Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Abrams And O’Rourke Get Participation Trophies
– The Democratic Party has lowered the bar to schlep two election losers to a status reserved for winners. … During his run, he was mentioned as a top tier candidate for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020. … His single-digit polling numbers among the other Democratic presidential candidates have signaled the death of this rising star.…
Joe Scarborough Outlines The Democratic 2020 Platform So Far, And It Ain't Pretty…democratic-2020-platform-so-far-and-it-aint-pretty-n2549359
– If you found yourself watching the Democratic 2020 presidential debates last week and thinking that the candidates have become so … "Democratic candidates, you now support: (1) universal health care for illegal immigrants, (2) making illegally crossing America’s … Will Democratic candidates support Kaepernick?…
Is Putin Right? Has Liberalism Lost the World?
– His comments came as 10 Democratic candidates in the second presidential primary debate were raising their hands in support of the…
Questions I Would Have Asked The Democrats
– The likelihood I would ever be invited to serve on a network panel questioning the Democratic presidential candidates is equivalent … Question 2 (for Joe Biden): You and Barack Obama, for a time, had a Democratic majority in Congress. … These questions and others might have provided more useful information to the public than the ones tossed at the candidates.…
Border Pandering, Not Harris-Biden Drama, Will Decide 2020
– Are you still looking for the one searing illuminated truth from the Democratic presidential debates? … That moment telling America what voting Democratic will really mean in 2020? I've got it. … During the Thursday debate on left-leaning MSNBC, the Democratic presidential candidates raised their hands in agreement with the idea…
Tipping The Scales? Democratic Candidate Says NBC Turned Off His Mic
– No, it’s not Marianne Williamson, the anti-vaxxer who gave some zest to the first round of Democratic debates. … Joe Concha has more (via The Hill): Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang claimed his microphone was "not on" a few times … when he attempted to jump in during Thursday night's Democratic debate in Miami.…
Why Is the Left Trying to Decriminalize Crime?
– For two nights in June, we got our first glimpse of 20 Democratic candidates who are vowing to make Donald Trump a one-term president … Just because most presidential candidates won’t admit to being a Socialist like Bernie Sanders doesn’t mean they don’t agree with every…
Mark Levin: 2020 Democrats Are Copying Stalin's Platform
– Based on the first two debates, the Democratic Party is running in 2020 on the platform of abortion, open borders, and as, conservative … He then warned that the Democratic Party's 2020 candidates' proposals for bigger government, federal spending, and complete takeover … As for where these potential presidential nominees got their ideas, Levin notes that their plans are nearly identical to communist…
Polls: Biden Dips Overall, But Makes Gains Among Black Voters, After Shaky Debate Performance…s-among-black-voters-after-shaky-debate-performance-n2549236
– The Democratic National Convention is right around the corner in just...54 weeks.   … Harris surges. — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) June 30, 2019Last week’s Democratic presidential debates provided … the first real chance for many of the candidates to shake up the race, and it’s Sen.…
Democratic Debates: No, Not All Women Support Abortion
– The Democratic debates are painting abortion as an issue that all women support. … Seven of the Democratic presidential candidates looking to challenge President Trump in 2020 touched on abortion during last week’s … In response to the debate, Rose commented on Twitter that “It’s so exhausting when Democratic candidates say they speak for all women…
Free Everything
– After two nights of watching the Democrat candidates debate, it's almost comical if it were not so sad how Democratic candidates are … When it comes to college education, Senator Bernie Sanders' proposal puts the other Democrat candidates to shame. … Democratic presidential hopeful Andrew Yang is promoting a universal basic income.…
Jimmy Carter Afflicted With Russian Fever
– At the Democratic Party presidential debates, several of the candidates mentioned Russia as our country’s greatest threat, citing … their attempts to influence the result of the 2016 presidential election. … In effect, it was Russian disinformation that was used to attack a presidential candidate and spy on his campaign.…
