Results for: Republican National Committee

A Constitutional Conservative for Missouri and America
– Elections, of course, are about contrasts, and Hawley’s opponent for the Republican nomination raises some serious concerns. … That includes $10,750 directly from the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys’ political action committee and $117,600 from firms … In fact, Senator Schaefer was endorsed by both the National Education Association and the AFL-CIO, even as the AFL-CIO funneled thousands…
Benghazi Committee Puts Clinton on the Hot Seat
– Thursday's House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing delivered what oversight hearings so often do. … But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? … Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy did not appreciate McCarthy's candor -- as it allowed Clinton boosters to dismiss the committee as overly…
DNC/RNC Give 'Blessing' For Black Lives Matter Town Hall Event
– The Democratic and Republican National Committees aren’t going to change their debate schedules to accommodate an additional one centered … "Their response to our request is unsatisfactory,' Hearns said, and added that it is irresponsible for the Democratic National Committee … That being said, Republican and Democratic candidates probably should duck their heads into this event if it does materialize, but…
Oh Look–It’s Mike Bloomberg Pouring Pro-Gun Control Cash Into Virginia’s Elections…ouring-progun-control-cash-into-virginias-elections-n2070404
– A day earlier, Everytown said it would spend $700,000 on ads for Democrat Dan Gecker, who is battling Republican Glen Sturtevant to … The Republican State Leadership Committee has also devoted $180,000 to Sturtevant’s campaign, which is just one part of their six-figure … That’s about 75,400 fewer married voters than a Romney-like Republican gubernatorial nominee should have drawn.…
Ted Cruz - A Fresh Approach to American Foreign Policy and US-Israel Relations…h-to-american-foreign-policy-and-usisrael-relations-n2070129
– US Senator Ted Cruz, the conservative Republican firebrand from Texas, is running for president. … I think America’s alliance with Israel is overwhelmingly in our national security interest. … Again Republican leadership refused to do that.…
Vox To Democrats: It's Time To Admit That You Have A Problem At The State Level…to-admit-that-you-have-a-problem-at-the-statelevel-n2068148
– While the Republican State Leadership Committee has a $125 million effort over the next several years called REDMAP 2020, which aims … Sturtevant’s September cash contributions included $180,000 from the Republican State Leadership Committee; $77,800 from the Virginia … Senate Republican Caucus; $24,000 from Sen.…
The Benghazi Select Committee – Another Exercise in Republican Ineffectiveness…tee--another-exercise-in-republican-ineffectiveness-n2068612
– , we are no closer to a resolution of anything than when the committee first began. … When the Watergate Committee was convened after a unanimous vote in the U.S. … Jesse Helms stated during the debate over the formation of the Watergate Committee.…
Reports: Hesitant Paul Ryan Now 'Open' to Speaker Run
– The future status of the Republican majority's leadership remains an open question, with several potential candidates to replace Boehner … watching and waiting to see what move former Vice Presidential nominee and current Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan will … If he chooses to run, Ryan would likely pledge to do his level best to represent the entire Republican conference.  …
BREAKING: We Have The Votes; UPDATE: Kavanaugh Is Going To Be Confirmed
– You’ve become the Democrats’ favorite Republican today. Maybe we should have expected this; I was hoping for no more foul ups. … Via WaPo: Senate Republican leaders agreed Friday to reopen the FBI background investigation of Judge Brett M. … It was an intense and hellacious day at the Senate Judiciary Committee.…
Bad Bills Come From Those Who Wait
– Instead, it covers just one year of defense spending (a Republican priority) and the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education … Leahy, the top Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee, defended the move by saying, "This is necessary to ensure that we do … Not all additional dollars spent on defense actually increase national security, because – like everything else in the budget – it…
Is This Any Way to Confirm a Supreme Court Justice?…is-this-any-way-to-confirm-a-supreme-court-justice-n2522839
– He ably handled more than 1,200 questions put to him by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. … Dianne Feinstein, a Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee, dropped a bombshell. … Democrats demanded that the Judiciary Committee hear from her and again from Kavanaugh.…
FEC Report Shows DNC Is Nearly Insolvent
– The Democratic National Committee is nearly insolvent, according to the most recent FEC report. … If one adjusts for this debt, the DNC has a paltry $973,000 cash on hand, putting the Republican National Committee in a far greater…
The Air Has Seeped out of the Russia-Collusion Balloon
