Results for: is the us at war with iran

The Sea Island Conspiracy
– What we see at Sea Island is that, despite all their babble about bringing the blessings of "democracy" to the world's benighted, AEI … What the co-conspirators of Sea Island were up at the Cloisters was about as religious as what the Bolsheviks at that girls school … What about the "deep state" that rules us, of which we caught a glimpse at Sea Island?…
Middle East Political Analyst: Iran Deal Has ‘Hurt America’s Image as a Superpower’…l-was-negotiated-out-of-incompetence-and-complicity-n2135891
– That brings us to the White House's nuclear deal with Iran.  … that the nation is even making a statue about the incident. … “The deal itself is seen as a multiple failure,” he said. “The nuclear aspect is one.…
Obama's Dollar Deal
– Second, killing – at whatever pace – is a tactic, not a strategy. … Recently, for the first time ever, the US Justice Department charged state-sponsored individuals – seven Iranians – with hacking to … Obama sees the Iran deal as an important part of his legacy.…
How Marco Mishandled Trump
– It may have been necessary for Marco to mix it up with the Donald, but you cannot go into the sewer with him. … The tragedy of Marco’s failed campaign is that he did not focus on the existential danger of putting nuclear weapons in the hands of … This is because of President Obama’s fatally flawed nuclear deal with Iran.…
Response to 9/11 Victims Claims Reflects an Impending Shift in the U.S.-Saudi Relationship…ects-an-impending-shift-in-the-ussaudi-relationship-n2153527
– And that brings us to perhaps the most contentious recent development in the U.S.-Saudi relationship. … Unlike Iran or Cuba, Saudi Arabia is not designated as a state-sponsor of terror and does not currently fall under the exception to … The notion of collecting damages from Saudi Arabia resonates deeply with the survivors of the terrorist attacks.…
Why It's Too Late to Scrap the Iran Deal
– "My No. 1 priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran," Donald Trump says. … But at this point, they're obsolete. The question is no longer whether the deal should have been done. … The next president will retain the option of last resort in dealing with Iran: a pre-emptive attack on its nuclear sites.…
The Decline of American Regard
– act of war against the United States. … There is no such thing as a nuclear agreement with Iran -- they are not signatories of anything. … The acquisition of the latter, with their new found economic boon, is a game changer for any potential operations against a nuclear…
Administration Dragging Its Feet on 28 Pages/Jasta
– JASTA, the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, is designed to allow families and victims of terrorist attacks against US citizens … The American people are a balanced people and can be trusted with the truth, whatever it is. … At home and abroad, the war continues.…
Random Thoughts: 2016 Elections
– Random thoughts on the passing scene: One of the problems with being a pessimist is that you can never celebrate when you are proven … One of history's painful ironies is how often people on the brink of disaster have been preoccupied with trivialities. … With a nuclear Iran with intercontinental missiles looming on the horizon, our intelligentsia are preoccupied with calling achievements…
The End of Holocaust Remembrance
The essence of the Final Solution is that it was to be final. … The unexampled virulence of antisemitism, a hatred older than and different from any other in human history, is at the heart of what … the Holocaust is about — that, and the role of the Jews as the canary in the mine of civilization.…
Here’s Their Signs
– for ‘open bathrooms’ the first rounds in theWar on Women” have clearly been fired by the Democrats, not the Republican Party!   … If you believe that the Islamic Republic of Iran has any intention of abiding by the nuclear agreement they “negotiated” with the United … Along with the “Traitor” sign he got back during the Vietnam War.…
The Talk Around Town Has Become Deafening
– I live in a fairly small community, and even here, the conversation on the metaphorical town square is a cacophony. … Christians and their antiquated religion must be brought to heel and the great moral philosophers that gave us Beyonce at halftime … ; Kim Jong-Un is testing missiles; billions of US dollars are being spent to rebuild Middle-Eastern mosques; despite all the talk of…
Ben Rhodes Spins Climate Change
The notion that a warmer world with more atmospheric CO2 will bring crop failures and famines is sheer delusion. … technologies, that give us the greatest advantages mankind has ever enjoyed – to survive, adapt to and deal with climate changes and … ” to have, would put all of us at the mercy of their unaccountable whims, ideologies and fraudulent science.…
Obama's Boy Wonder
– To sell the Iran deal -- which Mr. … Rhodes says of the deal’s opponents. That, at least, is no lie. … Here is my one quibble with Mr. Samuels: Mr. Rhodes and President Obama actually lost the argument.…
National Security Policies of the Next Commander-in-Chief
– in war, but war is interested in you.” … For example he emphasized that “we’re going to be working very closely with our allies in the Muslim world, all of which are at risk … Which candidate is better equipped to deal with this threat?…
Is Scarborough Shoal Worth a War?
