Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Here's a List of Democrat Presidential Candidates Who Want to Abolish the Electoral College…andidates-who-want-to-abolish-the-electoral-college-n2543441
– The debate over the abolishment of the electoral college reached a fever pitch this week as a number of Democrat presidential candidates … Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren:  2020 Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren calls for abolishing the Electoral … Other candidates haven't been directly asked about the issue, but when they are, this list will be updated.…
Every Democrat Running (or Considering a Run) for President in 2020
– Over a dozen Democrats have already declared themselves 2020 presidential candidates, and we've been following each one closely. … Declared Candidates Joe Biden Former vice president of the United States (2008-2016) The core values of this nation… our standing … But bolstered by online supporters known as the #YangGang, he's on the rise.And he's likely to be on stage at the first Democratic
Beto: 'I Think There’s a Lot of Wisdom' in Abolishing Electoral College…res-a-lot-of-wisdom-in-abolishing-electoral-college-n2543382
presidential candidates, with Sen. … Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) saying Monday that the nation should move to a national popular vote for presidential elections. 2020 Democraticpresidential candidate Elizabeth Warren calls for abolishing the Electoral College and moving to a national popular vote: “Every vote…
Gun Control Goes Stealth
– The contestants for the Democratic presidential nomination have been remarkably silent on the issue of the Second Amendment. … This time the Democratic presidential candidates are lying low on the issue of gun control until after the presidential election. … Multiple Democratic presidential contenders, from Elizabeth Warren to Beto O’Rourke, are open to the idea.…
A Coming Attack on Freedom of Speech?
– You may not have heard of Andrew Yang yet, but he is a Democratic presidential candidate. … Yang's campaign already has more than 65,000 contributors, the minimum threshold the Democratic Party has set for the maximum of 20 … candidates who will be allowed to participate in the first presidential debates scheduled for June and July.…
Pols Not Telling You About Dangers of Legalizing Weed
– Too bad most Democratic presidential candidates are making legalization a litmus test for racial justice, rather than taking a balanced…
Beto-mania a Prime Example of Our Cult-of-Personality Politics…a-a-prime-example-of-our-cultofpersonality-politics-n2543363
– Sanders has been a thorn in the Democratic Party's side for decades. … Kennedy is an interesting play on the time-tested effort by Democratic candidates to claim the Kennedy mantle, though usually it's … Then again, it makes sense given that RFK moved left of JFK -- and so has the Democratic Party.…
'Occupy Wall Street' Gets Their Candidate Years Later As Bernie Sanders Hires Far-Left Writer As Senior Adviser…gets-their-candidate-years-later-in-bernie-sanders-n2543400
– The Atlantic's Edward-Isaac Dovere reported today that Democratic Socialist and 2020 hopeful Sen. … It seems that "policy" is Democratic Socialism. … Far more than a political commentator secretly consulting with a presidential campaign, it should alarm every American that a presidential
'We Are Screwed,' Beto O'Rourke Jumps on Tables and Embraces Far-Left Talking Points in PA Speech…es-and-embraces-farleft-talking-points-in-pa-speech-n2543389
– Former Texas Congressman, failed Senate candidate and now Presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke paid a visit to Central Pennsylvania … seeking a viable shot at the Democratic nomination will inevitably have to succumb to, O’Rourke welcomed the common left-wing talking … the fight for the Keystone State in the Democratic Primary.…
Obama's Former Campaign Manager: Eliminating the Electoral College Isn't Going to Happen…nager-no-were-not-eliminating-the-electoral-college-n2543378
– In recent days and weeks, a number of 2020 Democrat presidential candidates have lobbied for the idea.  … that happen is getting rid of the Electoral College. — Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) March 19, 20192020 Democraticpresidential candidate Elizabeth Warren calls for abolishing the Electoral College and moving to a national popular vote: “Every vote…
The Democrats Can Block a News Network from Hosting a Debate, But Not the Truth About Their Radical Agenda…debate-but-not-the-truth-about-their-radical-agenda-n2543396
– Democrats certainly have thin skin — they proved it with their decision to block Fox News from hosting one of their 12 upcoming presidential … According to recent reports, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) barred the network from hosting Democratic debates in 2020, claiming … Newt Gingrich, a Republican, served as House speaker from 1995 to 1999 and ran as a presidential candidate in 2012.…
A Student Asked 'Beto' O'Rourke if He Will Release His List of Donors. Here's What He Said...…will-release-his-list-of-donors-heres-what-he-said-n2543384
– 2020 presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O'Rourke was asked by a student when he will release his list of donors as well … In a single day, O'Rourke obtained over $6 million for his presidential race, beating all of his other Democratic rivals. … These “bundlers” are usually given benefits from their candidates if they win an election, often in the form of political favors. …
