Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Obama Versus Obama
– By not even passing a budget, Obama 2 and his party are in effect saying to the public, "It is none of your business." … In his oath of office, Barack Obama swore to see that the laws are faithfully executed, as all Presidents do. … a bad thing for people brought into the country as children to be exempted.…
Liberals Out in Full Force Against Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu
– His campaign plans to focus on job creation, border security and illegal immigration issues. … After all, it's not like Babeu and his deputies are on the ground dealing with the problem everyday or anything. … Currently, Pinal County Sheriff Deputies work with Homeland Security by arresting illegal aliens and then taking them to a wing of…
Re-Elect Obama: Vote Newt!
Are you getting the idea that Massachusetts is different from the rest of America, readers?) … to enforce federal immigration laws, and opposed efforts to give illegal immigrants in-state tuition or driver's licenses. … He is the most conservative candidate still standing, with the possible exception of Rick Santorum, who is bad on illegal immigration…
Hispanic ministries adjust to immigration law
– The law also imposes penalties for businesses that knowingly employ illegal immigrants. … A federal court struck down several provisions of the law, including a ban on knowingly transporting or harboring illegal immigrants … The United States should not grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, Hanks said, but he added that Alabama's new law has thrown Hispanic…
Who Is a Citizen?
– Is Mitt Romney in favor of increasing the number of illegal immigrants in the United States? … Kobach and a plethora of groups not only oppose illegal immigration but also want to drastically reduce the number of legal immigrants … , and they are pushing state legislation to deny citizenship to children born to illegal immigrants.…
Are We On the Verge of the Obama Great Depression?
– Americans didn’t consider it the responsibility of government to pay for breakfast and lunch for students - let alone illegal immigrants … In 1929, we didn’t have millions of illegal immigrants and their children collecting billions of dollars in entitlements from U.S. … Today our public schools are in shambles.…
Video: Obama Argues Against Obamacare
– Only 14% of people over the age of 55% are uninsured. … All of these people, plus illegal immigrants, were rolled into one giant, scary-sounding number (46 million) of uninsured Americans … of the mandate is bad politics. …
Romney Doing the Job the Republican Establishment Won't Do
– He is the rare Republican who recognizes that in-state tuition, driver's licenses and amnesty are magnets for more illegal immigration … If the answer is "no," illegal immigration is a bad deal for you. Cheap labor is cheap only for the employer. … Yes, many illegal immigrants work hard, but it's not our responsibility if their employers don't pay them a living wage.…
Are House Republican Leaders Poised to Embrace the Senate's Immigration Framework?…about-to-embrace-the-senates-immigration-framework-n1786697
– And yet, House Republicans leaders are expected to release a "statement of principles" for action in the coming days. … However, Ryan also says the undocumented will be allowed to work as part of “probationary” status before security benchmarks are met … Based on Ryan's description, it sounds like illegal immigrants will be granted legal status on a "probationary" basis, contingent on…
Why Pro-Amnesty Republicans Are So Desperate To Pass Immigration Reform This Year…e-so-desperate-to-pass-immigration-reform-this-year-n1785691
– Until the immigration laws that are already on the books are being enforced, talking about making new, tougher laws in exchange for … In addition, the Democrats’ policy on illegal immigration is driven by one overriding goal: they want as many illegal immigrants as … If they can transform 10 million, 20 million, or 50 million illegal immigrants into citizens, they'd be happy to do it because they…
Republicans See the Light on Immigration
– Mitt Romney captured its presidential nomination while vowing to veto the Dream Act, which would allow immigrants brought here illegally … The bad news is that the statement perpetuates the fantasy of wiping out illegal immigration by empowering government. … But the congressional Republicans are halfway toward reality, which represents big progress. And who knows?…
A Bridge Too Far-Fetched
– A few months later, Christie doubled down on amnesty by granting in-state tuition to illegal aliens. … There isn't a wall high enough to stop illegal immigrants from sneaking across the border when the reward waiting on the other side … Taking a page from John McCain, the main targets of Christie's wrath are his fellow Republicans.…
Republicans to the Rescue?
