Results for: sign up to vote

Death Of Senate GOP Health Care Bill Is Giving Conservatives A Good Reason To Never Vote Republican Again…e-bill-is-giving-conservatives-a-good-reason-to-nev-n2356223
– Jerry Moran (R-KS) to announce that they would not vote to advance the bill. McConnell was waiting on Sen. … You’re giving conservative voters a reason to never vote Republican ever again if this totally blows up. … Second, these four refused to vote even for a motion to proceed, which is only a procedural step.…
Et Tu, McCain?
– McCain stretched out the suspense for as long as possible, even preening coyly to reporters right before his knife-in-the-back vote … McConnell and other GOP Senators had pleaded with McCain to come back to the Senate even as he was scheduled to undergo treatment for … they apparently were too busy scrambling to pay tribute to a man who rarely offered any in return. …
UPDATE: Single-Payer Unanimously Defeated in Senate, Dozens of Dems Vote 'Present'…uce-amendment-to-force-dems-to-vote-on-single-payer-n2360523
– tonight's upcoming vote-a-rama, Democrats are expected to serve up a slew of "poison pill" amendments designed to embarrass or jam … It won't remotely live up to the GOP's oft-repeated pledge of uprooting Obamacare (Plans A and B crashed on Wednesday), but it would … this legislative saga (as opposed to something that is clearly just a vehicle to get to the next stage).  …
The President Better Pick His Battles To Win The DC Game of Thrones…tter-pick-his-battles-to-win-the-dc-game-of-thrones-n2360243
– It has yet to occur to them to try not calling us “Jesus-loving gun freak racists who aren’t afraid enough of the weather and don’t … The fact that our cunning, turtlesque majority leader managed to drag the first vote over the finish line notwithstanding, all you … himself was simply a sign that he’s not fully woke to the reality of this struggle.…
BREAKING: Senate Kills 'Plan A' and 'Plan B' Obamacare Replacement, Including 'Clean Repeal'…and-b-on-obamacare-repeal-with-many-gop-defections-n2360262
– That's where this process appears to be headed -- with a "vote-a-rama" of unlimited amendments arriving by the end of the week.   … that might pass to actually become law, or simply to serve as a vehicle to get the legislation into a conference committee with the … The strategy may end up being to pass a "Plan D," pared-down, "skinny repeal," have the House do the same, then let President Trump…
Nine Republicans Voted Against Latest Repeal, Replace Amendment…blicans-vote-against-latest-repeal-replace-proposal-n2360131
– The fact that the comprehensive replacement plan came up well short of even 50 votes was an ominous sign for Republican leaders still … seeking a formula to pass final health care legislation this week. […] The Tuesday night vote was on a comprehensive amendment that … Cruz acknowledged that fact ahead of the vote, but seemed hopeful Republicans would be able to come to an agreement before a final…
BREAKING: Pence Breaks Tie, Senate Barely Advances Obamacare Replacement Process
– In a turn of events that seemed improbable a week ago, Senate Republicans voted to begin debate on a series of proposals to repeal … The motion to proceed (MTP) succeeded, 51-50.   … So not a great sign for leaders. — Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) July 25, 2017Hat's off to McConnell for getting…
The Democratic Economic Plan, Or How They're Hoping You’re Too Stupid To Notice It’s Clinton’s Agenda…n-or-how-theyre-hoping-youre-too-stupid-to-notice-i-n2358620
up with educators to build a 21st century workforce capable of competing on the global stage. … together to invest in a new foundation of American power and prosperity, highways to connect up our entire nation, college, and housing … Job retraining is going to get them off the couch to vote Democratic in 2018 or 2020? Democrats have been saying that for years.…
Conservative Columnist: After Years of Obamacare Promises, Force These GOP Senators to Vote…obamacare-promises-force-these-gop-senators-to-vote-n2358364
– And now, a practical follow-up to my item this morning about CBO's deeply misleading and flawed projections of coverage in a post-Obamacare … McConnell giving his caucus a drop-dead date to broker a compromise, after which he will proceed to bring up the House bill. … Now they finally have a President willing to sign literally any bill that lands on his desk, but in the clutch they choked.…
Could The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Reduce Bad Policy-Making In Our Elections?…e-interstate-compact-reduce-bad-policy-making-in-ou-n2366865
– Well, first enough states have to sign on to equal the required amount of electoral votes to win the presidency. … to turn out and vote. … electors will go to the Democrats—only around 500,000 turn out and vote.…
Major TX Voter Fraud Legislation Closer to Passing
– Then the voter would be asked to sign the yellow carrier envelope. … “protecting the right of Blacks and Hispanics to vote”. … The voter would agree to sign that petition, and would be handed an iPad for their signature.…
Here is The Full RNC Convention Schedule
– Continuously focused on giving back to the community that he grew up in, Zinke has used his time in office to push for improving the … Donald Trump is a successful businessman with a solid record of creating jobs and the experience we need to get America’s economy up … During his tenure in office, Cruz has led the fight to repeal Obamacare, to stop President Obama’s executive amnesty, and to defend…
