Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

5 Reasons Republicans Lose Elections Wrapped Up In The Amnesty Bill…icans-lose-elections-wrapped-up-in-the-amnesty-bill-n1626899
– Heller These types of lies to the base are the equivalent of adultery in a marriage. … Today they're lying on illegal immigration and tomorrow they may lie to you on deficit reduction, gun control, or abortion. … people, but the Democrats will give you more free stuff, then what good are the Republicans?…
Mexico Held Back by Corruption
– Why is its pollution so bad? Why are drug cartels killing tens of thousands of people each year in turf wars? … Mexico’s people are equally blameless. … immigrants must wait in line to become an American citizen.…
Were You Planning on Sleeping Tonight?
– Shows like NCIS, CSI Miami and even my favorite House would have us believe that the bad guys get caught with a sophisticated mix of … The bulk of illegal immigrants didn’t risk crossing the vast desert; they flew here legally and just never left. … For according to the Department of Homeland Security, I am a terrorist -- and if you are reading this, so are you.…
I Got 30 Million Reasons
– If Hispanics voted 50.1 percent for Democrats, amnesty would be a bad deal for Republicans. … Illegal immigrants are "living in the shadows"! That's not a "crisis." … At most -- and this is highly dubious -- it's a crisis for the illegal immigrants.…
Obama's Midterm Report Card
– Iran, North Korea, Russia and China are challenging us more seriously than ever before. … immigrants, ran into a buzz-saw in the House where Republican leaders are focusing on border security, among other reforms, but not … , let alone are planning to sign up.…
Beware the Hidden Costs of Beautifully Misnamed Laws…eware-the-hidden-costs-of-beautifully-misnamed-laws-n1730788
– Washington has a bad habit of naming laws by what they are not. … Health insurance premiums are skyrocketing. Taxes to pay for the bill increased. … There are promises of a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants who have avoided public assistance, lived a long time in the…
Economic Recovery Stalls as Obamalaise Settles In
– This recovery is stalling out precisely because of all the help we are getting. … Undercutting the American worker by pushing to have millions of illegal immigrants receive amnesty. … I know a lot of people are jaded and say all politicians are corrupt, and this one is no worse than that one and so forth.…
Illegal Immigrants in DC Can Obtain Drivers Licenses…legal-immigrants-in-dc-can-now-get-drivers-licenses-n1748958
– District of Columbia Mayor Vincent Gray signed a bill today that allows illegal immigrants to obtain a driver's license. … This is a bad policy. … Immigration laws need to be enforced, and driver's licenses should be limited to those who are here legally.…
Congress Must Fight Back Against Obama's Lawlessness
– His order won't just stop deportations; it will grant tentative status and work permits to illegal immigrants, as if he has the power … provide work permits, photo IDs, Social Security, and Medicare to illegal immigrants -- all benefits rejected by Congress. … immigrants."…
Now We Can Call It E-Nullify
– It’s bad enough that the line-jumpers now have official permission to stay. … Previously, even employers who favored illegal hiring had to abide by the law or risk hefty penalties. … But not all emperors are decent.…
Report: Businesses Will Receive $3,000 Per Employee For Hiring Illegal Immigrants…to-receive-incentive-for-hiring-illegal-immigrants-n1924265
immigrants. … President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country … “Immigrants are good for the economy,” he said in Chicago on Tuesday.…
This Thanksgiving, Have an Attitude of Gratitude
– The poor complain about the rich and the rich complain that they are being taxed too much. … Citizens complain about illegal immigrants. Whites complain about people of color and people of color complain right back.  … Thank your parents, if they are living, no matter how bad your upbringing may have been.…
Bloomberg Poll: Heavy Public Opposition to Obama's Executive Amnesty…heavy-public-opposition-to-obamas-executive-amnesty-n1929806
– A new national poll of adults from Bloomberg contains bad news galore for the White House.   … Democrats are in worse shape, with a bare majority disapproving (41/50). … Not well: As for Obama’s decision to take executive action to give some illegal immigrants temporary legal status, 56 percent say…
