Results for: they are all going to jail

The Truth Behind Illegal Immigration, As Told By A California Native…illegal-immigration-as-told-by-a-california-native-n2471223
– She was going to leave work and get us Starbucks on the way home. … It’s not like he’s going to be driving.” Are you freaking kidding me? I thought, biting my lip. … “He’s going to have to show up in court. He’s facing some really serious and hefty fines.”…
Talk to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller's Corruption…use-his-bully-pulpit-to-expose-muellers-corruption-n2469915
– want him convicted, or are simply too scared to do the job. … These kangaroo court shenanigans are designed to use fear of prosecution to permanently lock out of office anyone the elite disapproves … As I tell my clients as I prepare them for deposition, “You are going to lose this depo.” I am always right.…
Tone-Deaf Democrats Risk Handing Western Pennsylvania to Trump…emocrats-risk-handing-western-pennsylvania-to-trump-n2559052
– "They are spending way too much time listening to elites that sit on their staff or advise them, or worse yet, taking the voters pulse … Biden also pledged in that same speech to eliminate fossil fuel use and put energy executives "in jail" if they do not comply. … The assumption was that those disrupted places were just going to follow the lead of their big-city Democrats because they always showed…
It’s Time to Establish a National Conceal Carry — Now!
– And they are going so far as to give them voting rights and driver's licenses. … They have made it “illegal” for the state to do anything to stop them. And crime is on the rise. … These are the same morons who want to take a perfectly good, hard to get to island – where they now store 7800 or so criminals – close…
How a Krispy Kreme Donut Almost Destroyed a Man's Life
They wanted to search his car. Rushing gave the officers permission to do so as long as he was given a ticket. … They were able to get false positives on 70 percent of them. … There are conservatives who want to reform marijuana laws, mandatory sentencing laws, and other aspects of the legal system that are
In New Hampshire, Trump Supporters are Letting Democrats Know They’re Ready for Them…rs-are-letting-democrats-know-theyre-ready-for-them-n2561033
They don’t want small businesses to exist that’s what it’s all about,” he added. … We all know the liberal media is going to say: opposition to Mayor Pete is based on homophobia. It’s so predictable and untrue. … “Of course, I’m going to vote for Trump. We all do. All cops vote Trump, 99 percent because we want law and order.…
Senators Must Follow Through on FISA Accountability
They knew all about it. The FISA courts should be ashamed of themselves." … I know a lot about what's going on out there to hurt us, and they are real threats, and they are real agents. … And they are really bad actors out there.…
Media Cover Kobe Bryant’s Faith: ‘God Is Great’
– At the time, he said, he was “terrified” of going to jail.  … God’s not going to give you anything you can’t handle, and it’s in his hands now. This is something you can’t control. … “You can know it all you want, but until you have to pick up that cross that you can’t carry and he picks it up for you and carries…
Burn Down the DOJ and Start Over
– You’re a fool to do so – they seek to harm you, so you should protect yourself. … Time to use our power to do justice for those who are victims of injustice. See, the stakes are high. … If we tolerate these injustices, we won’t have one, and the bad guys are not going to like what happens next.…
James Carville Is Right: Democrats Should Be Panicking
– "They don't want to hear this s---. ... It's just not a winning message." … Well, where else are those voters going to go? But 2016 was a watershed year for Democrats. … More to the point, Trump voters (including a lot of converts to the cause) are fiercely loyal.…
Trump Derangement Syndrome Fuels Liberal Hypocrisy
– Do you think he’d arrest them tomorrow and throw them in jail to silence them? … sentence recommendation was going to be, so they were taken aback by the request for a term longer than the average for rape, assault … Nothing they cheered or ignored exists when they find it politically convenient to take the opposite position to attack the president…
EXCLUSIVE: What Happened In the Roger Stone Case? 'Prosecutorial Misconduct' Says Defense Lawyer…e-case-prosecutorial-misconduct-says-defense-lawyer-n2561231
– "I think they knew exactly what was going to happen when they filed that sentencing recommendation, expecting they will be reined in … Or, they did it because they were going rogue, and they didn't care what their supervisors thought. … Remember how they raided the 68-year-old's home to arrest him? They did the same thing to Kesari.…
Whatever You Think About Roger Stone, America's Criminal Justice System Needs A Major Overhaul…icas-criminal-justice-system-needs-a-major-overhaul-n2561768
