Results for: Republican National Committee

Socialism and Electric Cars: Failures for Five Generations and Sponsored by Democrats Everywhere…e-generations-and-sponsored-by-democrats-everywhere-n1816636
– Jonsey, Yo, Comrade Jonesy: you may have missed the part where the statistics come from the Chicago Tribune, not the RepublicanNational Committee. … The deficit is declining right now because outside forces, including the Republican Congress, have imposed upon Obama at least minimal…
Ebony Editor Questions RNC Staffer's Ethnicity; RNC Chairman Demands Apology; UPDATE: Ebony Apologizes…rnc-staffers-ethnicity-rnc-chairman-demands-apology-n1816196
– Raffi Williams is the Deputy Press Secretary of the Republican National Committee (RNC). … When one of the Republican National Committee’s staff members challenged her assumptions and attempted to engage in a dialogue, she…
How Hobby Lobby Will Hurt Conservatives
– Former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman said that in 2004 and 2006, White House strategist Karl Rove worked to get … other religious capitalists, it will convey to everyone that if you use birth control, you're at odds with Christianity and the Republican
Remembering HillaryCare, Benghazi and "What Difference at This Point Does it Make?"…hazi-and-what-difference-at-this-point-does-it-make-n1814420
– Democrats have been tumbling into a political abyss ever since, hurtling toward major Senate losses this fall, if not a decisive Republican … Neither did Democratic leaders in Congress, because they never held a vote on her health care plan, either in committee or on the … Rice, after all, had served as the White House national security adviser to President George W.…
Unemployment Will Remain High So Long As The Dollar Remains Wobbly…ll-remain-high-so-long-as-the-dollar-remains-wobbly-n1814041
– The Republican National Committee recently passed a resolution, by the unanimous vote of its National Committeepeople, calling … for the creation of a national Monetary Commission. … the US Senate by Republican whip John Cornyn (R-Tx).…
How Much You've Paid to Promote Obamacare: Way More Than President Obama Promised
Republican staff explains. … A Senate Budget Committee analysis (based on CBO estimates and growth rates) finds that that total spending under the law will amount … President Obama promised Obamacare wouldn't add to the deficit or to the National Debt and promised it would only cost $900 billion…
Is the GOP Suicidal?
– Leave it to the Republican Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. … The Republican Party is not going to give up on having quite a few people who do believe in traditional marriage. … Back in January I praised Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus for making several public pronouncements in defense…
To Capture Senate, GOP Needs Southern "Home Cooking" with Baked Alaska for Dessert…southern-home-cooking-with-baked-alaska-for-desert-n1822407
– But she leads the most likely Republican nominee by a slim margin. … Mary Landrieu is likely to be defeated by a Republican opponent. … If the Republican National Committee and like organizations can pump enough money into Republican Tom Cotton's effort, he will likely…
The Color of Georgia
– Last week Donna Brazile, vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee and political commentator, spoke at the University of … There are also 41 safe or not up on the Republican side. … The backdrop would be an almost certain Republican House and a very possible Republican Senate majority.…
Flashback: Dem Congresswoman Slams Her Own State, Brags About Helping to Craft Obamacare…slams-her-own-state-brags-about-crafting-obamacare-n1820975
– The National Republican Congressional Committee has uncovered a painfully embarrassing video clip of Arizona Congresswoman Kyrsten…
Obama, Comcast, and Crony Capitalism
Republican candidates by 60%. … In 2012, Comcast employees donated $465K to the Democrat National Committee vs. $114K to the Republican National Committee and supported … Obama over Republican Mitt Romney by nearly four to one.…
Paul Ryan Budget Gets Into the Gimmick Game
– Ryan’s House Budget Committee has a new budget blueprint which promises to eliminate the deficit in decade or so through tax cuts, … Stating, “This budget rejects the President’s cuts to national security,” the proposal actually increases military spending, ratcheting … National Review describes sequestration’s automatic spending cuts, implemented after the 2011 debt-ceiling fight, as one of the GOP…
If the goal is “energy independence,” what issues should be a priority in America?…endence-what-issues-should-be-a-priority-in-america-n1819362