Destroying Norms: After Losing to Trump, Democrats Want to Pack the Courts and Change the Rules
– Let's begin with the astonishing fact that multiple Democratic presidential candidates are now openly indulging various Supreme Court-packing … standard passionately advocated by prominent Democrats during recent presidencies, and (c) came in response to decades of unilateral Democratic … when candidate Donald Trump outrageously refused to pledge to accept the 2016 election results is now celebrating and glorifying candidates
Why Are We Shocked? Tomahawk Liz Favors Scalping The Electoral College…rren-is-pushing-this-for-electing-future-presidents-n2543337
– So, it was Tomahawk Liz’s turn last night, where she said this about the Electoral College (via The Hill): 2020 Democratic presidential … Warren added that she wanted to push the message in Mississippi because, during a general election, "candidates don't come to places … And while I more or less favor the current system, because we’ve had the winner of a presidential race win the Electoral College but…
The Democrats' $100 Trillion Agenda Could Easily Tilt the Nation…ts-100-trillion-agenda-could-easily-tilt-the-nation-n2543324
– At least four presidential candidates have endorsed some or all of that agenda. … Kamala Harris of California, a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination. … Bernie Sanders and other leaders of the Democratic Party reaches well north of $100 trillion.…
Beto Launches Campaign Tour With Visits to the Rustbelt, Pennsylvania…paign-tour-with-visits-to-the-rustbelt-pennsylvania-n2543305
– The Democratic primary, encompassed by a wide field of presidential hopefuls, is in full swing. … Former Congressman and Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke is wasting no time in his quest for the highly-coveted Democratic nomination … O’Rourke’s Pennsylvania visit will mark the first for 2020 candidates, and will strategically include a meet and greet with college…
LOL: Jimmy Fallon Mocks Beto's 2020 Run
– So much so that it's become a running gag about the newly declared 2020 Democratic candidate. … "So look, are there more experienced candidates out there with clearer policy ideas? Sure." The video ends there. … That's more than any other Democratic candidate so far.…
Journalism: Reuters Reporter Agreed to Withhold Anti-Beto Information Until Texas Senate Race Was Over…to-information-until-after-his-senate-race-was-over-n2543257
– Shortly after Beto O'Rourke announced his 2020 presidential campaign, Reuters broke a fairly shocking news story about the former … Democratic Congressman.   … Sanders quadrupled her, serving notice to the other candidates that his base from 2016 was still intact and raring to go.…
Bill Maher Diagnoses The Democratic Party's Problem With Fox And It's Spot On…the-dnc-for-running-away-from-fox-news-tough-questi-n2543244
– During his Friday night show, HBO Host Bill Maher slammed the Democratic National Committee's decision to bar Fox News from hosting … a 2020 presidential debate. … to DNC Chairman Tom Perez, the decision was made because Fox "is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates
Senate Dem Completely Dismisses Beto's 2020 Bid
– Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) completely dismissed Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s entry into the crowded Democratic field Thursday as “just one … Bring him in and it will be an interesting primary fight,” @SenSherrodBrown says about Beto O’Rourke launching 2020 presidential bid … candidates.…
Two Cheers for Trump's Five Boroughs Philosophy
– Viewers of Fox News who would like to watch future Democratic presidential candidates’ debates know this. …
Beto Announces 2020 Run
– The El Paso Democrat’s entrance into the race adds a rising political star to the increasingly crowded field of Democratic hopefuls … Unlike other presidential candidates who had mulled White House bids for months or even years before announcing their campaigns, O’ … Rourke only began being floated as a possible presidential contender after losing his Senate race against Cruz in November.…
Why Socialism Fails
– Socialist policies, in one form or another, are part of the platforms of some of the announced Democratic presidential candidates, … especially Democratic socialist Sen.…
Pelosi Drops Bombs: 'Medicare for All' Would Be Worse Than the Current System -- Plus, 'How Do You Pay For That'?…ps-the-bomb-on-single-payer-how-do-you-pay-for-that-n2542994
– It's clear that the Speaker is not interested in parroting certain presidential candidates' breezy talking points about "costs" being … Some Democratic politicians understand this, others do not, and still others are aware of the math, but are still willing to pander … Hoyer: “We’ve got 62 new (Democratic) members. Not three” — Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) March 11, 2019 Double damn.…
Democrats Are Trying to Get Revenge on Mitch McConnell With This SCOTUS Proposal…r-suggests-dems-propose-expanding-the-supreme-court-n2542975
– "We should be talking even about expanding the number of people who serve on the Supreme Court, if there is a Democratic President … Not according to a few 2020 presidential candidates. Both Sen. … He said he finds “most intriguing” a structure in which five justices are appointed by Democratic presidents, five are appointed by…
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