– Almost everyone seems to think that we need to solve the problem of the children of illegal immigrants, because these children are … If not, then why should the children of illegal immigrants have such a right? … immigrants from other countries get no such special treatment as Mexico and its American supporters are demanding for illegal immigrants
Rachel Maddow’s Fear: G.O.P. Equals J.O.B.
– MSNBC, the Houston Chronicle and other mainstream media outlets are saying that Republican intervention in the union vote … It’s so bad that immigrants are crossing back to Mexico to find opportunity. … 100 percent for Obamacare, and Republicans are 100 percent against it.…
5 Virtues That Liberals Take To The Extreme
– ." -- Shaun Hick There are few things on the planet more necessary than water. … Both nations are so diverse they want to murder each other. … We treat illegal immigrants who waltzed across the border two months ago as if they're indistinguishable from Americans.…
Conservatives Debate Immigration Reform
– The flow of illegal immigration into this country is at a 40-year low, and deportation rates are higher than they have been at any … And whatever else President Obama has failed to do, he has deported more illegal immigrants than any president before him: 2 million … But her data don't actually make the case that present-day immigrants, mostly Hispanics, are assimilating at slower rates than previous…
The Twenty Best Quotes of CPAC 2014
– -- Mike Huckabee 17) It's not like illegal immigrants didn't know what they were doing was wrong. -- Ann Coulter 16) The tax … Demographics are changing by force. … All issues are women's issues." -- Carly Fiorina 8) There's no free ride.…
Right-Wing Mobs? Say It Isn't So, Conservatives!
– Here are my facts: (1) For more than a decade, Sen. … There are breathless headlines all over the Internet claiming, "McConnell Supports Amnesty!" … McConnell has never said anything that bad on immigration. Those are facts.…
Did Illegals Misusing SSNs Earn More on Average Than US Women?…ls-misusing-ssns-earn-more-on-average-than-us-women-n1831308
– If you simultaneously accept estimates published by the Census Bureau and the Chief Actuary of Social Security, then illegal aliens … workers paying OASDI (Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) taxes, what is the average level of earnings upon which the taxes are … According to the actuary report, the illegal aliens paying payroll taxes are a fiscal boon to Social Security.…
The Filmmaker Big Business Wants Silenced
– Lynch believes the problem isn’t the illegal immigrants per se, but rather the policies officials and lawmakers on both sides of the … But right now, Americans are laser-focused on Obamacare, which he admits is bad, but can also be repealed. … And unemployment is even suspected to be lower among illegal immigrants in the U.S. than for our nation’s black citizens.…
5 Ways Liberals Hurt The Poor
– : While there are certainly Republicans who've been paid off by the business lobby to support illegal immigration, Democrats almost … across the board are in favor of allowing as many illegal immigrants as possible into the country. … There are millions of poor Americans who are out of work simply because they can't work as cheaply as an illegal immigrant who doesn't…
Obama's Economic Spin: A New Pony or Manure?
– On the stump and in the recent debates, the president has been taking credit for things that are symptoms of a bad economy and touting … , "Much of the drop in illegal immigrants is due to the persistently weak U.S. economy, which has shrunk construction and service-sector … Indeed, Census data shows that many Mexican immigrants, legal and illegal, are heading home because they think the opportunities will…
Why I'm Voting For The Maryland DREAM Act
– But what surprised me the most are the new polls from Minnesota and Oregon (my home state). … aware of the issue because they are voting on gay marriage Nov. 6. … Of all these, polls in Nevada are the most ominous. Nevada should be a lock for Romney.…
Unlicensed To Kill
immigrants, who are ineligible to get a license, but to help all residents who cannot afford to get a license or driver's training … In an attempt to protect illegal immigrants, the administration is "bending over backward to find ways to allow even people who've … Some are licensed, and some are unlicensed.…
Waiving Freedom
– Arbitrary ObamaCare waivers are bad enough by themselves. … They are truly ominous as part of a more general practice of this administration to create arbitrary powers that permit them to walk … immigrants he has chosen to be exempt from the law.…
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