Results for: Republican National Committee

What Will AIPAC Do Now?
– Second, the analysis started to flow of how the powerful lobbying organization, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), had … Those three are the National President, currently Bob Cohen, Executive Director Howard Kohr and Marshall Wittmann. … The question is will they authorize money going to his Republican opponent, withhold money from him or continue supporting him despite…
We Went There: Trump Asked When Will We 'Get Rid' Of The Muslims At Town Hall Event…en-will-we-get-rid-of-the-muslimsat-town-hall-event-n2053637
– Yet, it soon created quite the firestorm, with Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. … costareports) September 18, 2015 The rest of the Q&A period included a man shouting inaudible remarks at Trump, to which the 2016 Republican
Terrific: Team Hillary Using McCarthy's Disastrous Benghazi Comments in New Campaign Ad…hys-disastrous-benghazi-comments-in-new-campaign-ad-n2061776
– But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? … the Committee to be shut down. … McCarthy reveals the truth that Republicans never dared admit in public: the core Republican goal in establishing the Benghazi Committee
House Complicates Iran Deal by Passing Bill to Make Iran Compensate Terror Victims…bill-to-make-iran-compensate-terror-attack-victims-n2060336
– Ed Royce (R-CA), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, explained why the bill was so necessary, especially in light of Obama's … The National Republican Congressional Committee, meanwhile, had some harsh words for ‘nay’ votes like Rep.…
Campaign Finance Caper? Hillary Clinton and the Ghost of Scandals Past…per--hillary-clinton-and-the-ghost-of-scandals-past-n2060526
– This problem developed out of a 1996 Democratic National Committee strategy of burying the rival Republicans under a tsunami of cash … She and her acolytes will attempt to characterize this as another example of Republican dirty tricks and skullduggery. … It is fairly clear, however, that GOP operatives did not order the arrest of Ng Lap Seng, nor did a Republican Justice Department order…
Pew Poll: Trump Leads GOP Field, Jeb Craters to Four Percent
– The latest national poll from Pew Research shows Donald Trump still leading the Republican pack, attracting the support of one-fourth … their delegates among candidates, means a nominee won’t be likely be known until the spring at the earliest, according to the RepublicanNational Committee—and perhaps months later.…
'Hostage Takers:' Dems Block Bill to Fund Veterans, Demanding More Spending Elsewhere
– Republicans note that many Democrats supported the bills when they were considered by the Appropriations Committee. … The Republican script: "We've funded the troops and our veterans, in accordance with our campaign promises.   … That's irresponsible in an era of an $18 trillion national debt." Conservative voters want a fight.…
House Republicans In Solid Shape for 2016
– run in competitive districts, and right now; there’s about a dozen races where they don’t have anyone to challenge the sitting Republican … Rob Simms, executive director of the National Republican Campaign Committee, commented that Democrats might have problems recruiting … Yet, the executive director for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Ward Baker, is promising a fight.…
Ed Gillespie Will Announce Virginia Gubernatorial Bid At 'Appropriate Time'…will-announce-gubernatorial-bid-at-appropriate-time-n2058329
National Committee Chairman and White House aide Ed Gillespie plans to run for governor of Virginia in 2017. … Mark Obenshain, also a Republican, decided to run. … As one Republican insider put it: “He got the bug.”…
RNC Chair: Don't Get Comfortable With Primary Schedule
– Is Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus looking to shake things up in the GOP presidential primary? … In an interview with National Journal, Priebus suggested the road to the nomination calendar is not set in stone: “It’s a hot…
Trump Pretty Much Says He Supports Universal Health Care During 60 Minutes Interview
– This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, "No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private … Scott Pelley: --and it is a plank-- Donald Trump: It's not the-- Scott Pelley: --of the Republican platform. … If he is the nominee, then the Republican National Committee uses their vast war chest to help him in the general.…
How the Republican Party Should Fight Planned Parenthood…he-republican-party-should-fight-planned-parenthood-n2058087
– Some may disagree all they want with the Republican Party. … Get a statement from the Republican National Committee (RNC) saying the same thing. … Seek to ensure that the RNC puts the Republican promise to not fund Planned Parenthood in the Republican platform. 5.…
CNBC Agrees to Two-Hour Debate After Carson, Trump Threaten to Boycott…n-will-boycott-next-debate-if-its-more-than-2-hours-n2066866
– Cuddy, Trump and Carson said they were writing because “the Agenda sent to the campaigns recently by CNBC in partnership with the RepublicanNational Committee (RNC), and reiterated on yesterday’s call, indicated that there would be “two hours of debate time” plus four commercial…
As House Struggles To Find New Speaker, Obamacare Repeal Bill Is Getting Ready For A Vote…eaker-obamacare-repeal-bill-makes-it-to-house-floor-n2066000
– Last week, the House Budget Committee advanced the bill, which would gut key Obamacare provisions, along with defunding Planned Parenthood … The three House panels in question – the Education and Workforce Committee, the Energy and Commerce Committee and the Ways and Means … Committee – did not say whether they would make or miss their deadlines in statements to Morning Consult.…
Why Is Hillary Clinton So Unhappy?
