Results for: Republican National Committee

Election Preview: Christie Cruising, Cuccinnelli Trails McAuliffe in VA…e-cruising-in-nj-cuccinnelli-trails-mcauliffe-in-va-n1736271
– In solid blue Jersey, the Republican incumbent is expected to win in a blowout. … “I said this to the RNC last summer,” Christie said aboard his bus later that day, referring to the Republican National Committee, … Today's Q-poll gives McAuliffe a six-point advantage over Republican Ken Cuccinelli.…
The Tipping Point We've Dreamed Of?
– A national awakening to the crises we face in spending, especially on entitlements. … They do not guarantee Republican success in 2016. They do not guarantee Republican success in 2014. … Cue the voice-over guy: "This message brought to you by the Republican National Committee."…
TEXT: Sen. Mike Lee on "What's Next for Conservatives"
– By 1977, the Republican Party was in disarray. … The Republican Party should tackle these three crises head on. … The House Republican Study Committee has introduced a comprehensive health reform plan – led by Representatives Steve Scalise and Phil…
Where's the Concern for Private Worker Furloughs?
– Likewise, Republican Representative Shelley Moore Capito said: “The Environmental Protection Agency has continued to overstep its bounds … Meanwhile, Senators Manchin and David Vitter (R-LA)—who is also the top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, have … The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) confirmed that it now takes on average 108 days to get an offshore drilling permit…
Learn from Virginia
– Look at a state like Michigan, which a Republican presidential candidate hasn’t won since 1988. … This is what we must do to the Republican Party establishment. … The Republican National Committee gave Cuccinelli one-third of the money it gave Bob McDonnell to win Virginia in 2009.…
Who's To Blame For Cuccinelli's Loss?
– On the other, party moderates are defending the national party's cost/benefit analysis of the race and citing the loss as "proof" that … The Republican National Committee committed far less money to this race than it did to Gov. … Plus, if they'd fought to the bitter end, national Republicans would have been in a much better position to help take advantage of…
Bipartisan Concern Grows on Capitol Hill Over Iran Nuclear Deal
– Mike Rogers: The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said the new Iran nuclear agreement “rewarded very … Bob Corker, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told “Fox News Sunday.” … Ben Cardin, D-Md., also a member of the chamber’s foreign relations committee.…
Why Republicans Won't Offer An Obamacare Alternative In 2014…blicans-wont-offer-an-obamacare-alternative-in-2014-n1751485
– Yesterday, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus announced that the GOP will make Obamacare the defining issue … And earlier in the week, House Republican leadership circulated a "House Republican Playbook" memo, outlining how members should message … Obama Will Veto Any Republican Plan Anyway.…
Zero Dems Accept Platform to Profess Obamacare Love, Still Ready to "Buy the Ink" for Obamacare Tattoo…shows-up-to-rncs-were-running-on-obamacare-in-2014-n1750895
– Not one of the 40 Democrats invited to show their love for Obamacare in a bipartisan setting accepted the RepublicanNational Committee’s invitation. … The Democratic National Committee has said it is “eager and proud to run on Obamacare.”…
Where Were You When...