– But that's just about all that partisans like House Intelligence Committee ranking Democrat Rep. … Washington Examiner colleague Byron York's reporting, that that Russia platform plank that was supposedly watered down at the RepublicanNational Convention was actually toughened up.…
Insulting Spin: No, Republicans Aren't 'Bullying' or 'Silencing' Kavanaugh's Accuser By Inviting Her to Testify…ncing-kavanaughs-accuser-by-inviting-her-to-testify-n2520885
– Didn’t her lawyer say on national television that her client was willing to testify? … committee from California, her home state.   … Either @SenFeinstein approved the leak or she can’t control her own committee.…
RNC Reaches $252 Million Fundraising Mark For Midterms, Blowing DNC Out of the Water
– The Republican National Committee has blown the Democratic National Committee out of the water—again—when it comes to fundraising … The committee says it has 540 paid staffers working in 28 states. … The RNC has repeatedly outraised the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which has yet to release its August numbers.…
Midterm Madness
– The national unemployment rate remained at 3.9 percent, one of the lowest levels in half a century." … National Committee and obtained by Bloomberg Businessweek contains alarming news for Republicans hoping to hold onto control of Congress … "President Trump's boasts that a 'red wave' could increase Republican majorities appear to have lulled GOP voters into complacency,…
The New York Times' Nikki Haley Smear Vs. The New York Times' G.H.W.B. Smear…nikki-haley-smear-vs-the-new-york-times-ghwb-smear-n2520566
– Ambassador to the United Nations Haley was a profligate elitist Republican unconcerned about spending taxpayer money. … As a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I call on @HouseForeign Chairman @RepEdRoyce to hold an oversight hearing on @StateDept … "Visiting the exhibition hall of the National Grocers Association convention (in Orlando, Florida), Mr.…
Americans United Against Sexual Misconduct
– Senate committee. … At National Review, John Fund explained that when Senator Hirono’s Democrat benefactor, the late Sen. … You see, that Brett Kavanaugh is male or white or Republican does not make him guilty.…
Democrats Didn’t Actually Want a Real FBI Investigation, Anyway…didnt-actually-want-a-real-fbi-investigation-anyway-n2525922
– t have set her up with anti-Trump lawyers who – as her own testimony last week made clear – did not convey to their client the committee … So, instead, we got a FBI investigation conducted under the white-hot spotlight of national media attention.   … But while the agreement worked out by Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake and Delaware Democrat Sen.…
Scott Walker Has a Stark Warning Ahead of Midterm Elections…lker-has-a-stark-warning-ahead-of-midterm-elections-n2525228
– The one thing working against Walker: Ryan's retirement and Reince Prebius no longer being at the Republican National Committee. … The Republican powerhouse in Washington is dwindling. And Walker is the only one remaining. … Democrats, however, see Walker's seat as an opportunity to take down a Republican incumbent.…
Protecting Online Privacy Must Be A Priority
– Yet, the need for a national privacy law is starting to look like one such issue that maybe – just maybe – can bring both parties together … A national privacy law is gaining support rapidly because it can ensure dependable online privacy protections no matter where we live … Of note, Senator Thune recently chaired a hearing in the Senate Commerce Committee that shined a spotlight on growing support for national
Here's What the Minnesota Democrats' Investigation Into Keith Ellison Allegations Uncovered…ocrats-investigation-into-keith-ellison-allegations-n2524524
– Although the Democratic National Committee (DNC) remained silent on about the allegations against their deputy chair, the Minnesota … According to Fox News, Ellison is in a close race with Republican Doug Wardlow for the Minnesota Attorney General's seat.…
The Battle for the House Continues: Both Sides Ramp Up Their Midterm Strategy (And Spending!)…tinues-both-sides-ramp-up-their-midterm-strategy-an-n2524128
– The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), which works to get Republicans elected to Congress, has been reevaluating … Barbara Comstock's (VA-10) seat while Democrats are hoping to make a splash in Orange County, California where a number of Republican
Dear Senators Flake, Collins, and Murkowski
– Senator Flake, you were confronted on national television by two activists, both claiming to be rape survivors. … Maria Gallagher and Ana Maria Archila gained national fame over the video of that confrontation, and both say they’ve never spoken … Do you believe your fellow Republican Senators are rape apologists? How do you find middle ground with that?…
Kavanaugh or Die
– There seems to be confusion amongst some Republicans about how critical this moment is to the future of the Republican Party in terms … The case against Kavanaugh has nothing to do with these sordid charges and everything to do with keeping any conservative Republican … Yes, the Republican Party will die.  …
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