Results for: is the us at war with iran

Unilateral Disarmament is Dangerous — in Both a National Security Context and as Economic Policy
The news is replete of reports of Russia developing new missile systems, escalating a war in Ukraine, selling missile technology to … In this perilous environment, it is easy to see the folly and danger of dealing with these serious risks by unilaterally disarming. … But American businesses are at a distinct disadvantage when they must compete not only with foreign corporations, but also with the
What Harvey Wrought
– And the foreign crises seem to be coming at us, one after another. … Russia is beginning military maneuvers in the Baltic and Belarus, bordering Poland, with a force estimated by some at 100,000 troops … Is he, are we as a country, ready for another trillion-dollar war, with Iran, which so many inside the Beltway seem so eager to fight…
Why You Should Know About Israel’s Air Attack in Syria and Why You Should Care…israels-air-attack-in-syria-and-why-you-should-care-n2379404
– Israel of course is not looking to oppose or overtly conflict with either, but is making it clear that the ceasefire agreement they … The air strike also sends a clear message to Iran which is also watching events in North Korea to see how the world responds and assess … The airstrike in Syria this week is a significant event with many implications in an ongoing war that Israel cannot and will not lose…
President Trump Calls Out North Korea’s ‘Rocket Man’ Before the UN…ump-calls-out-north-koreas-rocket-man-before-the-un-n2384102
– of Justice in The Hague, the threat of total annihilation is a war crime in and of itself. … Is this the best way to deal with an unhinged, almost unaccountable dictator? Perhaps it is. … I hope, at the least, that the generals and advisors counseling the president have told him this is the best way to go.…
Human Rights are Key to Confronting Iran
The Trump administration should place human rights at the center of a new Iran policy. … It will place the US on the moral high ground in dealing with its European partners when it comes to Iran policy. … The US can strike the Achilles’ heel of the ayatollahs at no cost and at no peril by focusing on their abuses at home.…
ICBM Non-Proliferation Requires Foresight
The reality is that these engines are not only valuable for US launches of satellites requiring “heavy lift,” since we do not yet have … This is the wrong premise. … Second, we can prevent North Korea, Iran and others from launching horrific weapons at the United States with these same engines. …
Tribalism Marches On!
– Not only in the east of Europe but also in the west, nationalism is surging. … Perhaps that is because the New World Order proclaimed by Bush I in 1991 envisioned the U.S. as the benevolent global hegemon. … Then, there is Kirkuk, seized by the Kurds after the Iraqi army fled from an invading ISIS.…
Funding The Arts – or Hurricane Recovery
– While the Defense Department is a favorite target for liberal pundits, defending the homeland is one of the most critical roles of … economy is reinvigorated, budgetary needs could be met and the private sector could weigh in with yet more help. … This is “a legacy of the welfare state ushered in by the War on Poverty” and continued by “politicians, civil rights leaders and academics…
Attention NFL: America is as Good as it Gets
– France is a nation of bigots, where at least 20% of the population balks at having a neighbor of another race. … In Russia and China, at least 15% of the population is blatantly racist. … India is arguably the most racist country in the world, with more than half the population saying they would not welcome a neighbor…
Trump's Dangerous Confusion on the Iranian Deal
– In his tirade at the United Nations, the president said the accord is "one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United … The disadvantage of preserving the deal is that it lets Iran expand the number of operating centrifuges after ten years and the stockpile … The disadvantage of renouncing the deal is that it would let Iran do those things immediately.…
Ignoring Russian Aggression Does Not Put 'America First'
The American First Committee in the run-up to World War II was a movement of people who wanted us to stay out of the war and let our … "The exercise Russia is conducting is part of a week-long program dubbed Zapad 2017 and is taking place along the borders of NATO nations … NATO is now taking this very seriously, sending 4,000 troops into Poland and the Baltic nations along the border with Russia, the Guardian…
Adding Vladimir Putin to Trump's List of America's Dangerous Adversaries…in-to-trumps-list-of-americas-dangerous-adversaries-n2384693
– “American First” in the run up to World War II were the people who wanted us to stay out of the war, and let our allies fight it out … “The exercises Russia is conducting is part of a week-long program dubbed Zapad 2017 and is taking place along the borders of NATO … NATO is now taking this very seriously, sending 4,000 troops into Poland and the Baltic nations along the border with Russia, the Guardian…
Investigation of Argentina’s “Dirty War” Set Precedent for Inquiry into Iran’s “Summer of Blood”…et-precedent-for-inquiry-into-irans-summer-of-blood-n2391419
– by uncovering the mass graves left behind by the country’s “Dirty War.” … to investigate the atrocities committed during the “Dirty War.” … violates the 1948 Genocide Convention, which Iran is a member of.…
Is War With Iran Now Inevitable?
