Results for: Republican National Committee

George H.W. Bush: A Class Act
– Capitol’s Rotunda, followed by a moving, service at the National Cathedral on Wednesday.   … National Committee, then the vice presidency under President Ronald Reagan for eight years, until he won the presidency in his own … Perhaps the most emotional moment at the memorial service in the National Cathedral came when his son, former president George W.…
The Biggest Threat to America Comes From Within
– Cable news anchors routinely take President Trump’s words out of context, and misrepresent the facts about national security threats … matters worse, the media’s collusion with Democrats is actively helping liberal lawmakers like incoming House Finance Services Committee … They’ve been colluding for years to disparage and demean American patriots, and Donald Trump represents the sort of national pride…
Oh, Really: Democratic Operatives Copied Russian Deception Tactics In Alabama Senate Race…eption-tactics-to-get-doug-jones-elected-in-alabama-n2537844
– Jeff Sessions resigned to become attorney general, so it was Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones duking it out. … It involved a scheme to link the Moore campaign to thousands of Russian accounts that suddenly began following the Republican candidate … on Twitter, a development that drew national media attention. […] There is no evidence that Mr.…
Foreign Hackers Are Waging War On Us. Here’s How To Stop It.
– The hacking revelations were made public as a result of a lawsuit filed by former Republican National Committee finance chairman Elliott … Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and other political figures, as independent counsel Robert Mueller has been revealing … The president’s new National Cyber Strategy should include updating the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.…
Graham and Trump are at Major Odds Over Syria
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2018 Incoming Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham warns this is an "Obama-like … All the advice the President received from his national security team was it’s not time to withdraw from Syria… This is just a disaster … — CNN (@CNN) December 20, 2018 On Capitol Hill Thursday afternoon, Graham held a press conference with fellow Republican
Farewell and Thank You, Paul Ryan
– than eight years ago, one of the Right's most creative and determined policy minds was the ranking member of the House Budget Committee … But the rest made it into law...We began a historic rebuilding of our military and national defense. … But too often, he wields his powerful megaphone in unhealthy ways, sometimes acting as a profoundly malignant force in our national
BREAKING: Paul Ryan Retirement Speech; Focuses on Legacy with Looming Gov't Shutdown…ker-ryan-focuses-on-legacy-admists-looming-shutdown-n2537766
– clear that two longterm goals of his were not completed; both reforming the U.S. entitlement program and controlling a growing national … Over his two decades in Congress, the total national debt increased from less than $6 trillion to nearly $22 trillion. … The problem was a Republican-led Congress that pushed a small-government agenda only in part.…
James Comey Dodges Questions About Whether He Leaked Classified Information…classified-info-in-his-memos-wont-say-that-he-didnt-n2537637
– The paper reported the memos showed President Trump asked for the FBI investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn … Comey's admission prompted a number of legal questions about his handling of the memos and a number of Senators, both Republican and … Democrat, sent Richman a letter asking him to turn them over to the Senate Judiciary Committee for evaluation.…
Son of Flake
– What's with Mitt Romney, the newly minted Republican senator from the great red state of Utah? … National Committee, hit her uncle upside the head for his subversive selfishness." … For an incoming Republican freshman senator to attack @realdonaldtrump as their first act feeds into what the Democrats and media want…
RNC Chair Says Uncle Mitt Gave Her a 'Heads Up' About the Op-ed…explains-her-tweet-criticizing-her-uncle-mitts-oped-n2538434
Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel loves her uncle Mitt, but she had to put her job first this week and rebuke … For an incoming Republican freshman senator to attack @realdonaldtrump as their first act feeds into what the Democrats and media want…
Romney Responds to Niece's Criticism. Here's What He Had to Say About the GOP Chairwoman.…sponds-to-nieces-criticism-heres-what-he-had-to-say-n2538420
– -elect Mitt Romney (R-UT) responded Wednesday to the criticism dished out against him by his niece and chairwoman of the RepublicanNational Committee, Ronna Romney McDaniel, after he wrote a blistering op-ed about the president in the Washington Post.  … “She’s the chairwoman of the Republican Party, she has a responsibility.…
New Year, New Hope
– There will be much pomp and circumstance as the House transitions from Republican to Democratic control and Rep. … Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., that she has formed an exploratory committee to guide her in deciding whether to run for president in 2020 … The Drug Enforcement Agency's "2018 National Drug Threat Assessment," which was released Nov. 2, supports Trump's view.…
