Results for: Republican National Committee

Report: NSA Can Review 75 percent of US Domestic Web Traffic
– The Wall Street Journal peels back another layer of the NSA surveillance onion with an exclusive report: The National … The Republican Party is in the midst of a wrenching debate over that very question.   … That's a substantive problem for the national security community, and a political one for the White House.  …
Do Whatever It Takes to Defund ObamaCare
– In the event of a so-called government shutdown, national security would not be jeopardized and overseas military operations would … , including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life.” … The House only lost nine Republican seats. The Senate actually gained two seats.…
RNC’s Reince Priebus Rants About Debates but Won’t Grow the Party to Win in 2016…bout-debates-but-wont-grow-the-party-to-win-in-2016-n1668235
– You’d think the Republican Party won the 2012 presidential election, the way Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus … But Priebus’ wish was the Republican National Committee’s command. … How many new non-white voters have we brought to the Republican Party? Where are RNC spokespeople of color?…
Do Whatever It Takes to Defund ObamaCare
– In the event of a so-called government shutdown, national security would not be jeopardized and overseas military operations would … , including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life.” … The House only lost nine Republican seats. The Senate actually gained two seats.…
– Last night the Associated Press was reporting that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had agreed on Resolution language that, … Both the committee chairman Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and the senior Republican, Sen. … If the Republican and Democratic House leaders all agree, passage should be a mortal lock in the House, right? Not so fast.…
Conservatism, Texas Style: Latinos Are Making Their Home in a Welcoming GOP…le-latinos-are-making-their-home-in-a-welcoming-gop-n1690658
– Munisteri puts it this way: “There are 18 states that haven’t gone Republican in 25 years.  … “’Let’s just say we are taking a different tone this year,’ said Republican state Rep. …   $10 million is a huge sum for a state political committee. 200 operatives provide a veritable army. …
Members of Congress Talk Syria on Capitol Hillñoz/2013/09/02/syria-talk-on-capitol-hill-n1689398
– The President announced his intent to use military force in Syria on Saturday, but Members of Congress, both Democrat and Republican … Member of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Jim Himes, said, “I’m still very skeptical about the President’s proposal. … Former Chair of the House Foreign Relations Committee, Rep.…
Recalling Arrogance in Colorado
– It still is, but Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz upped the ante in a tirade last week when Colorado voters … One reason the recall succeeded is that proponents wisely sidestepped the Republican Party, giving the gun issue center stage. … But the Republican Party, many of whose top officials think they have the Tea Party in their pocket, will have to earn trust the hard…
House Republicans’ Sequestration Shenanigans
– The continuing resolution (CR) drafted by the House Appropriations Committee and supported by the GOP leadership would provide … The answer appears to be that the GOP wants to manufacture angst over sequestration’s hit to defense spending, which is a Republican … Pentagon officials have called them “dangerous” to our national security.…
Colorado Gun Elections Gives Conservatives Blueprint: Grassroots
– During the first two years of his term, the Republican-controlled House prevented radical bills from reaching his desk.  … At the county level, the Pueblo Republican Party showed its moxie.  … A fundraising email was blasted out under the name of Republican National Committee Co-Chair Sharon Day with the subject line, “We…
The Deepest, Scariest Secrets of the Post Office Scandal Revealed…cariest-secrets-of-the-post-office-scandal-revealed-n1694268
National Committee. … The deficit is declining right now because outside forces, including the Republican Congress, have imposed upon Obama at least minimal … problem with this article is it doesn't take into account that the BEA has done what they call a "comprehensive revision" to the National
BREAKING: Cruz Begins Obamacare 'Talking' Filibuster…tand-with-ted-petition-as-cruz-announces-filibuster-n1708649
– Senator from Texas is engaged in an old-school talking filibuster, and slamming the president's unpopular healthcare law, the RepublicanNational Committee will have his back.…
