Results for: is the us at war with iran

Bitter Fruits of Mideast Wars
The second is whether Obama will start up the road of "crippling sanctions" to war with Iran, to prevent Tehran from moving closer … As one steps back and looks at a decade of U.S. intervention and war in the Middle East, what has it all availed us? … The Shia who now run the country are moving away from us, and closer to Iran, as we depart.…
The Iranian Threat Continues to Grow Unabated
– Pursuing that ultimate goal Iran has been at war with the United States for over thirty years, a war that we have refused to acknowledge … The bottom line is the Obama Administration doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to go ‘toe to toe’ with Iran. … And that is exactly what the Islamic Republic of Iran is counting on.…
A Mideast Game of Thrones
The Iran nuclear deal is not on the same geostrategic level. … -Iran rapprochement is a diplomatic disaster. Which brings us to a fundamental question of the Middle East. Is the U.S. … Neither wants all-out war with the other.…
Being Held Hostage by Obama...and Iran
The generation that came up with the slogan What if we had a war and nobody came? … Lost in all the phone-wielding and pen exercising that Obama has done in the executive office is the fact that treaties with foreign … “But polls do indicate Americans are looking to deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program,” wrote the Post at the beginning of the
Trump Dodged An Ambush By Avoiding War With Iran
the sucker’s bait and engage us in open war with Iran. … Don’t confuse the fact that it is not to our advantage to openly attack Iran (or at least its rulers) right this minute with the mistaken … If the choice is doing biz with the US or Iran, Iran loses every single time.…
Time Magazine Editor's Take On Trump's Handling of Iran Is Probably Going to Anger Liberals…r-iran-is-weaker-solemani-strike-is-a-win-for-trump-n2559175
– Ian Bremmer, Time magazine’s at-large editor, is no fan of the Trump administration, but his take on how the president has handled … The first is for the last year as the Americans were destroying the Iranian economy, Iran was responding and didn't know what the red … So much so that the Saudis ended up having to negotiate with Iran on the sidelines because, "The Americans aren't helping us.…
The Persians Are Coming!
– "The Iranians are on the march," warned John McCain Sunday. "Iran is building a new Persian Empire," echoed Col. … Iran's nuclear program and potentially put us on the road to war. … The issue is whether Iran represents a threat to our security worth risking a war.…
Was Iraq Worth It?
– Illinois who had opposed the war. … If Saddam had no WMD, had no role in 9/11, did not attack us, did not threaten us, and did not want war with us, was our unprovoked … What makes the question more than academic is that the tub-thumpers for war on Iraq a decade ago are now clamoring for war on Iran.…
Looking at Obama's Failures Differently
– It hasn’t always appeared that Obama had the best interests of the US at heart. … The US is in the way of the very people who gave him his rise, people like George Soros. … Obama is not through with fundamentally changing the US. I have no reason to believe that Kerry went to Iran to merely visit.…
Oh My: Senate Dem Calls WH's Iran Talking Points 'Straight Out of Tehran'…whs-iran-talking-points-sound-straight-from-tehran-n1946172
– Congress is trying install a backbone into America's Iran policy, and the Obama administration is loudly resisting.   … "You may have seen that on Friday, the president warned us not to move ahead with sanctions on Iran, a state sponsor of terror," Boehner … "His exact message to us was: 'Hold your fire.' He expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran.…
Ilhan Omar is Pretty Upset We Just Killed the World's Leading Islamic Terrorist…we-just-killed-the-worlds-leading-islamic-terrorist-n2558918
– According the the Obama Department of Defense, Qasem Soleimani was a terrorist directly responsible for the murder of over 500 US service … at risk at home & across the globe. … Congress alone has the authority to declare war, & we must reclaim our responsibility & say no to war with Iran. — Rashida Tlaib (@…
Is Iran Running a Bluff?