WATCH: McConnell Says 'No Deal' to House's Bill to Reopen the Government…ays-no-deal-to-houses-bill-to-reopen-the-government-n2538417
– It will be based on actions taken by the Republican Senate, bills that have passed on the floor of the senate by over 90 votes or in … committee unanimously." — The Hill (@thehill) January 3, 2019 While Pelosi seems … For Republicans, the Pelosi bill is a waste of time and does nothing to strengthen America's national security.…
Wow: RNC Chair Calls Out Her Uncle Mitt for His Anti-Trump Op-ed…air-calls-out-her-uncle-mitt-for-his-antitrump-oped-n2538366
Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel was in the awkward position of rebuking her own uncle on Twitter Wednesday … For an incoming Republican freshman senator to attack @realdonaldtrump as their first act feeds into what the Democrats and media want…
Democrats Indulged in the Same Tactics They Are Accusing Russia of in the Alabama Special Election…accusing-russia-of-in-the-alabama-special-election-n2538339
– researchers for New Knowledge, Columbia University and Canfield Research, which was commissioned by the Bipartisan Senate Select Committee … Kozlovsky had claimed to have built the software that was used to hack the Democratic National Committee and other American targets … of Democratic malfeasance uncovered in the hotly contested Alabama senatorial special election between Democrat Doug Jones and Republican
Townhall's 10 Most Popular Stories of 2018...Many of Which Star MSNBC
– Oh, So That's What the DNC Tried to Bury During Trump's State of the Union The Democratic National Committee's financial woes were … Committee had raised a little over $5 million in December, finishing the year $6 million in debt. … The Republican National Committee has no debt and raised over twice as much as the their Democratic counterparts.…
Get Wrecked: The Top 10 Rake-Stepping Fake News Stories The Liberal Media Trafficked In 2018
– It notes that Trump Jr. told a Senate committee that a deal in Moscow died of "deal fatigue" by 2014.  … Brenda Snipes Is A Closet Republican The 2018 Florida elections were another nightmare. Yes, Gov. … Allegations of election stealing flew like crazy, and MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell had this bombshell: Snipes is a…Republican?…
2020: Year of the Democrats? Maybe Not
– The national debt may be surging, but Capitol Hill progressives will be demanding "Medicare-for-all" and free college tuition. … Chairman Jerrold Nadler's House Judiciary Committee may have to accommodate the sans-culottes. Is this what America voted for? … Sherrod Brown of Ohio, who won re-election while his state was going Republican.…
DNC Nearing $7 Million in Debt
– The Democratic National Committee is in the red when it comes to their operating finances. … Democratic National Committee Total Receipts $4,456,789.10 Total Contributions $3,574,146.81 Itemized $1,805,991.91 … National Committee raised $8.7 million in October, breaking a presidential off-year fundraising record, and has over $20 million cash…
Leadership -- a Study in Contrast
– In a study in contrast, House Speaker Paul Ryan noted Wednesday that "The national defense bill that I will sign later today requires … "In addition, the Majority Leader and our committee chairs are developing a plan to address the Syrian refugee crisis. … This is about national security ... we will invite all of our colleagues -- Republicans and Democrats -- to work with us quickly to…
Bush On Refugees: Let's Not Block Them From Entering The Country…ugees-lets-not-block-them-from-entering-the-country-n2082279
– . […] Two Republican senators running for president, Sens. … Bush, also a Republican presidential candidate, said Tuesday that’s not the appropriate response. … Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the Senate intelligence committee, warned in a statement Tuesday "we need to be…
More Than Half The States Now Oppose Syrian Relocation Efforts; UPDATE: Up To 30 States
– Among these 27 states, all but one have Republican governors. … Democrat or Republican, this is a serious national security issue. … Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, sent a letter to Obama urging him to stop relocation efforts…
DNC: Anti-Refugee Rhetoric Is Same As Turning Away Jews in 1939…fugee-rhetoric-is-same-as-turning-away-jews-in-1939-n2088565
– The Democratic National Committee cannot tolerate Republican rhetoric against the Obama administration’s Syrian refugee plan. … Instead of learning from that mistake – Republican candidates and politicians were eager to repeat it.”…
Senate Passes Reconciliation Bill 52-47, Parts Of Obamacare, Planned Parenthood Gutted…s-of-obamacare-defund-planned-parenthood-for-a-year-n2088697
– Moderate Republican Sens. … But it would represent some progress in Republican efforts to repeal the presidents’ signature domestic achievement, which has been … As Guy wrote in October, “a House Ways and Means Committee spokesman tells Townhall the legislation that is slated to be voted on this…
It's Time For The Other 13 Candidates To Drop Out
– At least no one will be able to say the Republican National Committee didn't give it the old college try (and, again, that would be … At this point, the most important question facing the Republican Party is: When Trump's the only one with the poll numbers to make…
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