– There are many factors that contribute to this, not the least of which are overcriminalization, the sharp difference between sentencing … Everyone knows that if the feds get involved, there’s going to be some hefty time served, not to mention an almost 100 percent chance … A workable solution could be to imprison, for long periods of time, those who demonstrably are a clear and present danger to society…
Wow: Nissan Executive Had to Flee Japan for a Specific Reason…has-something-to-do-with-its-insane-conviction-rate-n2562966
– was going to get a fair trial. … The reasoning and impulses which led to a crime must be proved in a court; they are a crucial factor in determining a convicted criminal's … Few judges are willing to deliver an innocent verdict.…
Trump Proposes Giving Every American $1,000 A Month
– There were times it looked as if the market was going to collapse before finally seducing some sideline money off the sidelines.  … People were looking for folks to go to jail; instead, taxpayer funds made sure private jet fuel never missed a payment. … Now, they want to get a $50.0 billion injection of cash. That number dwarfs their $15.0 billion 9-11 bailout.…
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Issues Stay-at-Home Order To Curb Wuhan Coronavirus Spread…ralph-northam-expected-to-issue-stay-at-home-order-n2565991
– State parks will remain open and going outdoors will also be allowed as long as you keep gatherings fewer than 10 people or are six … We are set to hear from the Gov. at 2. … It will probably give police the power to enforce the order, which will probably come with a fine and jail time, though the former…
The Death of Death Culture, Or Just a Hiatus?
– Jack Kervorkian the ability to prescribe lethal narcotics to patients with illnesses for which there are no medical cures. … "Look, the first thing for all of us to understand is that we actually have some -- some choices to make about how we want to deal … Those five years were invaluable to a family, but to the government they were too expensive. …
Wisconsin Gov Decides What's 'Essential'
– “Other families in (the Intensive Care Unit) are going through the same ordeal, cancer patients are going through this ordeal,” said … Therefore, “All individuals present within the State of Wisconsin are ordered to stay at home or at their place of residence” between … ,” are required to “cease all activities.”…
Missouri Man Charged with Making a 'Terrorist Threat' After Licking Items at a Walmart…terrorist-threats-after-licking-items-at-a-walmart-n2565679
– BREAKING:When it comes to our future with COVID19....we are DOOMED!RT! … Pfister also uploaded the video to his TikTok account. … He's going away for a long time.Here's his mugshot.…
Prisons are Releasing the Wrong Types of Criminals in Effort to Combat Coronavirus…types-of-criminals-in-effort-to-combat-coronavirus-n2566394
They are kept in open, close quarters that are conducive to spreading the coronavirus. … This is ostensibly to avoid creating panic. But the inmates already know what’s going on, they watch the news. … Does Barr realize they are ignoring his directive? How many have to die first?  …
Top 5 Most Absurd, Draconian Suggestions Made During a National Crisis
– There is no argument that social distancing and following guidelines for self-isolation are helping to "flatten the curve" of the … Banning of alcohol  As more people are confined to their homes and stressed with job loss, uncertain futures, and boredom, alcohol … ;Out for a drive due to boredomReturning from partiesMultiple people from the same household going to the shops for non-essential items…
President Trump Is The Most Pro-Woman President In History
They have promised to steal our healthcare and give it to illegal immigrants. … They have promised to eliminate our family’s educational freedom. They have promised to confiscate our guns. … They have promised to open our borders, release prisoners from jail, legalize drugs, undermine our elections, sexualize our children…
5 Gun Control Appetizer Laws in Virginia, Interview With 'Freedom Freitas'…zer-laws-in-virginia-interview-with-freedom-freitas-n2566727
– So five magazines equals up to five years in jail. … MM: Are you aware of any Second Amendment advocacy groups that plan to file suit? What legal basis will they be arguing? … One Handgun a month has already been successfully challenged, and there are going to be more challenges against so called ‘Red Flag…
'We Have to Get Back to Work': Restaurant Owner Opens for Business Amid Stay-at-Home Order
– with hospital beds and whatnot, so we were doing our part there to make sure that they were all safe until we felt that it was safe … to open and when I say our employees are in bad shape, you know, I could tell you story after story. … They are sinking the economy. We have to stand our ground and get people back to work."…
What to Do About China And Its American Lackeys
– missile systems to take out our carriers), to steal our tech (weird how all their jets look just like ours), and to dominate in space … Virtue signaling one’s feelz isn’t going to win wars.  … All spies should be subject to lengthy prison sentences. This nonsense about just a year or two in jail needs to end.…
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