Results for: national political news

Democrat Running for Higher Office Met With Radical Group Behind Pro-Hamas Statements, Activities
– The national organization of SJP had announced a “Day of Resistance” for October 12, as the Washington Free Beacon covered, citing … In 2019, Allred voted against a Republican-led measure that stated it is "in the national security interest of the United States to … From the start of his political career, the group has supported Allred, not just with social media posts, but also through fundraising…
A Quick Bible Study Vol. 190: Common Phrases Rooted in the Bible - Part 5
– , who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’ … Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits.  … Myra is also the Executive Director of and the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit.…
The Cowardice on Israel Begins
– They're doing this for political reasons as pro-Hamas, leftist factions in the U.S. scream louder.  … The good news is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials are clear-eyed about what needs to be done.  … "The current fight against the 'Hamas' murderers is another chapter in the story of national standing for generations," Netanyahu said…
Biden Administration Announces Plan to 'Counter Islamophobia'…at-islamophobia-and-people-definitely-have-thoughts-n2630680
– On Wednesday, however, the administration took a more purposeful step in announcing what they heralded as the "First-Ever NationalNational Strategy to Counter Islamophobia in the United States. … Both President Joe Biden's official and political X accounts failed to mention the task force, though. …
Tommy Tuberville Fends Off Attempts From Fellow Republicans to Drop Holds…off-attempts-from-fellow-republicans-to-drop-holds-n2630677
– “I think this has been enlightening,” a frustrated Dan Sullivan says — Manu Raju (@mkraju) November 2, 2023 Fox News' Chad Pergram … Tuberville to assuage his concerns, but ultimately led the GOP confrontation of him last night — accused his colleague of conducting a “national … Tuberville has not indicated he plans to loosen up his holds, and reposted forms of support several times from his political X account…
Biden Shakes Hands With Leaders of a Genocidal Regime
– It also mentioned that Wang had met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. … "National Security Advisor Sullivan and Director Wang had candid, constructive, and substantive discussions on key issues in the U.S … CBS News that day published a photo of Biden shaking hands with Xi in Bali.…
Endgame: What We Can Learn From Iowa's Just-Released 'Gold Standard' Poll…n-learn-from-iowas-just-released-gold-standard-poll-n2630541
– Upon hearing the news about Pence, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy observed that others in the race should consider follow Pence's lead … In fact, Trump has only further solidified his national primary polling advantage in recent weeks.   … The counterpoint to that from rival campaigns is that national numbers are less important than what's happening in the early states…
Trump's Lead and GOP Decision-Making
– But there were many news reports that Trump had privately told allies he did not support Emmer. … But Trump is just under 60% in the race, according to the RealClearPolitics average of national polls. … (Byron York is chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner.…
Here's the Good News, and the Scary News, About Polling on Israel and Hamas…nd-the-scary-news-about-polling-on-israel-and-hamas-n2630269
– Let's start with the good news.   … over a week ago -- and just a week removed from the heinous slaughter of Israeli civilians by terrorists -- I cited a number of national … If you're willing to defend baby murder and rape in pursuit of a political cause, you're not likely to be persuaded by reason or facts…
Disabled Veterans Should Be Allowed to Seek Out Private Sector Help to Access Benefits…to-seek-out-private-sector-help-to-access-benefits-n2630257
– According to a recent NBC News story, the VA is also plagued by staff turnover and low morale, which is all making the backlog worse … Additional opposition is coming from attorneys, particularly their lobbyists at the National Organization of Veterans Advocates, who … Christian Josi is a veteran political strategist and media advisor.…
Is Trump Really Making Gains With Young People?
NATIONAL POLL2024 Hypothetical Presidential ElectionTrump 47%Biden 45%8% undecided … NATIONAL POLL2024 GOP PrimaryTrump 59%Haley 8%DeSantis 8%Christie 4%Pence 3%Ramaswamy 3%Scott 1%Burgum 1%Hutchinson 1%Johnson 1%Elder … Other than demographics by political party and partisan leaning, this was one of Biden's most supportive age groups, other than the…
Biden Border Crisis: US Officials Just Announced a Shocking, Record-Shattering Statistic…ls-just-announced-a-record-shattering-new-statistic-n2630202
– Most of the political media's bandwidth is consumed by the Israel war and the dysfunction in the House of Representatives, but an … how the government has handled border security and support the construction of a wall on the southern border, according to a Fox News … Quinnipiac similarly measured majority support for building the wall in its latest national survey.…
This Democrat Is Ready to Thrown His Hat Into the 2024 Race Against Biden…llips-plans-to-launch-a-bid-against-biden-next-week-n2630182
– More from Politico:  Such a move would be a dramatic leap into the national spotlight for the three-term congressman from Minnesota … Center for the Study of Politics and Governance, dismissed Phillips's "musings," describing them as a "mystery" that "defy familiar political … During an August CBS News interview, Phillips warned that if the Democratic Party does not run someone else like the party's 2024 nominee…
And the 2024 Frontrunner Is...
