Results for: white house debate response

The ‘Targeted-Killing’ Memos
– In response to a demand from senators of both parties, the White House last week announced that it will release the targeted-killing … memos to the House and Senate Intelligence committees. … Creating such a structure is the responsibility of the White House and the Congress. Perhaps it’s time they got started.…
The Public Has Spoken – 100,000 Americans Sign WH Petition on Cellphone Unlocking…0-americans-sign-wh-petition-on-cellphone-unlocking-n1518234
– Since that time I have helped spearhead a White House petition on this matter. … House response (until recently the petition threshold was 25,000). … If you want to stand up for property rights and against crony capitalism, you can sign the White House petition until Saturday night…
Obama Adulterates Marriage and Federalism
– As a suitor of voters, Obama expressed his “sacred” version in response to a question from Pastor Rick Warren just before the 2008 … Obama specifically endorsed “strong civil unions,” not “a weak version” in a 2007 primary debate. … Obama explained his elusive evolution on marriage to the White House press corps last Friday: “As everybody here knows, last year…
Yesterday's LollaPaulooza
– He put the president on the defensive, using the force of argument to penetrate the White House's standard operating procedure of never … We also talk about his efforts to get control of the 2016 debate schedule now.) … House.…
The Best of Comrades
– the Texas Rangers deal. - A Vulture Capitalist Cashes in on Failure Dear Comrade Doctor, Yes, this is the standard response … They want rich white men & women to take over the country. … in the House on restricting a woman’s right to choose to be armed, “or if you feel like someone's been following you around or if…
The Open-Borders Reporters Who Banned "Illegal Immigrant"…openborders-reporters-who-banned-illegal-immigrant-n1556235
– AP's most famous White House correspondent, Jennifer Loven, was such a shameless water-carrier for the Democratic Party that she earned … editor David Minthorn told Boyle three short years ago: "The AP Stylebook created its entry on 'illegal immigrant' in 2004, in response … to renewed debate over border security and the enforcement of immigration laws after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.…
Obamacare Battle Takes Bizarre Turn
– The White House acted in response to complaints from business owners, who called the mandate burdensome. … As the GOP saw it, the White House listened to big business but ignored the little guy. … Seemingly unsteadied by a turn of events that included his own threat to veto himself, Obama took to the White House East Room for…
Reports: US Military Mission in Syria Expanding Behind the Scenes…litary-mission-in-syria-expanding-behind-the-scenes-n1693126
– The White House has made it perfectly clear that they consider a Congressional vote on using military force against Syria to be … House that the current plans are not muscular enough to destabilize the Assad government.  … to White House designs. …
The Politics of Syria: Does Obama Have the Votes?
– Since his about face, Obama has been working the phones and meeting with lawmakers at the White House in an attempt to rally members … The White House is expressing confidence that they'll garner bipartisan majorities when Congress reconvenes next week, but that outcome … John McCain, who huddled at the White House yesterday.  With whom will the rank-and-file align?  …
– The White House chief of staff during the reign of President Richard Nixon was a guy named H.R. … Making the case might have become a bit more difficult when White House chief of staff Denis McDonough said, according to the Associated … This has been all hands on deck for the White House staff as they are being sent to the Hill to lobby Members one-on-one, but the pressure…
Hey Media, Liberals and Democrats: You Built That
– NightWatch is not alone in their criticism of the White House G2. … Perhaps that’s the reason why the White House wants to shut down debate on Syrian intelligence, just as they have on every issue of … Uh, no one in the White House debates it.…
Spying on the Progressives
– In response to the rash of high-profile school shootings, the left is proposing gun control and mental health legislation. … Both of the groups organized liberals into delivering two million petitions to the White House in protest last week. … Instead of letting the left decide that the debate is going to be about gay marriage, which the left is winning - especially if they…
Bad Faith and Benghazi