The Democrats' 'Ultimate Nightmare Scenario': Trump Loses By 5 Million Votes.... And Still Wins Re-Election…e-nightmare-scenario-trump-loses-by-5-million-votes-n2550342
– When Hillary Clinton officially became a two-time presidential loser in 2016, the Left had a meltdown. … Yet, with 2020 on the horizon, the Democratic clown car is massive. The energy from the Left is at an all-time high. … Over a second presidential loss, there is no telling what liberal America will resort to ensure that the GOP will never win again.…
Presidential Candidates Include Preferred Gender Pronouns In Their Twitter Bios…ude-preferred-gender-pronouns-in-their-twitter-bios-n2550347
– And in the midst of the crowded Democratic presidential primary, some candidates are abiding by this insanity and including gender…
Both Parties Are Misbehaving in Line With Their Historic Character…e-misbehaving-in-line-with-their-historic-character-n2550313
– The Republican president has picked a Twitter fight with four Democratic freshman congresswomen, and the Democratic speaker has chosen … Nevertheless, Democratic presidential candidates seem to disagree with Pelosi's analysis. … These candidates fear attacks from one of the many constituency groups in the Democratic coalition -- or, to put it more precisely,…
The War Over America's Past Is Really About Its Future…e-war-over-americas-past-is-really-about-its-future-n2550201
– Such theater is the street version of what candidates in the Democratic presidential primary have been saying for months. … In their radical progressive view — shared by billionaires from Silicon Valley, recent immigrants, and the new Democratic Party — America…
Sen. John Kennedy Has a Different Name for the 'Squad,' And Trump Is Loving It
– The four progressive, first term congresswomen who are becoming a thorn in the president's and, it turns out, the Democratic establishment's … I’m appalled that so many of our Presidential candidates are falling all over themselves to try to agree with the four horsewomen of…
Despite Democrats' Fearmongering, There’s a Long Precedent for the Citizenship Question…eres--a-long-precedent-for-the-citizenship-question-n2550204
Democratic lawmakers and presidential candidates have shown no shame in politicizing the decennial census.   … The scare tactics of Democratic leaders and would-be presidents do nothing but create racial tension and further divide our country…
Trump Demolishes the 'Squad'
– But Trump’s policies have at various times been supported by Democrats in the past, even by some of the current Democratic presidentialcandidates.…
Skipping the Philly Fanatics at Netroots Nation…17/skipping-the-philly-fanatics-at-netroots-nation-n2550168
– It was extremist enough that only four Democrat presidential contenders dared to show their face there. … candidates. … When you see candidates moving further left to capture that support and win that over, do you see a risk in that?"…
Trump Demolishes The 'Squad'
– But Trump’s policies have at various times been supported by Democrats in the past, even by some of the current Democratic presidentialcandidates.…
How to Miss a Big-Time Political Point
candidates.  … We ought to be talking about the foul-smelling notion, abroad on the Democratic left, that freedom has pretty much had it around here … Trump, master operator as he conceives himself, plans to squash the ultra-left Democratic presidential ticket he hopes will result…
The News Cycle Without Trump's Tweets
– Also last week, Democratic presidential candidates continued their quest to push their party toward the far left. Sen. … Meanwhile, virtually all the major Democratic candidates outside of Biden kept up their drumbeat of criticism of Immigration and Customs … The Democratic Party formed itself into a circular firing squad; the far left was busily reminding Americans that it's not especially…
Mayor Pete Gets Dragged Into The Deep End of Pool on Race Politics…dragged-into-the-deep-end-of-pool-on-race-politics-n2550133
– South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a Democratic candidate for president, got a hefty mislaid dose of the race politics game … It works for national candidates because they are far removed from getting any of the smears on them about local incidents but not … If he is going to have any chance at the Democratic nomination, he's going to have to appeal to some demographic outside his fragile…
Rep. Jordan at Hatch Act Hearing: No One Should Be Surprised Kellyanne Didn't Show Up
– "This about me going on TV and stating facts," she insisted, referring to her statements about 2020 presidential candidates Joe Biden … Another when she criticized the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.…
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