– Years later, when I was the communications director for the National Republican Congressional Committee we had a fund raiser on the … ranch of former Governor (as a Democrat) and former Treasury Secretary (as a Republican under Richard Nixon) John Connelly. … He instructed the Special Olympics committee to cease, immediately, negotiating with Dallas and the Games went elsewhere.…
RNC: We're Running on Obamacare in 2014
– But today, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus will announce that his party will also be running on Obamacare in…
Will Paul Ryan and GOP Budget Negotiators Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory?!?…negotiators-snatch-defeat-from-the-jaws-of-victory-n1750473
– Paul Ryan and the other Republican negotiators have the upper hand since the sequester continues if there’s no agreement. … A majority of the Republican caucus presumably understands that they hold a winning hand and they’re content to maintain current law … But the Republicans on the Appropriations Committee tend to dislike the sequester since it reduces their ability to spend other people…
GOP Men Taught How to Talk to Women
– The National Republican Congressional Committee isn’t taking any chances when it comes to the 2014 election. … Democratic branding as waging a war on women, a mantra that reared frequently during the recent Virginia gubernatorial race between Republican … “Let me put it this way, some of these guys have a lot to learn,” said a Republican staffer who attended the session in Boehner’s office…
Landrieu is French Toast
– stronghold for generations, the Gulf States have edged toward the GOP since the mid-1990s, when Bill Clinton made fiscal discipline a national … Of course, the National Republican Senate Committee has left nothing to chances. … This President has so ruined the Democratic brand's national appeal, he has undone the former DNC Chairman's Fifty-State Strategy,…
In Texas, Rick Perry Lays The Foundation For His Possible 2016 Run…perry-lays-the-foundation-for-his-possible-2016-run-n1926469
National Committee members and policy experts … national committeeman who is helping plan for a Perry 2016 campaign and organizing next week’s donor sessions. … Nonetheless, Rick Perry has held more events in Iowa than any other candidate considered to be a contender for the 2016 Republican
PA Sen: Pat Toomey May Face Old Foe In 2016
– them he was going to announce his official 2016 Senate bid soon, which was something a little more concrete than his exploratory committee … “He has been ranked the ninth most obstructionist senator of all 100 senators down there,” Sestak said, citing The National Journal … As for Allegheny County, the voter registration there is almost 60 percent Democratic–and the last time the county went Republican
A Dash to the Rightñoz/2014/12/03/a-dash-to-the-right-n1926817
– She visited Republican National Committee headquarters, was introduced to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, and then decided she would start … “That’s what [the Republican] Party needs to do. We need to become more on the offense. … “It seems like [Republican candidates] are trying, but are still walking on eggshells.…
Feckless and Cowardly Republicans Join Democrats in Cutting Military Benefits Right Before Christmas…blicans-join-democrats-in-cutting-military-benefits-n1926785
– Yesterday the lame-duck Senate released its detailed plan for the National Defense Authorization Act. … Inhofe sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee.  … They really, I hope some Republican stands up and filibusters it.…
Rand Paul's 2016 Decision Could Be A Messy One...Legally
– At the same time, they don’t want to drag this case into the judicial system (via National Journal): Rand Paul's brain trust … His team is eyeing March 16—the earliest date a winner-take-all caucus could be held without penalty, per Republican National Committee … While the libertarian wing of the Republican Party might be eager to see Rand Paul run in 2016, the path looks like a tortuous one…
Lawrence Lessig Attacks The Washington Death Star, Sows Panic…lessig-attacks-the-washington-death-star-sows-panic-n1926011
– pro-campaign finance reform majority, voters on Tuesday elected enough Senate Republicans to handover control of the Senate to Republican … Lessig will focus on the fact that a strong path to victory simply means persuading 124 of them that it is in their, as well as the national … He also needs one subcommittee chair, one committee chair, and four in Leadership. Total: 130 souls. These are sweet folks.…
Terrorism Risk Insurance: Providing for the Common Defense…ism-risk-insurance-providing-for-the-common-defense-n1923874
– And they could have, without some careful, pro-growth, national economic policies in response. … National defense is the government’s main responsibility. … That is why a top conservative House Republican leader like Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) supports permanent…
RNC Debuts "Hillary Clinton's Letter to Santa"
– In a few hours, the Republican National Committee (RNC) is going to publish -- and blast out to all its supporters -- a rare document…
Hmm: 'Team Marco 2016' to Huddle With Major GOP Donors Next Month
– jumped into the presidential race; his timing suggests that he's concerned about the Mitt Train gaining steam, with the former Republican … He's discussed national defense and his economic vision, with a focus on the middle class.   … This is someone who is working hard to position himself as a major player in Republican politics for the foreseeable future.  …
Elizabeth Warren’s Faux Populism vs. Jeb Hensarling’s Genuine Fight against K Street Cronyism…hensarlings-genuine-fight-against-k-street-cronyism-n1932332
– Kevin Williamson of National Review has some withering criticism of Senator Warren’s faux populism. … Warren, also found itself in an unlikely alliance with the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party. … The Tea Party came into being as a reaction to Republican complicity in bailouts of all sorts: of Wall Street firms, and of irresponsible…
Fed’s Credibility at Stake
– When the Fed policymaking committee meets, it will once again debate dropping from its policy statement the assurance that it will … Unfortunately, that behavior casts a great shadow on Fed policy independence and should be the focus of great attention by a Republican … Peter Morici is an economist and professor at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, and a national columnist.…
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