Results for: agenda 47

ICYMI: DNC CEO Actually Had An Honest Answer For How Her Party Would Pay For Medicare For All…er-for-how-her-party-would-pay-for-medicare-for-all-n2536390
– The price tag for this agenda of is $42 trillion over the next decade, and $218 trillion for the 30-year projection. … that is thrown into the questioning, support drops like a rock: The public is divided over a single-payer health care system, with 47
Sen. Jeff Flake's Nauseating Obstructionism Over Protect Mueller Bill Delayed 21 Trump Judicial Nominations…obstructionism-over-protect-mueller-bill-delayed-21-n2536686
– Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MI) won her runoff election last night over Democrat Mike Espy in Mississippi, so Republicans have a solid 53-47 … considering it, he better be prepared to be ripped apart by angry conservatives for going out of his way to torpedo the Republican agenda
Former Dem Gov. Who Might Run In 2020: Hey, Everyone Running In My Party Wants Socialized Medicine…n-in-2020-hey-everyone-running-in-my-party-wants-so-n2538408
– Then, support drops rather fast (via NBC News): The public is divided over a single-payer health care system, with 47 percent favoring … They have no agenda. … It sure sounds like he’s going to run, though he forgot to add that Bernie Sanders’ health care agenda is just as crappy. …
Government Shutdown: Money, Money Everywhere, But Not a Drop for a Wall…wn-money-money-everywhere-but-not-a-drop-for-a-wall-n2538393
– plan for a path to citizenship for 1.8 million "dreamers" -- a "hateful anti-immigrant scheme" designed to advance the president's agenda … Poverty among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960.…
What Am I Missing When It Comes to Immigration?
– So, this article has no hidden agenda. I’m genuinely asking questions. … According to Wikipedia, “In absolute numbers, the United States has a larger immigrant population than any other country, with 47 million…
Our Timid Military Leaders
– The minimum requirement for 17- to 21-year-old males is 35 pushups, 47 situps and a 2-mile run in 16 minutes, 36 seconds or less. … For females of the same age, the minimum requirement is 13 pushups, 47 situps and a 19:42 2-mile run. … the Service Restrictions Review" found that the average woman has 20 percent lower aerobic power, 40 percent lower muscle strength, 47
Debunking 5 Phony Statistics Liberals Love To Toss Around…ing-5-phony-statistics-liberals-love-to-toss-around-n2093733
– Since that’s the case, liberals do a terrible job of coming up with any sort of evidence to support their agenda. … For example, women who remarried before the age of 25 had a very high divorce rate of 47 percent, while women who remarried over the…
Playing Jihad Roulette: Which Muslims are Dangerous?
– Of course approving the ISIS behead-and-conquer agenda doesn’t necessarily mean these terrorist sympathizers will assemble a garage-full … of AK-47’s and pipe bombs.…
The Great Climate Propaganda Fail
– But for all their alarmist drama, a new Washington Post/ABC poll shows that today only about 47 percent believe the government should … They hoped they could turn global warming into a major campaign issue and elect candidates who agree with their agenda. … According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, around 47 percent of Catholics, attributed global warming to human causes, and less…
Obama Violence
– The workplace violence scenario provides a choice target, better propelling their gun control agenda. … Yet, recent polls show opposition to his so-called “assault weapons ban” and find more Americans (47 percent) think more people should…
Obama's Dilemma: U.S. Foreign Policy and Electoral Realities
– So, like all of his predecessors, Obama assumed the presidency with his agenda already laid out. … The first was his agenda, which focused on ending the Iraq war and reversing social policies in place since Ronald Reagan became president … About 47 percent of the public voted for someone other than Obama.…
Reid Says Senate Democrats Will Seek Millionaires’ Tax to Fund Jobs Plan…nate_democrats_will_seek_millionaires’_tax_to_fund_jobs_plan
– ‘Do the Math’ Asked whether Obama’s agenda appeals to senators who face voters in 2012, Manchin said in an interview yesterday … Democrats hold a 53-47 Senate majority and risk losing control to Republicans next year. … Senate Republicans, largely united against Obama’s domestic agenda, see nothing but political opportunity in the split.…
Pay No Attention to Obama Marching With the New Black Panthers
