Results for: Republican National Committee

The Asian Diaspora From the GOP
– Since then, it’s been a race to the bottom in national elections. … Asian Americans: Are they the classic Republican voter? … According to Lanhee Chen of Bloomberg, the Republican National Committee held campaign events in Korean and Chinese communities in…
Waiting For Walker: Governor Is Building His National Donor Network…ker-governor-is-building-his-national-donor-network-n1952748
– Rand Paul (Ky.), said Ron Weiser, a former finance chairman of the Republican National Committee. … … The political committee — which is being run by Rick Wiley, a former Republican National Committee political director … Over at National Review, Michael Auslin reminds us that Scott Walker–if he should become the 2016 Republican nominee–shouldn’t ignore…
President's Advisers Are Leaving Him To Join Clinton
– His fourth nominee to be defense secretary was taking positions that betrayed deep disagreements over national security issues. … And a long line of Republican presidential contenders have begun lobbing a barrage of attacks on his policies that aren't going to … At the same time, there's mounting bipartisan support on McCain's committee for arming Ukraine's military.…
The Budget Clash
– Will this pass through the Republican-controlled House and Senate? … Earlier last month, Chairman of the House Budget Committee Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) outlined three ways to balance the budget: … In response to Obama's budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price, M.D., (GA-06) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi…
NC Poll: 69 Percent of Tarheel GOP Voters Aged 18 to 49 Support 20-Week Abortion Ban…op-voters-aged-18-to-49-support-20week-abortion-ban-n1952727
– Ellmers, the chairwoman of the Republican Women's Policy Committee, signed up as a co-sponsor of , H.R. 36, Jan. 9, but on the Jan. … rights and that fighting to protect the unborn was bad for the image of the Republican Party. … In fact in that year, Ellmers was the only Republican to take a seat from an incumbent Democrat in North Carolina.…
Memo To The GOP 2016 Field: Speak Out When The President Won't, Especially On ISIS And Iran…when-the-president-wont-especially-on-isis-and-iran-n1952696
– terrorists-- is just the first of our ally's responses if King Abdullah was correctly understood by members of the House Armed Services Committee … greatness or national eclipse, and with eclipse danger. … Would-be Republican nominees have to speak to their determination to reverse that course, and how they will do so.…
Obama Ignores Welfare Reform
– One would think with all the attention given to the issue of income inequality that welfare reform would be a national priority. … But it is hard enough to improve the tax code which is the primary focus of the Ways and Means Committee. … The Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2014 languished in a Senate committee.…
Obama's Budget Is Dead on Arrival
– This top-down (income) redistribution doesn't work," House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said Sunday on NBC's "Meet The … The Wisconsin Republican similarly dismisses Obama's idea to hook the capital gains tax to inherited wealth -- saying that it would … He's working with Orrin Hatch of Utah, his counterpart on the Senate Finance Committee, but both men know they face a huge obstacle…
Dead on Arrival: GOP Rejects Obama's $4 Trillion Budget
– According to the House Budget Committee, Obama's FY 2016 budget would add $8.5 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, … House and Senate Budget Committee Chairmen Rep. Tom Price and Sen. … Many people use "deficits" and "national debt" as interchangeable shorthand for the same phenomenon.…
Romney's Choice
– The Republican primary campaign lasted forever with one challenger after another bobbing to the top to challenge Romney. … The GOP national convention was held in Tampa, Florida during the week of August 27 but, in a development that turned out to be prophetic … , Hurricane Isaac was approaching the Gulf Coast of Florida and the Republican National Committee cancelled the first night's activities…
GOP Double-Crossing Traitors
– The resulting Republican landslide suggested some opposition to amnesty. … Seemingly bulletproof Republican congressmen have lost their seats over amnesty. … McConnell's spokesman at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Brad Dayspring, predicted that Obama's amnesty threat would…
Jeb Bush Makes A Grand Supply Side Entrance
– The Republican Party has an embarrassment of riches in good prospective presidential contenders for next year's race. Thus Gov. … emphatically, than any presidential contender since Ronald Reagan used it in 1980 to blow past Governor Bush’s father to secure the Republican … Ben Carson now suggests he likely will form an exploratory committee this month. Tea Party Darling Sen.…
Friday Filibuster: The Tall Tale Edition
– Immigration Republican Sen. … And Texas officials now want the National Guard to stay on the border, indefinitely. … The Democrats also announced this week that the Democratic National Convention will be held in Philadelphia.…
RNC Honors The Late Edward Brooke At Trailblazer Luncheon
– As the Republican National Committee held its 3rd Annual Black Republican Trailblazer Awards luncheon, honoring newly elected members … He was the first Republican senator to demand Nixon’s resignation. … Paul Tsongas in 1978 after a messy divorce from his first wife garnered national attention.…
Scott, Love, And Hurd Honored at Annual RNC Luncheon
– The Republican National Committee honored three members of Congress at their 3rd Annual Black Republican Trailblazer Awards Luncheon … Love is the first black Republican woman ever to serve in Congress. … Hurd is the first black Republican elected to Congress from Texas.…
An Open Letter to Rachel Maddow About my Trip to Israel…pen-letter-to-rachel-maddow-about-my-trip-to-israel-n1956065
– Let me also clarify, I am neither a Republican National Committee member nor a registered Republican.…
RNC Chief: Has the Obama Admin Stopped Trying?
– Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee was grasping for explanations when he spoke to radio host Hugh Hewitt … It started at this year’s National Prayer Breakfast, when the president compared Islamic extremism to the Christian Crusades, which…
Rubio and Bolton Poised To Enter The GOP Field As National Security Hawks…d-to-enter-the-gop-field-as-national-security-hawks-n1955372
– It may be that one or more elected politicians will step forward in the Republican Party. I don’t discount that prospect. … national debate. … It is not clear that the House and Senate GOP have yet figured out how crucial the issue of national defense as become.…
Priebus on 2016 Debates: "Conservative Media Will Have a Voice"…conservative-media-will-have-a-voice-in-the-debates-n1963413
– Hopefully, those of us who watched the 2012 election cycle can all agree on the following points: There were too many Republican debates … To that end, at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince…
Rand Paul Draws Liberal Fire As The Left Discovers Its Inner Love Of The Fed, Part Two…e-left-discovers-its-inner-love-of-the-fed-part-two-n1961820
– That’s a good reason why just about any Republican nominee would be a dangerous president. … “[J]ust about any Republican nominee would be a dangerous president”? … Hello Democratic National Committee, send this man a box of fine Cuban cigars!…
Exciting News Out of Salem Media Groupñoz/2015/02/24/salem-n…a-to-partner-with-cnn-during-presidential-primaries-n1961332
National Committee. … Additional Salem national radio hosts will be announced later as leading participants in future debate coverage. … Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus stated, "I'm thrilled that Salem will partner with three of our Republican primary…
2014 DNC Autopsy: Yeah, We Need To 'Reclaim' White Southern Voters…topsy-yeah-we-need-to-reclaim-white-southern-voters-n1961217
– The first two pages are dedicated to patting themselves on the back for being Democrats–and how the “national Democratic Party must … To curb the rising Republican tide, the team recommends that the Democratic Party get their act together on a “cohesive narrative,” … That last one will be a huge obstacle given Republican dominance of governorships and state legislatures.…
What Scott Walker Actually Said
– All the hullabaloo went to Giuliani, but in terms of the Republican presidential race, a number of Scott Walker's pointed comments … To advance our policy goals, our committee (still in formation) will be interviewing all the Republican presidential candidates in … And as National Review editor Rich Lowry has written, 68 percent of Americans do not have a college degree.…
Nervous Republicans: Please, Rubio, Run for Senate
Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is eager to maintain their gains in 2016 and beyond. … Officials familiar with the effort say that recruiting Rubio to seek re-election is a top priority at the National Republican Senatorial … Committee.…
Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Senate Plans Could Go Up In Smoke
– Morgan then forwarded the email exchange to Politico: Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s office offered … Echoing Republican talking points, Wasserman Schultz suggested the proposal could lead to a variant of OxyContin-distributing “pill … She is said to be considering a Senate bid if Republican Sen. Marco Rubio relinquishes his seat to run for president.…
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