Trump: Making America’s Energy Policy Cheaper, Faster, and Better…ng-americas-energy-policy-cheaper-faster-and-better-n2193971
– In comparison, he pointed out that Hillary Clinton wants to lock up “trillions in American wealth” while her “poverty-expansion agenda … In the speech, Trump pointed out to the audience, largely made up of people from the oil and agriculture industries: “If Crooked Hillary … Cramer says if this bill were to make it to Trump’s desk, he would sign it.…
Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice
– But now I plan to vote for him. I do not think it is right to call him an “evil candidate.” … Therefore the one overriding question to ask is this: Which vote is most likely to bring the best results for the nation? … A vote for Trump would at least be doing something to prevent these things.…
Trump's Speech Trumped Cruz
– An astounding 12 million non-Republicans crossed party lines to vote for Trump in the Republican primaries. … Leaving people alone to do whatever they like is not enough to restore the United States to military superiority or economic independence … Trump even pledged "to never sign any trade agreement that hurts our workers, or that diminishes our freedom and independence."…
Uh Oh: In Two Weeks, Clinton's Chances Of Winning The Presidency Has Dropped Over 20 Points…the-presidency-drops-like-a-rock-on-fivethirtyeight-n2197515
– Well, if the election were held today, Trump would have a 57.5 percent chance of winning to Hillary’s 42.5 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight … Now, of course, if we keep to the polls for the November 8 projection, Clinton edges out Trump, 46/44 in the popular vote, with a slim … an indictment of her qualifications to be president.…
Lynch Cruz Now?
– In fact, I was grateful that he boldly told everyone to vote their own conscience. … Ted Cruz told us in his speech to vote up and down the ticket; to show up and vote; that Hillary Clinton must not be elected president … Yet, too many of us are willing to sign his political death warrant. How very, very sad.…
Not Invited: Adelsons Bar Cruz From Donor Suite After He Refused To Endorse Trump…uz-into-donor-suite-after-refusing-to-endorse-trump-n2195523
– Moreover, again, we all knew Cruz was going to do this. So, is he still staying true to his brand? … Well, it’s sort of hard to say he is exactly doing that when he shamelessly cuddled up to the billionaire last December, calling him … #DealWithIt — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 11, 2015 Oh, and another sign that Cruz was probably not going to endorse Trump dates…
Oh My: Planned Parenthood Will Soon Be Registering Voters at Its Clinics…hood-will-soon-be-registering-voters-at-its-clinics-n2202248
to sign people up to vote, educate them about voter ID laws in their states, and then remind them two weeks before the November election … to vote. … “We’re launching the ‘My Vote, My Voice’ campaign to help ensure that every voice is heard and every vote is counted in communities…
New Polls: Trump Down Yuge Nationally, Georgia in Play, CO and VA in the Bag for Hillary?
– mid-to-late June. … He also just wrapped up a good fundraising month, which should allow him to counter-punch with his core messages and exploit her obvious … Clinton and friends will re-allocate those dollars to other states in an effort to run up the score in heretofore red states.…
Dear Khizr And Donald
– Since I have much to say to each of you before I say something to both of you, I’m going to break this up into two letters before signing … You didn’t force Humayun to enlist. He wasn’t drafted; he chose to sign up. You couldn’t stop him if you wanted to. … These are choices you’ve justified to yourself, and if you are fine with it, that’s up to you.…
So Conservatives, What Have We Learned From This Trump Thing?…rvatives-what-have-we-learned-from-this-trump-thing-n2200195
– I don’t mean just give lip service to how bad and unwashed liberals are, but really get in there and stand up to these flag-hating, … You think the IRS isn’t going to empty his bank account to pay overdue taxes because he carries a sign reading “I didn’t cross the … Or are we driven to effectively vote for Hillary because somebody scandalized out tender sensibilities by using the verb “schlonged…
Donald Trump and the Demise of Democracy
– Recall Trump fires first and then tries to clean up his mess.   … In fact, he even refused to take off the table blowing up a nuke in Europe.  … Great, Bobby, sign me up.  Let’s make America great again.…
Qué Verguenza, Marin! (Shame Shame on Rosario!)é-verguenza-marin-shame-shame-on-rosario-n2207902
– Now she announces that she will vote for the sick, little white woman in a crappy pantsuit: "So, for me to consider the unthinkable—to … And that’s plenty evident in Marin’s offensive, abusive, and shameful decision to vote for … Hillary Clinton?! … Marin had fought to lead the GOP fight to recover and expand Republican outreach to Hispanic communities.…
Voters Trump Drives From the GOP Aren't Likely to Return
– According to a poll of 18- to 34-year-old voters releasedMonday by USA Today and Rock the Vote, only 18 percent of millennials say … Trump inched up to only 17 percent. … went to the Republican nominee.…
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