– The moral response is to swim for her in the hope that you get there in time. … The White House and State Department insist they guessed right, as if that somehow absolves them of responsibility. … What motivated the White House and the State Department to deceive the public about what they did is unknown.…
Sanitized Society Puts Hygiene Hypothesis to the Test
– And we can all debate how prevalent it is later. … Cold War-era duck-and-cover drill because a witness claimed to have seen a Ku Klux Klansmen near the school's Afrikan Heritage House … The witness was a half-mile away, and her first thought at seeing a figure wrapped in white cloth was, "The Klan is here!"…
Being Presidential
House Press Briefing Room for a surreal 48-minute exchange with members of the media. … When Washington delivered his address, the most important issue before our Legislative Branch was the ongoing national debate over … Republicans control the House of Representatives.…
IRS Follows Obama's Lead
– How long would it take for the White House to investigate? Answer honestly: Minutes? Hours? … But when such allegations came from the right, the response from the president -- and from a press corps that until recently acted … The time for democratic debate is always behind us with an administration that began with the mission not to let a crisis go to waste…
Benghazi Victim's Mother on Hillary: "She Has Her Child, I Don't Have Mine Because of Her"…y-she-has-her-child-i-dont-have-mine-because-of-her-n1593377
– numerous occasions: In response to a question about why he and others at the White House repeatedly pointed to a YouTube … The new White House spin may take even more hits sooner rather than later. … This past November (after Election Day), White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters that “The White House and the State…
Worm Turns on the Obamamedia
– The MSM’s response? Crickets. 2. Taxes for thee, but not for me. … With very few exceptions (Jake Tapper, Eli Lake, Sharyl Attkisson), the MSM for months largely took what the White House and the State … (In fact, the White House is so accustomed to media deference that they become indignant and enraged if any reporters dare to do their…
Escalation: Embattled IRS Official to 'Plead the Fifth' at Hearing Today…ed-irs-official-to-plead-the-fifth-at-hearing-today-n1603027
– The question of legality has been a prickly one for the White House and the IRS over the last week.  … White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer memorably and inartfully stated that "the law is irrelevant" because the practice was wrong either … The White House says that it knew nothing about the matter until the counsel received a heads up about the pending IG report.…
Latest Liberal Talking Point: You're Obamaphobic
– They'll do anything to protect the White House. … Menendez’s comments were in response to Cruz saying on Monday that he thinks President Barack Obama is the “biggest obstacle” to real … President Obama, they simply oppose his big brother, big government agenda.The use of terms like "Obamaphobic" are used to cut off debate
The Progressive Agenda On Display
– With the closing of public tours of the White House as their guide (and still in place, therefore unavailable to them now), Democrats … During the gun control debate, progressives repeated the mantra “If it only saves one child’s life, we have an obligation to act.” … Reid tried to explain away this callous response as a gaffe; that of course he cares about children with cancer.…
Requiem For The Truth
– The old “2 + 2 = 4” sort of truth about which there was no debate. It’s now dead. … Now Dunham has a team and a publishing house standing by her side to say the truth is relative. … From the White House to Main Street, lying to advance a cause or narrative is now an acceptable tool to achieve a goal.…
Senate Intel Report: Enhanced Interrogation Techniques 'Not Effective'
– separate and additional sections about how the CIA lied to -- or misled -- the Department of Justice, members of Congress, and the WhiteHouse. … The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40…
Obama Giveth, Obama Gets Crushed
– prefers the potential for 4% gains in stocks over housing risk in the medium-term as he points out that - inflation-adjusted - house … They want rich white men & women to take over the country. … in the House on restricting a woman’s right to choose to be armed, “or if you feel like someone's been following you around or if…
The Creepiest Public Era Ever
– There’s too much imprecision in this debate. … Contrary to Josh Earnest and the Obama White House, the response to North Korea's aggressions should not be "proportionate" it should … A response to an aggression should be strong enough to discourage further aggressions.…
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