House GOP Renews Efforts of Hispanic Outreachñoz/2013/09/21/house-gop-renews-efforts-of-hispanic-outreach-n1704721
– The Republican Conference kick-started National Hispanic Heritage Month this week, which began September 15th, with a “GOP Meetup” … Chairman Bob Goodlatte (VA-6) of the House Judiciary Committee and Chairman James Lankford (OK-5) of the Republican Policy Committee … While the House does not plan to take up the Senate’s immigration bill, the House Judiciary Committee has passed four separate immigration…
Terry McAuliffe, a Victim of Dirty Tricks
– Supreme Court hadn't tampered with the results,” raved Terry McAuliffe shortly after his election to Chairman of the Democratic NationalCommittee in February 2001, “Al Gore would be president, George Bush would be back in Austin, and John Ashcroft would be home reading … And 24 years later Republican Presidential candidates were still at it, claimed McAuliffe.…
Selling out the Syrians to Putin, Iran and Assad
– WASHINGTON - We now know that Barack Obama's national security warnings were written in disappearing ink that runs and fades the moment … He also said he'd seek the support of European leaders at the G-20 summit and a vote of approval from Congress to show national solidarity … Mike Rogers of Michigan, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.…
Advocates: Immigration bill a good step forward
– Former Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, a Republican, said, "Those who use that word don't understand it." … The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the legislation Friday (April 19) and has scheduled another hearing April 22. … The committee will not take votes on the bill until May, Schumer said.…
Another Terrorist Attack, Another U.S.-Saudi Cover-Up?
– a tropical storm, to "witness," would be deported from the United States "on national security grounds." … (As Senate Intelligence committee chairman, Graham co-chaired the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11.) … After the Boston bombings, two ricin-laced letters were intercepted en route to Republican Sen.…
RNC Black Outreach: Reports, Talk, and Pics with Actress Stacey Dash…each-reports-talk-and-pics-with-actress-stacey-dash-n1568455
– Every time I think the Republican National Committee is going to give me a break and not do something insulting, they give me another…
BP Ledger, April 15 edition
– During his tenure in Florida, he served on the Southern Baptist Convention's Committee on Order of Business from 1993-96; including … (NAE) and the National Council of Churches (NCC). … Senate, which looks unlikely with Republican opposition.…
Moral Relativism and Jihad
– With the American Jewish leadership silent on the issue, Israel found its national security championed by Sen. Rand Paul. … This is why the American Jewish leadership refused to join Rand Paul and his conservative Republican colleagues in the Senate and demand … Surveys of the American Jewish community taken in recent years by the American Jewish Committee demonstrate that the vast majority…
Five Decades of Lies Help Dems Create Monolithic Black Vote…ades-of-lies-help-dems-create-monolithic-black-vote-n1564093
– As recently as 1956, nearly 39 percent of blacks voted Republican in that year's presidential election. … national defense, and leave it to the 'party of [Democratic Georgia Gov. … Democratic National Committee Chair Rep.…
Poll: Obamacare Support Slumps to 35 Percent
– away from the law fast enough, calling Obamacare “extremely problematic” — a quote that got wide play from GOP groups like the NationalRepublican Senatorial Committee...All the panic forced President Barack Obama to rush to the law's defense, saying at a news conference … Perhaps Democrats' fretting should have been more useful before they passed this monstrosity without garnering one Republican vote…
R.I., Del., race to legalize gay marriage
– Rhode Island's Senate was poised to vote on a gay marriage bill Wednesday (April 24), one day after a key Senate committee passed it … A bill that would have placed the issue in front of voters was defeated in the Senate committee, 6-5. … Five Democrats opposed it and one Republican supported it. Democratic Gov. Jack Markell has said he would sign it.…
The Crucifixion of Jason Richwine
– Richwine's dissertation committee at Harvard included George Borjas, Robert W. … The final member of Richwine's "racist" thesis committee is Christopher Jencks, the Malcolm Wiener Professor of Social Policy at … The willingness of Republican Gang of 8'ers to allow a young conservative researcher and married father of two to be strung up by…
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