With his declaration Friday that the Iran nuclear deal is not in the national interest, President Donald Trump may have put us on … the road to war with Iran. … Tehran does not want war with us.…
The Fussy Attack of the Domesticated Conservatives
– You see the same thing with the True Conservative line-up at the New York Times. … In one week, Trump crushed the cultural left in the Battle of the NFL, decertified Iran, pulled us out of the PLO-hugging fiasco that … The conservatism the mainstream media pushes is really conservatisn’t; the rest of us have moved on from the old conservatives as submissive…
Is Trump the Heir to Reagan?
– Which bring us to the present, with our billionaire president, indeed, at the barricades. … He has lost half a dozen senior members of his original White House staff, clashed openly with his own Cabinet and is at war with GOP … And the president appears determined to tear up the Obama nuclear deal with Iran that his own national security team believes is in…
Please Reconsider and Recognize a Free Kurdistan – A Letter to President Trump and Secretary Tillerson…a-letter-to-president-trump-and-secretary-tillerson-n2402631
– from Saddam Hussein, but which is now allied with Iran! … The West is in an ideological struggle to the death with fundamentalist Islam. … Finally, a fact which is widely underreported by the lazy and clueless American media is that throughout Iran mosques are empty and…
Niger: Finally, A War John McCain Doesn't Love
At the prospects of war with Iran, McCain burst into song, ‘Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb-Iran.’ … Southern secessionists are at war with the north, have been for at least 139 years. … We reward Niamey (the capital) to play war games with us.…
Headlines From An Administration That Is Not Putting America First…an-administration-that-is-not-putting-america-first-n2400356
at the halfway mark. … the rise of the far right in America and Europe is mass immigration. … Beyond the self-evident attractiveness of a president caring about us, instead of the rest of the world, fixing our country is at least…
Noted Divisive Fear-Monger: Spreading Fear and Division Doesn't Work…sm-of-trump-spreading-fear-and-disunity-doesnt-work-n2398111
– " (3) The Obama campaign repeatedly accused Republicans of waging a "war" on women ("binders!" … Years later, Reid effectively admitted that he was lying at the time, touting Romney's eventual loss as the positive end by which his … And in the meantime, spare us.…
Still Voting for Trump; Must Defeat Clinton
The fighting among the never-Trumpers, the Trumpers and the never-Hillarys is approaching a fever pitch, with mutual accusations of … conduct is relevant in the election of public officials. … more violence in the streets and an ongoing war on cops; the acceleration of the dangerous national debt and of the insolvency of…
The Problem with Peace Processes
– Logic says no, and evidence to the contrary is scarce. … The United States, as is so often the case, has been trending in the European direction. … Of course, the most egregious example of diplomatic delusion is the deal Mr.…
The Donald Lives!
– Tasting blood, the media were in a feeding frenzy. Trump is dropping out! Pence is bolting the ticket! … If this quote is accurate, Clinton is working toward an end to the independence for which our Founding Fathers fought the American … Upshot: The Donald is alive.        …
Dump Duterte -- for Starters
– Yet, with the end of the Cold War, we did not dissolve a single alliance. … This hubristic folly is at the heart of present tensions with Russia. … the power to drag us into war over some rocks or reefs in the South China Sea.…
Smart Power: Cash-Flush Iran Steps Up Funding to Radical Group Attacking US Ships
– So with their coffers replenished, Iran is doing what Iran does -- via Reuters: Iran has stepped up weapons transfers to theThe government of Hassan Rouhani, which negotiated the nuclear deal with the Obama administration, is often portrayed as opposed to … Iran is a malignant actor running roughshod over a weak American president who is obsessed with protecting the legacy of the terrible…
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