– Thus, ISIS is saying Iran cannot make usable fuel for the nuclear power plant it is building, and Gibbs is saying Iran lacks the capability … Are the folks who lied us into war on Iraq, to strip it of weapons it did not have, now trying to lie us into war on Iran, to strip … Maybe the Senate should find out before voting sanctions that will put us on the road to such a war, which would fill up all the empty…
By the Way, Americans Now Oppose Obama's Iran Deal By 30-Point Margin
– bombs to the Israelis: If I was at table, what would I have led with. … What in the hell is going to make us they aren’t going to cheat again?” … … The president recently said that the people that supported the Iraq war are the same people that are in alliance with the Ayatollah…
Hillary's 'Toughest Sanctions' on Iran Won't Work
– Winston Churchill was surely right that “jaw jaw is better than war war.” Nobody wants a war with Iran. … But the Iranian leaders have been at war with us for thirty years. … This administration frittered away its best chance of avoiding war with Iran when it held back from giving support to the pro-democracy…
The War America Fights
– What war has the US been fighting since September 11? President George W. Bush called the war the War on Terror. … The fact that their attacks were foiled by their fellow passengers is a tribute to the passengers, not to the success of the US warThe last problem intrinsic to the US's War on Terror is the persistent and powerful strain of appeasement that guides so much of US
Obama's Iran Conundrum
– Iran's mullah-led regime is already at war. It is at war with Iraq. It is at war with Israel. … In historical terms, the descendant regime of the Ayatollah Khomeini has been at war with the United States since, oh, 1979? … Moreover, the corrupt dictatorship is fighting a civil war in slow motion with the Green Movement, the hodgepodge Iranian opposition…
Come Hell or High Water, if There's War With Iran, Trump Is Done…or-high-water-if-theres-war-with-iran-trump-is-done-n2559178
– on his hands, may very well have put us on the path to war with Iran. … Slowly, then all at once. Republicans say war with Iran won't happen. … What Americans don't want is war, troops on the ground, and that is where Trump is being led.…
Major European Allies: Yes, Iran was Behind the Act of War Against Saudi…llies-yes-iran-was-behind-the-major-attack-in-saudi-n2553560
The United Kingdom, France and Germany released a statement overnight backing the United States' assessment Iran is behind the recent … "It is clear to us that Iran bears responsibility for this attack. There is no other plausible explanation. … , proves Iran launched the attack. …
Mythmaking for the Next War
At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had some 45,000 nuclear warheads. At the moment, Iran has none. … Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. … But there is no reasoning with McCain and his allies, who yearn for the simple clarity of the Cold War.…
Who Wants War With Iran?
– If Iran is building a bomb, it is not at Natanz. U.S. denial of involvement leaves Mossad as the prime suspect. … , the objective is clear: Enrage the Iranians so they strike out at America, provoking a U.S. … Before some agent provocateur pushes us into war with Iran, Congress should debate the wisdom of authorizing President Obama, or anyone…
The Enemy of Our Enemy
– And at its heart is the civil-sectarian war to overthrow the Syrian Alawite regime of Bashar Assad. … But Shia and Persian Iran is almost twice as populous and at the heart of a Shia Crescent of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah. … War is the clear and present danger, and peace the necessary condition of securing those interests.…
The Dem Presidential Candidates' Reactions to Soleimani Death Are As Bad As You'd Imagine…al-candidates-criticize-us-for-taking-out-soleimani-n2558889
– Amy Klobuchar worried it would escalate conflict with Iran and push the U.S. closer to another war, while Sen. … Cory Booker lamented that the president “has no strategic plan” to deal with Iran. … Iran is the last thing we need and is not the will of the American people.…
Joe Biden Is Scared of His Own Shadow
The answer is simple: Iran has successfully deterred the United States.Deterrence, according to the Defense Department, is "the prevention … In fact, he is deterred: Iran has successfully launched a war against Israel, and the United States is not only backing down but also … Biden's attempts to feed the pro-Hamas alligator one bite at a time will eventually end with his candidacy on the plate.Whatever the
Iran Nuclear Deal -- Alive or Dead?
– If the War Party is confident Iran is going to cheat, why not wait until they do. … Also at issue is the deal signed by Boeing to sell Iran 80 jetliners. … Could we perhaps put the confrontation with Iran on hold?…
Warnings and Threats -- or Bluster and Bluff
– -NATO Article V war guarantee to have the U.S. fight alongside them if there is another crisis with Russia such as occurred in South … Nor is the Black Sea the only region where the U.S. is hinting at confrontation and possible war. … "We will continue to look at every option to deal with the challenge that is posed by Iran."…
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