– has even more substantial, clear photos of Obama marching with the Black Panthers in his new book Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda … was the Panthers’ “Minister of War,” Najee Muhammed, who had called for murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47
Obama Should Invoke Executive Privilege On His Economic Agenda
– Goes hand in glove with Bloomberg’s poll showing Obama leading Romney 53% to 40%, while Gallup has Romney 47% Obama 46% (before and … It is fiscally impossible for a recovery with the Obama economic agenda. … Obama should invoke executive privilege on his economic agenda, and the true results, however he doesn’t need to; the media is doing…
Poll: Americans Strongly Oppose Obama's Tax Hike on "The Rich"
– African-Americans split, 48 percent for limiting the tax cuts to incomes below $250,000 and 47 percent for extending them to all incomes … But hey, maybe Obama can convince us that his tax-and-spend-to-oblivion agenda really is beneficial by telling better stories, or something…
– Much worse than Romney’s 47 percent comment, Obama blamed the American people in 2008 calling them “bitter” and said implied that “ … Even the gay rights agenda will not be able to compete in a Democratic Party that apologizes, embraces, and even encourages the installation … Years ago the radical leftist agenda was a concern to a smaller group of Conservative Americans such as Ronald Reagan, William F.…
You Can't Fool All the People All the Time
– Obama ran on no specific agenda, and over the course of the past year he and the Democrats have been struck by one scandal after another … But now the tide has turned and Democrats are clinging to a tenuous two point lead (47 percent to 45 percent).…
Reduce Income Inequality; Shutdown Washington ...for 152 Days
– article on using SANDY HOOK MASSACRE anniversary as a motivation for pushing weapons ownership, the NRA and gun manufacturer's agenda … Obama’s race-baiting, class-warfare, divide the sexes, spend money, spy, spy spy, coerce, control and manipulate politico-economic agenda … In 2004, Bush got 52 percent of the vote to John Kerry’s 47 percent. Kerry by the way is Catholic.…
John Kerry, Al Gore, Paul Krugman and Other Unreasonable Liberal Facsimiles…l-krugman-and-other-unreasonable-liberal-facsimiles-n1769432
– Obama’s race-baiting, class-warfare, divide the sexes, spend money, spy, spy spy, coerce, control and manipulate politico-economic agenda … In 2004, Bush got 52 percent of the vote to John Kerry’s 47 percent. Kerry by the way is Catholic.…
Turkish Populism Goes to the Polls
– A few days later, he added, "Now it is Turkey that sets the agenda. It's Turkey's word that everyone awaits." … With support for joining the European Union among Turks plummeting from 71 percent in 2004 to 47 percent last year, according to a…
ObamaCare and the Islamist Movement
– By the time you read these words, a similar repeal vote in the new less Democratic Senate will have failed, by about 53-47. … And remember, further, the sneering disdain with which the left dismissed Bush's "freedom agenda" -- the creation in Iraq, in the heart…
Obama Aims in the Wrong Direction on Gun Control
– of these weapons after gun shop owners, who were following the current laws, reported the mass sales of weapons such as the AK-47 … mention that number has been reduced and why it has been reduced, mostly likely because the answer is inconvenient to his anti-gun agenda
GOP Eyes Senate Majority in 2012
– How are Republicans planning to turn a 47-53 Senate disadvantage into a majority next year?  … practically begging former Governor Tim Kaine to run for the open seat, but Kaine’s role as DNC Chairman ties him inextricably to an agenda … Despite his studied red state effect, Tester voted for several big-ticket Obama agenda items, including Obamacare and the so-called…
A Heartening Trend: Majority of American Adults Pro-Life
– By 2010, that percentage had increased seven points to 47%. … The short term reasons deal with the Obama Administration, which has been ardently pushing its pro-abortion agenda for the past three … This trend will continue as more and more Americans realize how extreme the Obama Administration’s abortion agenda is and how that…
41%, a record low: Pro-choice view slides in Gallup polling
– identifying as pro-choice dropped since May 2011 from 51 to 41 percent, while those labeling themselves as pro-life increased from 41 to 47 … The president's "radical abortion agenda is finally putting a face on the 'choice' movement, and it's not pretty," Perkins wrote.…
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