– No Republican dirty trickster could have put her into the legal and political mess into which she has put herself. … computer server instead of the government's in the four years of her tenure as secretary of state, she knowingly compromised the national … Then the House Benghazi Committee subpoenaed Blumenthal's emails, and its investigators discovered governmental emails Hillary sent…
Fight Night on The Left: Democrats Square Off in Las Vegas Presidential Debate…n-the-left-democrats-square-off-in-las-vegas-debate-n2065035
– Iowa and New Hampshire show that Bernie Sanders outperforms Clinton in those two general-election battleground states.In Iowa, Republican … Leading up to tonight's debate there has been much controversy surrounding the Democratic National Committee and it's favoritism of…
Don't Take Your Guns to Town, Paul
– The Republican Party is not, as some commentators wail, in "chaos" today. … The TPP has already been rechristened by Republican rebels as "Obamatrade." … As chairman of the House Committee on Ways & Means, he is better off working on supply-side tax cuts.…
Almost Forgot! About That Resolution To Disband The Select Committee On Benghazi; It Failed…disband-the-select-committee-on-benghazi-it-failed-n2064066
– Louise Slaughter’s (D-NY) privileged resolution to disband the House Select Committee on Benghazi. … Slaughter is the ranking member of the House Rules committee and initially put forward an amendment on October 6 to dissolve the committee … According to Politico, they wanted Republican National Committee cash, “a bigger say” regarding selecting committee chairmen, more…
Pressure Mounting on Paul Ryan to Join Speaker's Race…haffetz-will-drop-out-if-paul-ryan-runs-for-speaker-n2063537
– The only Republican who does not want Paul Ryan to become the next House speaker, it seems, is Paul Ryan. … But the former vice-presidential nominee and chairman of the Ways and Means Committee may be changing his mind. … Two additional Republican sources say Ryan has in fact already made up his mind to jump in the race.  …
Clinton Could Learn From Her Husband's DLC History
– has been a case study in political expediency and is precisely why an overwhelming majority of Americans don't trust her," said RepublicanNational Committee Chairman Reince Priebus.…
The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy Against Hillary Clinton
– They never counted on Obama winning Iowa and becoming a national phenomenon. … Certainly, the hard work of the House of Representatives committee investigating the events related to the Benghazi debacle led Clinton … Clinton will testify about the American lives lost at Benghazi will certainly be more "evidence" for her team to offer regarding Republican-inspired…
Hillary Escapes Again
– A special House committee investigating the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012 that killed Ambassador Christopher … Hillary Clinton refused to be lured into a fight with Republican committee members. … But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why?…
Open Thread: Yes, Hillary’s Having A Good Month So Far
– Moreover, GOP strategist Rick Wilson noted that the committee had lost the narrative before the former first lady even took her seat … Committee but knowing full well that holding back powerful tidbits until the late spring or summer, when the eventual Republican nominee … After Democrats conjured up a Republican “sleaze factor” theme, Reagan carried 49 states in 1984.…
Dan Rather: Damn, Hillary's Benghazi Testimony Was Awesome
– October 26, 2015 Such unflappable poise, maturity and stoicism in the face of nasty, sustained grunting from those horrid Republican … She "won" the day, the story goes, because she kept her cool and parried Republican attacks with verve and aplomb. … Democrats on the committee spent most of the hearing complaining that it was a waste of time and money. Quite the opposite.…
And The Oscar Goes To….
– The other Oscars would go to all of the Democrats on the Benghazi Select Committee who decried the waste of taxpayer money funding … To act indignant over the cost of the Benghazi Select Committee is certainly an acting job on the part of the Democrats again worthy … She could barely hide her disdain for the Republicans on the committee, and for the entire process itself for that matter.…
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