and GOP policies, and yet they still want to vote against Trump, that's a very dark sign for the president's party heading into the…
Can the GOP Establishment Stop Being Idiots Just Once?
– and decided that the big legislative priority during the ramp-up to the midterms must be handing citizenship to a bunch of future … Paul Ryan’s eager to bring it up again because he’s super savvy in some alternate universe, and if he won’t, the Squish Squad wants … to force a vote on comprehensive immigration capitulation via a discharge petition they would sign in collaboration with the Democrats…
Fighting Bullies at the UN
– "It is outrageous for the Security Council to fail to condemn Hamas rocket attacks against Israeli civilians, while the Human Rights … Obama liked to talk about how he "had Israel's back," but his words were empty. … With President Trump leading the way, the United States is once again standing up to the UN hypocrites and defending our friends.…
Blue Wave Watch: CBS Polling Shows Dems' Generic Ballot Lead Shrinking, GOP Leading in Key Senate Race…ic-ballot-lead-shrinks-gop-leads-in-key-senate-race-n2493954
– Cook Political Report analyst Amy Walter recently dove into the data to compare the current climate with the environment leading up … According to Pew data, in June 2006, about one-third of Republicans (33 percent) said their vote in the upcoming midterm was a voteto vote in droves in red and blue districts alike, there will be plenty of surprise outcomes in November.…
Betrayal: Moderate GOP Will Work With Democrats If Immigration Votes Blow Up…ts-to-protect-dreamers-if-immigration-votes-blow-up-n2492927
– . *** Well, if there’s a sign that the immigration push in the House could blow up, it’s the signal the moderate GOP is sending right … It’s a mess, and if moderate Republicans work with Democrats once these immigration bills blow up—they’re not expected to pass—then … Supporters of both bills were struggling Wednesday to round up enough support.…
New Yorker Writer Lashes Out at Scott Pruitt’s Evangelical Supporters…lashes-out-at-scott-pruitts-evangelical-supporters-n2492800
– him acquire a used mattress from the Trump International Hotel and to set up meetings so that his wife could get a Chick-fil-A franchise … to frustrate his efforts to enact policies President Donald Trump was elected to achieve, the soundproof phone booth makes good sense … Ah, yes, that “overwhelming scientific consensus”—the dual fallacy of truth by popular vote and appeal to authority—a sure sign that…
The House Is Voting on Immigration Today. Here's What You Need to Know About the Goodlatte and 'Compromise' Bills.…the-two-immigration-bills-in-congresswhat-is-the-d-n2492070
– grew up here – an opportunity to earn a legal status. … Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. … The legislation didn’t even come close to passage, with a 193-231 vote. …
Liberals Are Losing Their Minds Over This Unique Texas Billboard…a-message-for-liberal-visiting-the-lone-star-state-n2492653
– Many commented “love it” on the photo or announced their plans to move to the Lone Star State. … “All I have to say is MAKE ME! … I'm shocked that all the words on this sign are spelled correctly, considering some right-wing group put it up,” wrote another. …
Call Schumer's Bluff: Bring Sensible Immigration Bills to the Floor, Dare Democrats to Filibuster…and-bring-a-sensible-immigration-bill-to-the-floor-n2492602
– “Legislation is not the way to go here when it’s so easy for the president to sign it.” …  (2) I'll circle back to this one. … To some extent, this is true.  …
WSJ Throws Cold Water On The Left's Self-Induced Panic On Abortion…nity-for-abortion-has-spurred-one-helluva-propagand-n2498570
– switch from urging supporters to vote for anyone but Trump to heading his “Pro-Life Advisory Committee” in the span of months — and … It’s a great way to whip up the legions of single, college-educated women that dominate the urban areas, fill the coffers of EMILY’ … You want a right to an abortion, or want to abolish the death penalty, sell it to the people.…
Under Pressure: SCOTUS Fight Could Strangle Claire McCaskill's Re-election Hopes…could-strangle-red-state-democrat-reelection-hopes-n2496710
– She’s going to need every vote she can get come Election Day and right now, she’s struggling with a key group: black voters. … That unenthused feeling could be exacerbated among Democrats in general if she decides to vote for President Trump’s Supreme Court … McCaskill has been tripped up with her RV tour drama, where she admitted to using her private plane for part of the trip.…
The Stakes Are Becoming More Costly
– will not sign. … Yet, in the wake of the most recent government taking stock over the past few weeks, leading up to threat and then the actual follow-through … Keep in mind these are the same Americans -- the silent ones -- who turned out by the tens of thousands to vote for him in November…
Former Democratic Adviser Has A Proposal To End The Shutdown That Includes Wall Funding, But There's A Catch…tdown-that-includes-wall-funding-but-theres-a-catch-n2539296
– Even as this idea has morphed from Mexico paying for the wall to U.S. taxpayers picking up the tab, and from a concrete barrier to … The first change would be to add up to $5.7 billion for construction of an effective barrier on the southern border as Trump has insisted … A wall may well prove to be a $5 billion waste of money, but it is a small price to pay to finally expose the real threat to our country…
Proposal: How Each Side Could Declare 'Victory,' Reopen the Government Immediately, And Agree to New Barriers…n-group-of-senators-working-on-deal-to-end-shutdown-n2539066
– But Graham has also been active on a separate track, teaming up with a group of Senators from both parties to possibly hammer out a … [West Virginia Democrat Joe] Manchin said that “nothing seems to be working” to bring an end to the partial government shutdown over … say that they did not agree to any granular details until Republicans assented to their overall timetable to put in end to the shutdown…
Do Republican Senators Still Support Trump's Wall?