– Recently the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) sent out a “2014 Priority Issues Survey.” … and the fundraising requests to “help protect House Democrats against Republican attacks”—there is a section on energy. … The National Highway Traffic Saftey Administration and the Environmental Protection Agencyhave estimated that the average new car will…
Update: Testimony Reveals More Contradictions on Benghazi Talking Points Evolution…contradictions-on-benghazi-talking-points-evolution-n1818546
– On Wednesday, former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell testified before the House Intelligence Committee regarding the September … A source from the Office of the Director for National Intelligence (ODNI) told CBS News' Margaret Brennan that ODNI made the edits … In a meeting with Republican Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Morell stated that he believed…
Obama Flunks Economics 101, Switches to Demagoguery
– He ridiculed and mocked Republican ideas about how to strengthen economic growth, which has slowed to less than 2 percent, and touted … Obama, and his advisers, were also boasting about the average national unemployment rate in the mid-6 percent range. … A state Senate committee voted to slowly phase in his plan to fully raise the minimum wage to over $10 an hour by mid-2018.…
New Hampshire: Brown Files Paperwork to Run For Senate
– The Rye resident recently set up an exploratory committee for a possible run. … If Brown wins the Republican primary, he would face Sen. Jeanne Shaheen in the general election. … Hint: she’s going on the offensive: New Hampshire is as good a bellwether of the national mood as you’re likely…
"House of Cards" in West Virginia
– They allowed the bill to quickly come up for a vote, foregoing the usual debates in committee and educational citizen hearings. … Republican for the Governor's seat. … To abolish abortion in our nation, we need both Republican and Democrat support.…
Obama's Dubious, Deceitful, Health Care House of Cards
– John Barrasso, Republican of Wyoming. … they blatantly lied about what this law would do, which makes them dishonest," says Brad Dayspring, the chief spokesman for the NationalRepublican Senatorial Committee.…
Paul Ryan Introduces Balanced Budget, Democrats React Predictably
– A quick primer: The Republican "Path to Prosperity:" (1) Balances within ten years. … Last month, CBO projected that current policy would add $7.3 trillion to the national debt by 2024. … Harry Reid doesn't care for the House Republican Budget, which he linked to -- surprise!…
Tower of Pisa Policies
– Senate Environment and Public Works Committee minority staff report about convicted felon and con artist John Beale. … Yet he became the lead official for the nation’s National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone and Particulate Matter. … Now Republican members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee are trying to get to the bottom of the Brenner-Beale-EPA…
The IRS’s Torrent of Abuses
– The next day, the House Government Oversight Committee voted to cite Lerner for contempt of Congress. … The chairman of the Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican, also unveiled evidence that staffers for Rep. … Lerner in 2010 to investigate Republican-leaning groups, including Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS.…
Is Race Still the “Third Rail” of Talk Radio?
– When House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) recently guested on Bill Bennett’s “Morning in America,” he made what he surely … “The Republican Party has to do a better job of long-term engagement in the black community,” Webb explained. … While liberal persons of color abound in national talk media, including MSNBC’s Rev.…
Conservative Texas Group Fighting Lone Star Political Police to Keep Donors Secret…ng-lone-star-political-police-to-keep-donors-secret-n1825405
– A First Amendment battle is being waged in Texas right now that has national implications. … ), and because the group has decided to engage in independent expenditures, they qualify under state law as a political action committee … In the end, this case isn’t about proving whether or not Empower Texans is a political action committee.…
Holder's Race Card
– Speaking to the National Action Network the day after a testy but racially irrelevant exchange with Republican members of a House … You look at the way the attorney general of the United States was treated yesterday by a House committee. ... … The National Action Network is Al Sharpton's plaything, often providing the shock troops Sharpton needs for rent-a-mob protests,…
RNC Sues IRS Over Information Stonewalling on Targeting Scandal
– The Republican National Committee has submitted a lawsuit against the IRS for failing to comply with Freedom Information Requests…
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