– Indeed, the rise of Duterte is yet another argument that, when Manila booted us out of Subic Bay at the Cold War's end, we should have … So, the fat is in the fire. … Vietnam, too, has a quarrel with China over the Paracels, which is why President Obama is being feted in Hanoi and why he lifted the
EgyptAir's Fate and Ours
The terrorists would be delighted if young men in the Paris suburbs and Dearborn, Michigan, became convinced that the U.S. is at war … of the putative president is irrelevant in Iran, which is controlled by the supreme leader. … The incoherent Donald Trump has thundered against the Iran deal on some days and declared that the U.S. must "stick with agreements…
Adopt Reagan’s Policy: “We Win, They Lose”
With tactics reminiscent of Vietnam, they would destroy the Republican Party – along with the country – in order to save it. … Reagan spoke over the heads of the media to reach the American people. Trump is steamrolling over. … And with Republicans running Congress for most of the last two decades, government is bigger than ever.…
The Flying Killer Robots and Psychological Warfare
– Given that war accelerates history and the Islamic world is incapable of producing the cell phones on which its Islamists plot to kill … Why would the Iranians, our supposed new allies, our partners in nuclear non-proliferation, allow a terrorist leader, at war with the … He is seated at his desk in the complete safety of an air-conditioned office, perhaps on the other side of the planet, able to kill…
Obama on Orlando: It's All About the Guns
The shooter was apparently armed with a handgun and a powerful assault rifle. … But a Muslim cleric appeared at the press conference and proceeded to tell us to refrain from "rushing to judgment." … Was he a repressed homosexual, feeling at war with his anti-gay religious views?…
Interview With Donald Trump
– DT: What I want to do with entitlements is to stop the fraud, waste and abuse. I want to make the programs very strong. … I think that is one of the reasons I'm going to do well with the African-Americans and Hispanics. … , Iran is taking over Iraq.…
Millennials and National Security in the 21st Century
– Even with the incredible advantage modern information technology provides, there is still an abject ignorance of the reality of these … Thewar weariness” theme is promulgated by the media at a time when these threats are growing in strength and effect. … Is it that the nanny-state, which has enticed Millennials with the message of “free” education, health care, etc., wants to dictate…
From ‘Never Trump’ to ‘Maybe Trump’
– I believe that if Hillary Clinton is elected, America is done, the U.S. … We’ve had decades of the Clintons to establish beyond any reasonable doubt that this woman is not only the most corrupt elitist to … Trump, “Franklin Graham encouraged us to look at biblical leaders like Abraham, Moses, David and the apostles to recognize all of them…
Trolling for War with Russia
– Was not waging aggressive war the principal charge against the Nazis at Nuremberg? … Vladimir Putin's support for the embattled Syrian regime in the civil war being waged against it is legal under international law. … Not only is Steinmeier's Social Democratic Party leery of any new Cold War with Russia, so, too, is the German Left Party, and the
A ‘Gay’ Muslim Democrat Walks Into a Bar…
– In the wake of the Orlando ISIS bloodbath, the rational world now gazes through the looking glass, jaws agape, into the up-is-down … This is due to the fact that orthodox Christians, who are spiritually imbued with the love of Christ, are perceived as soft targets … Truth is the enemy of “progressivism,” just as Truth is the enemy of Islam. They each derive from the same antichrist spirit.…
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