RINO Hunting: Policy and History Are Against Jeb Bush
– "What I can't accept are dumbing [sic] down standards and expectations." … And others have, others that supported the standards all of a sudden are opposed to it." … On immigration, Bush said, “yes, they [illegal immigrants] broke the law, but it’s not a felony.…
Uh Oh: New Poll Shows AOC Favorability Underwater By Double Digits...Among New Yorkers…itsamong-new-yorkers-who-blame-her-for-amazons-exit-n2543288
– Amazon out of New York, a very unpopular outcome: Amazon’s decision to pull the plug on a planned expansion in Long Island City was bad … Incidentally, the Siena survey also shows overwhelming opposition (34/61) among New Yorkers to giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants … Mayor, are you running for president?"…
Nielsen Wasn't Right For Trump's 'Bad Cop' Role On Immigration…wasnt-right-for-trumps-bad-cop-role-on-immigration-n2544480
– Those are fairly routine benchmarks. … Whether he actually gets his bad cop remains to be seen. … But odds are good that whoever it is will be better at playing one on TV.…
No, President Trump Did Not Refer To Asylum Seekers As Animals. And The Mainstream Media Should Know This…ylum-seekers-as-animals-and-the-mainstream-media-sh-n2544371
– You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals. … They are "animals." … But, all of these opinions are based on lies.…
Why President Trump Keeps Winning on the Immigration Issue…sident-trump-keeps-winning-on-the-immigration-issue-n2544976
– That's a great place to be in a nation where 79% of voters believe that illegal immigration is bad for America. … Eighty-six percent of white voters believe illegal immigration is bad for America. … There are plenty of ideas with strong popular support: 84% want to deport illegal immigrants with criminal records, 69% of voters favor…
Some Things to Ponder
– Over two million of these people are in prison. … It turns out that more than 50 percent of Democrats surveyed want illegal immigrants to have the right to vote, as they already do … It's gotten so bad that some stores have stopped selling kitchen knives.…
'The System is On Fire:' Media Forced to Acknowledge 'Breaking Point' in Border Crisis, With No End in Sight
– It's what career nonpartisan officials are saying as vehemently as they possibly can, imploring Washington to pay attention and act … As many as 27,000 children are expected to cross the border and enter the immigration enforcement system in April alone. … Lowry's reference is to the president's floated idea of busing hundreds or even thousands of illegal immigrants to American sanctuary…
Less Border Security Brings More Disease to America
– So we are to believe that the same Third World countries that are rife with poverty, illiteracy, corruption and narco-terrorist gang … At least a good number of them are receiving some degree of medical examination. … Is the point of this article that illegal aliens coming to America are inherently bad people or somehow inferior to Americans because…
Trump Just Drove A Mack Truck Through The Shameless Liberal Hypocrisy On Sanctuary Cities…the-shameless-liberal-hypocrisy-on-sanctuary-cities-n2544764
immigrants. … That’s because he offered to take any illegal immigrants President Trump would transfer to his city: “[Donald Trump] plans to release … detained immigrants to [San Jose]??”…
Liberals Tell Supreme Court How Illegal Immigration Increases Their Power…court-how-illegal-immigration-increases-their-power-n2545294
– And, these liberals contend, the bad guys in this situation will not be the illegal aliens violating the law but the federal agency … immigrants. … Those pushing this suit believe their political interests are advanced by making sure all illegal aliens are counted.…
Illegal Immigration Is A Powder Keg In LA
– There are so many of them. This!  Is!  Their!   Country!!! Lol.” … That kind of Trojan Horse rhetoric falls on deaf ears for the people who are stuck in the Twilight Zone of illegal immigration.   … immigrants.  …
The Democrats’ Platform as of Today
– Open Borders - They don’t use that terminology, but they are doing nothing to stop illegal aliens from flowing into the country. … Like always with this there is no differentiation between legal and illegal immigrants. … These are just 12 ideas the Democrats are working on to better our lives.…
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