– Cruz said he hopes that, now that the government is reopened, that Democrats will open up more to the idea of setting up strong border … “If this had been a vote to begin debate on a deal to end the shutdown,” Lee said. “I would have happily voted yes. … But this was a vote to end debate on a bill that I believe is fundamentally flawed.…
One Shutdown Is Over But Another One Is In The Near Future…tdown-is-over-but-another-one-is-in-the-near-future-n2540332
– It’s not fun not to take in a paycheck, to wonder how you are going to pay the rent. … Just as the Ante-Bellum Democratic Party refused to give up their slaves, since their power and money depended on stealing from those … The Democratic Party is not going to sign off on any compromise which will undermine their future.…
Hoyer Breaks With Pelosi, Says He'd Be Open to Trump Giving SOTU on House Floor and Walls Can Be 'Moral'…aks-with-pelosi-has-no-issue-with-trump-giving-sotu-n2539896
– Cavuto followed up by asking Hoyer if he thought Pelosi would also allow Trump to give the address on the House floor Jan. 29, given … “I don’t know what the discussions have been, so I don’t want to say,” Hoyer replied. … We want to make sure that people who come in to the United States of America are authorized to do so and we know that they’ve come…
All the Pro-Trade Democrats Go Missing
– Every vote count analysis finds that support from Democrats is nowhere near where it must be to secure ratification through the House … Will she free up her caucus to provide the votes to approve a Trump initiative that would be good for all three nations? … Since 1994, when Ronald Reagan's vision and Bill Clinton's new Democratic promise to sign NAFTA was delivered, trade across borders…
A Monument to Presidential Power
– If you veto the bill, I will allow a vote to override your veto and I will get all of the Democrats and enough Republicans to pass … It will be up to the third branch, the judicial branch, to stop the president from ignoring the legitimate limits the Constitution … But whether that will happen may depend on whether the conservatives on the Supreme Court live up to the principles of limited government…
With Last Shutdown In Mind, Trump Mulls Compromise Spending Bill…utdown-in-mind-trump-mulls-compromise-spending-bill-n2541491
– Still, Trump was not tipping his hand, saying he hadn't seen the bill, even as the House was moving closer to a vote before legislation … Republican leaders were urging him throughout the week to sign it when it reaches his desk, saying that the GOP couldn't afford to … But that plan, with little proof to support such action, is fraught with legal controversy that could be bottled up in the federal…
Picking Up Good Migration
– Republicans have accused these two of manipulating votes, causing confusion and chaos over vote counting that dates back to Bush-Gore … He has also announced plans to sign an executive order scrapping the "common core" public school curriculum, replacing it with a "strong … While people were freezing up North during the recent polar vortex, the sunny temperatures in South Florida ranged from the 70s to
Backpacks For Life: How One Organization Is Helping Homeless and At-Risk Veterans Get Back on Their Feet
– Brett and Alexa also take the time to follow up with these organizations to ensure all the necessary information is submitted correctly … "Here's a woman who's trying to get back up on her feet and took the time out of her day to give us an award, which is the last thing … Click 'Vote for Brett D'Alessandro' You can vote daily, and don't forget to share with friends and family so they can vote too.…
Backpacks For Life: How One Organization Is Helping Homeless and At-Risk Veterans Get Back on Their Feet
– Brett and Alexa also take the time to follow up with these organizations to ensure all the necessary information is submitted correctly … "Here's a woman who's trying to get back up on her feet and took the time out of her day to give us an award, which is the last thing … Click 'Vote for Brett D'Alessandro' You can vote daily, and don't forget to share with friends and family so they can vote too.…
Trump's Failing. Don't Ask Me to Lie About it.
– We vote and we vote and we vote, and nothing ever changes. … But when these devoted Trump supporters showed up at the White House last week to lobby Trump against the open-borders bill, there … I'd love for the 3-D chess crowd to explain to me how it's Paul Ryan's fault that Trump filled up his White House with staffers actively…
Effort to Kill Electoral College Gains Momentum
– speed up demise of the Electoral College” The piece refers to a the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), an initiative … All of those states that sign up for the pairing strategy will send their votes to the winner of the popular vote.” … ) mandating Colorado join the compact assigning electoral votes to popular vote winners.…
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