– Sliding into recession could prove political fatal for the ruling party.   … Given the national and global events of the past two weeks alone, it's pure folly to try to project clean predictions about what's … makeup of Virginia and its proximity to DC, if Republicans win in November, already-nervous national Democrats will grow even more…
Hilarious: Canadian Conservative Leader Calmly Destroys Reporter While Eating an Apple…ader-calmly-destroys-reporter-while-eating-an-apple-n2630010
– Poilievre's Conservatives [are] pushing out to a sizable lead over the Trudeau government," in the upcoming but yet-unscheduled national … I'm not sure I've enjoyed a political video clip this much in quite awhile: Pierre Poilievre casually smacks down a left wing journalist … I'll leave you with some other encouraging electoral news from around the Anglosphere, even as the battered British Tories continue…
Rashida Tlaib Facing Condemnation From All Corners of Capitol Hill
– As is typical for the mainstream media, ABC News made a post with the 'Republicans pounce' angle. … backlash against Tlaib from Republicans as Israel denies fault. — ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) October … Senate, provided a statement to National Review saying that "Rashida Tlaib should stop spreading misinformation."…
Montana Sure Looks to Be Another Senate Race to Watch
– While some forecasters had considered the race to slightly favor Tester, Cook Political Report saw that race as a "Toss-Up." … Montana's other senator, Republican Steve Daines, also serves as the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) chairman. … As we covered in August, Tester claimed during an NBC News interview at the time that he believed Biden is "absolutely 100 percent…
Deranged ISIS-Inspired Terrorist Kills Two in Belgium
– The national teams of Sweden and Belgium played nearby when the attack occurred. … The Swedish national football team were in the middle of a match against Belgium at King Baudouin Stadium, about 5km away, but the … Several Belgian media outlets said the two individuals killed were wearing football shirts belonging to the Swedish national team. …
Is This Why Some American Universities Aren't Cracking Down on Hamas Sympathizers?…es-influenced-by-a-pro-hamas-countrys-petro-dollars-n2629906
– around, of which I was initially dismissive, is that Northwestern -- which has rarely shied away from wading into a wide range of national … In 2013, however, NU-Q entered a formal agreement with the Qatari-owned news outlet Al Jazeera designed to train journalists for the … a major concern—as does the willingness of American universities to turn a blind eye to Qatar’s illiberal practices...Qatar’s National
The Jihadi Scum Living Among Us
– had insane terrorists spewing hate at Jews and Israel, even declaring that the numerous atrocities committed by Hamas were fake news … Importing legions of Afghan refugees who weren't adequately vetted also increases the national security risk and the numerous hits … We don't have the political leadership that understands the threat right now.…
The Louisiana Comeback Starts Now
– Unfortunately, due to a myriad of problems, including a poor economy, a legacy of political corruption, and substandard public education … This showed an anemic population growth rate of only 2.7%, compared to the Southern average of 10.2% and the national average of 7.4% … Fortunately, there is good news for the long-suffering people of Louisiana.…
A Quick Bible Study Vol. 187: What the Hebrew Bible Says About War…study-vol-187-what-the-hebrew-bible-says-about-war-n2629752
News Flash: You are invited to a Shroud of Turin event: “Scientific Mysteries of the Shroud of Turin.” … Myra Kahn Adams is a conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits.  … Myra is also Executive Director of and the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit.…
With New War in Middle East Beginning, America Marks 20th Annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month…ica-marks-20th-annual-cybersecurity-awareness-month-n2629850
– threats, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the operational lead for federal cybersecurity and the national … Julio Rivera is a business and political strategist, cybersecurity researcher, Editorial Director for Reactionary Times, and a political … His writing, which is focused on cybersecurity and politics, has been published by many of the most respected news organizations in…
They Chanted 'by Any Means Necessary' — Is This What They Wanted?…ted-by-any-means-necessary-is-this-what-they-wanted-n2629723
– The good news for Israel is that this might be the extent of the attackers' capabilities. … This restraint is not merely out of fear of international condemnation but rooted in their national and humanistic values. … We should be promoting understanding and coexistence instead of allowing narrow political agendas to dictate our future.…
The Future of House Republicans is the Future of America; We Must Step Up…epublicans-is-the-future-of-america-we-must-step-up-n2629673
– tackle our out-of-control spending and make tough decisions when it comes to cutting bloated government waste and reining in our national … Ironically enough, news broke recently that the interest rates on the federal government’s debt are increasing, raising even more serious … Our children and grandchildren will have to pay the price for our unwillingness to put aside political calculations and differences…
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